
Sebastian van Delden

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11EESebastian van Delden: Constructing a Simple Visually-Guided Robotic Part-Grasping System with Off-the-Shelf Components. ICTAI 2006: 211-215
10EESebastian van Delden, Fernando Gomez: Improving Inter-level Communication in Cascaded Finite-State Partial Parsers. FSMNLP 2005: 259-270
9EESebastian van Delden: Simple But Useful Algorithms for Identifying Noun Phrase Complements of Embedded Clauses in a Partial Parse. NLDB 2005: 357-360
8 Sebastian van Delden, David B. Bracewell, Fernando Gomez: Supervised and Unsupervised Automatic Spelling Correction Algorithms. IRI 2004: 530-535
7EESebastian van Delden, Fernando Gomez: Retrieving NASA problem reports: a case study in natural language information retrieval. Data Knowl. Eng. 48(2): 231-246 (2004)
6EESebastian van Delden, Fernando Gomez: A Finite State Comma Tagger. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 13(3): 449-468 (2004)
5 Sebastian van Delden, Fernando Gomez: Cascaded finite-state partial parsing: A larger-first approach. RANLP 2003: 217-226
4 Sebastian van Delden, Fernando Gomez: Extending a Finite State Approach for Parsing Commas in English to Dutch. CLIN 2002: 25-38
3EESebastian van Delden, Fernando Gomez: Combining Finite State Automata and a Greedy Learning Algorithm to Determine the Syntactic Roles of Commas. ICTAI 2002: 293-300
2EESebastian van Delden: A Hybrid Approach to Pre-Conjunct Identification. Language Engineering Conference 2002: 72
1EESebastian van Delden, Fernando Gomez: Retrieving NASA Problem Reports with Natural Language. NLDB 2002: 150-159

Coauthor Index

1David B. Bracewell [8]
2Fernando Gomez [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)