
Kiril Ivanov Simov

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15EELothar Lemnitzer, Eelco Mossel, Kiril Ivanov Simov, Petya Osenova, Paola Monachesi: Using a Domain-Ontology and Semantic Search in an E-Learning Environment. Innovative Techniques in Instruction Technology, E-learning, E-assessment, and Education 2008: 279-284
14EECristina Vertan, Kiril Ivanov Simov, Petya Osenova, Lothar Lemnitzer, Alex Killing, Diane Evans, Paola Monachesi: Crosslingual Retrieval in an eLearning Environment. AI*IA 2007: 839-847
13EELothar Lemnitzer, Cristina Vertan, Alex Killing, Kiril Ivanov Simov, Diane Evans, Dan Cristea, Paola Monachesi: Improving the Search for Learning Objects with Keywords and Ontologies. EC-TEL 2007: 202-216
12EEPaola Monachesi, Lothar Lemnitzer, Kiril Ivanov Simov: Language Technology for eLearning. EC-TEL 2006: 667-672
11EEHristo Tanev, Milen Kouylekov, Bernardo Magnini, Matteo Negri, Kiril Ivanov Simov: Exploiting Linguistic Indices and Syntactic Structures for Multilingual Question Answering: ITC-irst at CLEF 2005. CLEF 2005: 390-399
10EEKiril Ivanov Simov, Petya Osenova: BulQA: Bulgarian-Bulgarian Question Answering at CLEF 2005. CLEF 2005: 517-526
9EEBernardo Magnini, Alessandro Vallin, Christelle Ayache, Gregor Erbach, Anselmo Peñas, Maarten de Rijke, Paulo Rocha, Kiril Ivanov Simov, Richard F. E. Sutcliffe: Overview of the CLEF 2004 Multilingual Question Answering Track. CLEF 2004: 371-391
8EEPetya Osenova, Alexander Simov, Kiril Ivanov Simov, Hristo Tanev, Milen Kouylekov: Bulgarian-English Question Answering: Adaptation of Language Resources. CLEF 2004: 458-469
7EEKiril Ivanov Simov, Alexander Simov, Milen Kouylekov, Krasimira Ivanova, Ilko Grigorov, Hristo Ganev: Development of Corpora within the CLaRK System: The BulTreeBank Project Experience. EACL 2003: 243-246
6 Kiril Ivanov Simov: HPSG-based annotation scheme for corpora development and parsing evaluation. RANLP 2003: 327-336
5EEAtanas Kiryakov, Kiril Ivanov Simov, Marin Dimitrov: OntoMap: portal for upper-level ontologies. FOIS 2001: 47-58
4 Paul John King, Kiril Ivanov Simov, Bjørn Aldag: The Complexity of Modellability in Finite and Computable Signatures of a Constraint Logic for Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 8(1): 83-110 (1999)
3 Paul John King, Kiril Ivanov Simov: The Automatic Deduction of Classificatory Systems from Linguistic Theories. Grammars 1(2): 103-153 (1998)
2EEPaul John King, Kiril Ivanov Simov: The Automatic Deduction of Classificatory Systems from Linguistic Theories (Abridged). LACL 1996: 248-273
1 Kiril Ivanov Simov, Galia Angelova, Elena Paskaleva: MORPHO-ASSISTANT: The Proper Treatment of Morphological Knowledge. COLING 1990: 455-457

Coauthor Index

1Bjørn Aldag [4]
2Galia Angelova [1]
3Christelle Ayache [9]
4Dan Cristea [13]
5Marin Dimitrov [5]
6Gregor Erbach [9]
7Diane Evans [13] [14]
8Hristo Ganev [7]
9Ilko Grigorov [7]
10Krasimira Ivanova [7]
11Alex Killing [13] [14]
12Paul John King [2] [3] [4]
13Atanas Kiryakov [5]
14Milen Kouylekov [7] [8] [11]
15Lothar Lemnitzer [12] [13] [14] [15]
16Bernardo Magnini [9] [11]
17Paola Monachesi [12] [13] [14] [15]
18Eelco Mossel [15]
19Matteo Negri [11]
20Petya Osenova [8] [10] [14] [15]
21Elena Paskaleva [1]
22Anselmo Peñas [9]
23Maarten de Rijke [9]
24Paulo Rocha [9]
25Alexander Simov [7] [8]
26Richard F. E. Sutcliffe [9]
27Hristo Tanev [8] [11]
28Alessandro Vallin [9]
29Cristina Vertan [13] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)