
Graeme Hirst

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39EEL. Amber Wilcox-O'Hearn, Graeme Hirst, Alexander Budanitsky: Real-Word Spelling Correction with Trigrams: A Reconsideration of the Mays, Damerau, and Mercer Model. CICLing 2008: 605-616
38EESaif Mohammad, Bonnie J. Dorr, Graeme Hirst: Computing Word-Pair Antonymy. EMNLP 2008: 982-991
37EEGraeme Hirst: The Future of Text-Meaning in Computational Linguistics. TSD 2008: 3-11
36EEOlga Feiguina, Graeme Hirst: Authorship Attribution for Small Texts: Literary and Forensic Experiments. PAN 2007
35EESaif Mohammad, Graeme Hirst: Determining Word Sense Dominance Using a Thesaurus. EACL 2006
34EEAlexander Budanitsky, Graeme Hirst: Evaluating WordNet-based Measures of Lexical Semantic Relatedness. Computational Linguistics 32(1): 13-47 (2006)
33EEDiana Zaiu Inkpen, Graeme Hirst: Building and Using a Lexical Knowledge Base of Near-Synonym Differences. Computational Linguistics 32(2): 223-262 (2006)
32EEJianhua Li, Graeme Hirst: Semantic knowledge in word completion. ASSETS 2005: 121-128
31 Graeme Hirst: Ontology and the Lexicon. Handbook on Ontologies 2004: 209-230
30EEDiana Zaiu Inkpen, Graeme Hirst: Automatic Sense Disambiguation of the Near-Synonyms in a Dictionary Entry. CICLing 2003: 258-267
29EEGraeme Hirst: Introduction to Non-Statistical Natural Language Processing. HLT-NAACL 2003
28 Diana Zaiu Inkpen, Graeme Hirst: Near-synonym choice in natural language generation. RANLP 2003: 141-152
27 Philip Edmonds, Graeme Hirst: Near-Synonymy and Lexical Choice. Computational Linguistics 28(2): 105-144 (2002)
26EEDiana Zaiu Inkpen, Graeme Hirst: Experiments on Extracting Knowledge from a Machine-Readable Dictionary of Synonym Differences (Invited Talk). CICLing 2001: 265-280
25EEGraeme Hirst: Context as a Spurious Concept CoRR cmp-lg/9712003: (1997)
24 Daniel Marcu, Graeme Hirst: A Formal and Computational Characterization of Pragmatic Infelicities. ECAI 1996: 587-591
23 Janyce Wiebe, Graeme Hirst, Diane Horton: Language Use in Context. Commun. ACM 39(1): 102-111 (1996)
22 Daniel Marcu, Graeme Hirst: A Uniform Treatment of Pragmatic Inferences in Simple and Complex Utterances and Sequences of Utterances. ACL 1995: 144-150
21EEPeter A. Heeman, Graeme Hirst: Collaborating on Referring Expressions CoRR cmp-lg/9504003: (1995)
20EEDaniel Marcu, Graeme Hirst: A Uniform Treatment of Pragmatic Inferences in Simple and Complex Utterances and Sequences of Utterances CoRR cmp-lg/9504017: (1995)
19EEDaniel Marcu, Graeme Hirst: An Implemented Formalism for Computing Linguistic Presuppositions and Existential Commitments CoRR cmp-lg/9504018: (1995)
18 Peter A. Heeman, Graeme Hirst: Collaborating on Referring Expressions. Computational Linguistics 21(3): 351-382 (1995)
17 Susan Weber McRoy, Graeme Hirst: The Repair of Speech Act Misunderstandings by Abductive Inference. Computational Linguistics 21(4): 435-478 (1995)
16EESusan McRoy, Graeme Hirst: Abductive Explanation of Dialogue Misunderstandings. EACL 1993: 277-286
15 Chrysanne DiMarco, Graeme Hirst: A Computational Theory of Goal-Directed Style in Syntax. Computational Linguistics 19(3): 451-499 (1993)
14 Graeme Hirst: Existence Assumptions in Knowledge Representation. Artif. Intell. 49(1-3): 199-242 (1991)
13 Jane Morris, Graeme Hirst: Lexical Cohesion Computed by Thesaural Relations as an Indicator of the Structure of Text. Computational Linguistics 17(1): 21-48 (1991)
12 Daniel Lyons, Graeme Hirst: A Compositional Semantics for Focusing Subjuncts. ACL 1990: 54-61
11 Susan Weber McRoy, Graeme Hirst: Race-Based Parsing and Syntactic Disambiguation. Cognitive Science 14(3): 313-353 (1990)
10 Stephen Regoczei, Graeme Hirst: The Meaning Triangle as a Tool for the Acquisition of Abstract, Conceptual Knowledge. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 33(5): 505-520 (1990)
9 Graeme Hirst: Ontological Assumptions in Knowledge Representation. KR 1989: 157-169
8 Graeme Hirst: Knowledge Representation Problems for Natural Language. ÖGAI 1988: 1-2
7 Chrysanne DiMarco, Graeme Hirst: Stylistic grammars in language translation. COLING 1988: 148-153
6 Diane Horton, Graeme Hirst: Presuppositions as beliefs. COLING 1988: 255-260
5 Graeme Hirst: Semantic Interpretation and Ambiguity. Artif. Intell. 34(2): 131-177 (1988)
4 Graeme Hirst: A Semantic Process for Syntactic Disambiguation. AAAI 1984: 148-152
3 Graeme Hirst, Eugene Charniak: Word Sense and Case Slot Disambiguation. AAAI 1982: 95-98
2 Graeme Hirst: Anaphora in Natural Language Understanding: A Survey Springer 1981
1 Graeme Hirst: Discourse-Oriented Anaphora Resolution in Natural Language Understanding: A Review. American Journal of Computational Linguistics 7(2): 85-98 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Alexander Budanitsky [34] [39]
2Eugene Charniak [3]
3Chrysanne DiMarco [7] [15]
4Bonnie J. Dorr [38]
5Philip Edmonds [27]
6Olga Feiguina [36]
7Peter A. Heeman [18] [21]
8Diane Horton [6] [23]
9Diana Zaiu Inkpen [26] [28] [30] [33]
10Jianhua Li [32]
11Daniel Lyons [12]
12Daniel Marcu [19] [20] [22] [24]
13Susan McRoy (Susan Weber McRoy) [11] [16] [17]
14Saif Mohammad [35] [38]
15Jane Morris [13]
16Stephen Regoczei [10]
17Janyce Wiebe [23]
18L. Amber Wilcox-O'Hearn [39]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)