
Akira Kanda

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10EEPeter Apostoli, Akira Kanda: Proximity Spaces of Exact Sets. RSFDGrC (1) 2005: 94-103
9EEPeter Apostoli, Akira Kanda, Lech Polkowski: First Steps Towards Computably-Infinite Information Systems. T. Rough Sets: 151-188 (2004)
8EEPeter Apostoli, Akira Kanda: Upper and Lower Recursion Schemes in Abstract Approximation Spaces. RSFDGrC 2003: 205-212
7EEPeter Apostoli, Akira Kanda: Approximation Spaces of Type-Free Sets. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing 2000: 98-105
6 Akira Kanda: Acceptable Numerations of Morphisms and Myhill-Shepherdson Property. Math. Log. Q. 41: 39-48 (1995)
5 Akira Kanda: Retracts of Numerations. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 42(3): 225-242 (1989)
4 Akira Kanda: Constructive Category Theory (No. 1). MFCS 1981: 563-577
3 Akira Kanda: Fully Effective Solutions of Recursive Domain Equations. MFCS 1979: 326-336
2 Akira Kanda, David Michael Ritchie Park: When are two Effectively given Domains Identical?. Theoretical Computer Science 1979: 170-181
1 Akira Kanda: Data Types as Initial Algebras: A unification of Scottery and ADJery (Extended Abstract) FOCS 1978: 221-230

Coauthor Index

1Peter Apostoli [7] [8] [9] [10]
2David Michael Ritchie Park [2]
3Lech Polkowski [9]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)