7. ISMIR 2006:
ISMIR 2006, 7th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, Victoria, Canada, 8-12 October 2006, Proceedings.
2006 BibTeX
- Catherine Lai, Ichiro Fujinaga:
Data Dictionary: Metadata for Phonograph Records.
1-6 BibTeX
- Daniel McEnnis, Cory McKay, Ichiro Fujinaga:
Overview of OMEN.
7-12 BibTeX
- Jenn Riley, Constance A. Mayer:
Ask a Librarian: The Role of Librarians in the Music Information Retrieval Community.
13-18 BibTeX
- Xiao Hu, J. Stephen Downie, Andreas F. Ehmann:
Exploiting Recommended Usage Metadata: Exploratory Analyses.
19-22 BibTeX
- Jarno Seppänen, Antti J. Eronen, Jarmo Hiipakka:
Joint Beat & Tatum Tracking from Music Signals.
23-28 BibTeX
- Nick Whiteley, Ali Taylan Cemgil, Simon J. Godsill:
Bayesian Modelling of Temporal Structure in Musical Audio.
29-34 BibTeX
- Frank Kurth, Thorsten Gehrmann, Meinard Müller:
The Cyclic Beat Spectrum: Tempo-Related Audio Features for Time-Scale Invariant Audio Identification.
35-40 BibTeX
- Donald Byrd, Megan Schindele:
Prospects for Improving OMR with Multiple Recognizers.
41-46 BibTeX
- David Bainbridge, Tim Bell:
Identifying music documents in a collection of images.
47-52 BibTeX
- Laurent Pugin:
Optical Music Recognitoin of Early Typographic Prints using Hidden Markov Models.
53-56 BibTeX
- Søren Tjagvad Madsen, Gerhard Widmer:
Separating voices in MIDI.
57-60 BibTeX
- David Rizo, Pedro J. Ponce de León, Carlos Pérez-Sancho, Antonio Pertusa, José Manuel Iñesta Quereda:
A Pattern Recognition Approach for Melody Track Selection in MIDI Files.
61-66 BibTeX
- Amaury Hazan, Maarten Grachten, Rafael Ramirez:
Evolving Performance Models by Performance Similarity: Beyond Note-to-note Transformations.
67-72 BibTeX
- Megan Winget:
Heroic Frogs Save the Bow: Performing Musician's Annotation and Interaction Behavior with Written Music.
73-78 BibTeX
- Matthias Robine, Mathieu Lagrange:
Evaluation of the Technical Leval of Saxophone Performers by Considering the Evolution of Spectral Parameters of the Sound.
79-84 BibTeX
- James Bergstra, Alexandre Lacoste, Douglas Eck:
Predicting genre labels for artist using FreeDB.
85-88 BibTeX
- Jeremy Reed, Chin-Hui Lee:
A Study on Music Genre Classification Based on Universal Acoustic Models.
89-94 BibTeX
- Arie Livshin, Xavier Rodet:
The Significance of the Non-Harmonic "Noise" Versis the Harmonic Series for Musical Instrument Recognition.
95-100 BibTeX
- Cory McKay, Ichiro Fujinaga:
Musical genre classification: Is it worth pursuing and how can it be improved?
101-106 BibTeX
- Aggelos Pikrakis, Theodoros Giannakopoulos, Sergios Theodoridis:
A computationally efficient speech/music discriminator for radio recordings.
107-110 BibTeX
- Arthur Flexer, Fabien Gouyon, Simon Dixon, Gerhard Widmer:
Probabilistic Combination of Features for Music Classification.
111-114 BibTeX
- Geoffroy Peeters:
Chroma-based estimation of musical key from audio-signal analysis.
115-120 BibTeX
- Katy Noland, Mark B. Sandler:
Key Estimation Using a Hidden Markov Model.
121-126 BibTeX
- Özgür Izmirli:
Audio Key Finding Using Low-Dimensional Spaces.
127-132 BibTeX
- Kyogu Lee, Malcolm Slaney:
Automatic Chord Recognition from Audio Using a HMM with Supervised Learning.
133-137 BibTeX
- Steffen Pauws, Wim Verhaegh, Mark Vossen:
Fast Generation of Optimal Music Playlists using Local Search.
138-143 BibTeX
- Michael A. Casey, Malcolm Slaney:
Song Intersection by Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search.
144-149 BibTeX
- Raphaël Clifford, Manolis Christodoulakis, Tim Crawford, David Meredith, Geraint A. Wiggins:
A Fast, Randomised, Maximal Subset Matching Algorithm for Document-Level Music Retrieval.
150-155 BibTeX
- Olivier Gillet, Gaël Richard:
ENST-Drums: an extensive audio-visual database for drum signals processing.
156-159 BibTeX
- Cory McKay, Daniel McEnnis, Ichiro Fujinaga:
A Large Publicly Accassible Prototype Audio Database for Music Research.
160-163 BibTeX
- Alex Loscos, Ye Wang, Wei Jie Jonathan Boo:
Low Level Descriptors for Automatic Violin Transcription.
164-167 BibTeX
- Motoyuki Suzuki, Toru Hosoya, Akinori Ito, Shozo Makino:
Music Information Retrieval from a Singing Voice Based on Verification of Recognized Hypotheses.
168-171 BibTeX
- Katsutoshi Itoyama, Tetsuro Kitahara, Kazunori Komatani, Tetsuya Ogata, Hiroshi G. Okuno:
Automatic Feature Weighting in Automatic Transcription of Specified Part in Polyphonic Music.
172-175 BibTeX
- Yipeng Li, DeLiang Wang:
Singing Voice Separation from Monaural Recordings.
176-179 BibTeX
- Emilia Gómez, Perfecto Herrera:
The song remains the same: identifying versions of the same piece using tonal descriptors.
180-185 BibTeX
- Thomas Lidy, Andreas Rauber:
Visually Profiling Radio Stations.
186-191 BibTeX
- Meinard Müller, Henning Mattes, Frank Kurth:
An Efficient Multiscale Approach to Audio Synchronization.
192-197 BibTeX
- Michael J. Bruderer, Martin F. McKinney, Armin Kohlrausch:
Structural boundary perception in popular music.
198-201 BibTeX
- Eric Nichols, Christofer Raphael:
Globally Optimal Audio Partitioning.
202-205 BibTeX
- Arsha Cont:
Realtime Multiple Pitch Observation using Sparse Non-negative Constraints.
206-211 BibTeX
- Alexander Lerch:
On the Requirement of Automatic Tuning Frequency Estimation.
212-215 BibTeX
- Anssi Klapuri:
Multiple Fundamental Frequency Estimation by Summing Harmonic Amplitudes.
216-221 BibTeX
- Matti Ryynänen, Anssi Klapuri:
Transcription of the Singing Melody in Polyphonic Music.
222-227 BibTeX
- Tim Pohle, Peter Knees, Markus Schedl, Gerhard Widmer:
Independent Component Analysis for Music Similarity Computation.
228-233 BibTeX
- Arpi Mardirossian, Elaine Chew:
Music Summarization Via Key Distributions: Analyses of Similarity Assessment Across Variations.
234-239 BibTeX
- Sally Jo Cunningham, David Bainbridge, Annette Falconer:
'More of an Art than a Science': Supporting the Creation of Playlists and Mixes.
240-245 BibTeX
- Alberto Novello, Martin F. McKinney, Armin Kohlrausch:
Perceptual evaluation of music similarity.
246-249 BibTeX
- Nuria Oliver, Lucas Kreger-Stickles:
PAPA: Physiology and Purpose-Aware Automatic Playlist Generation.
250-253 BibTeX
- Douglas Turnbull, Luke Barrington, Gert R. G. Lanckriet:
Modeling music and words using a multi-class naïve Bayes approach.
254-259 BibTeX
- Markus Schedl, Tim Pohle, Peter Knees, Gerhard Widmer:
Assigning and Visualizing Music Genres by Web-based Co-Occurrence Analysis.
260-265 BibTeX
- Gijs Geleijnse, Jan H. M. Korst:
Web-Based Artist Categorization.
266-271 BibTeX
- Eleanor Selfridge-Field:
Social Cognition and Melodic Persistence: Where Metadata and Content Diverge.
272-275 BibTeX
- David Temperley:
A Probabilistic Model of Melody Perception.
276-279 BibTeX
- Matija Marolt:
A Mid-level Melody-based Representation for Calculating Audio Similarity.
280-285 BibTeX
- Sigurdur Sigurdsson, Kaare Brandt Petersen, Tue Lehn-Schiøler:
Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients: An Evaluation of Robustness of MP3 Encoded Music.
286-289 BibTeX
- Jerónimo Arenas-García, Jan Larsen, Lars Kai Hansen, Anders Meng:
Optimal filtering of dynamics in short-time features for music organization.
290-295 BibTeX
- Kazuyoshi Yoshii, Masataka Goto, Kazunori Komatani, Tetsuya Ogata, Hiroshi G. Okuno:
Hybrid Collaborative and Content-based Music Recommendation Using Probabilistic Model with Latent User Preferences.
296-301 BibTeX
- Masatoshi Hamanaka:
Music Scope Headphones: Natural User Interface for Selection of Music.
302-307 BibTeX
- Nik Corthaut, Sten Govaerts, Erik Duval:
Moody Tunes: The Rockanango Project.
308-313 BibTeX
- John Woodruff, Bryan Pardo, Roger B. Dannenberg:
Remixing Stereo Music with Score-Informed Source Separation.
314-319 BibTeX
- Tue Lehn-Schiøler, Jerónimo Arenas-García, Kaare Brandt Petersen, Lars Kai Hansen:
A Genre Classification Plug-in for Data Collection.
320-321 BibTeX
- Vegard Sandvold, Thomas Aussenac, Òscar Celma, Perfecto Herrera:
Good Vibrations: Music Discovery through Personal Musical Concepts.
322-323 BibTeX
- Chris Cannam, Christian Landone, Mark B. Sandler, Juan Pablo Bello:
The Sonic Visualiser: A Visualisation Platform for Semantic Descriptors from Musical Signals.
324-327 BibTeX
- Steven van de Par, Martin F. McKinney, André Redert:
Musical Key Extraction from Audio Using Profile Training.
328-329 BibTeX
- Martijn Bosma, Remco C. Veltkamp, Frans Wiering:
Muugle: A Modular Music Information Retrieval Framework.
330-331 BibTeX
- Jörg Garbers:
An Integrated MIR Programming and Testing Environment.
332-333 BibTeX
- Dirk Moelants, Olmo Cornelis, Marc Leman, Jos Gansemans, Rita M. M. De Caluwe, Guy De Tré, Tom Matthé, Axel Hallez:
Problems and Opportunities of Applying Data- & Audio-Mining Techniques to Ethnic Music.
334-336 BibTeX
- Beatriz Magalhães Castro, Luiza Beth Nunes Alonso, Edilson Ferneda, Murilo Bastos da Cunha, Fernando William Cruz, Márcio da Costa P. Brandão:
BDB-MUS: a project for the preservation of Brazilian musical heritage.
337-339 BibTeX
- Rebecca Fiebrink, Ichiro Fujinaga:
Feature Selection Pitfalls and Music Classification.
340-341 BibTeX
- Shyamala Doraisamy, Hamdan Adnan, Noris Mohd. Norowi:
Towards a MIR System for Malaysian Music.
342-343 BibTeX
- Frank Seifert, Katharina Rasch, Michael Rentzsch:
Tempo Induction by Stream-Based Evaluation of Musical Events.
344-345 BibTeX
- Kurt Jacobson:
A Multifaceted Approach to Music Similarity.
346-348 BibTeX
- Matthias Eichner, Matthias Wolff, Rüdiger Hoffmann:
Instrument classification using Hidden Markov Models.
349-350 BibTeX
- Rudolf Mayer, Thomas Lidy, Andreas Rauber:
The Map of Mozart.
351-352 BibTeX
- Morteza Dehghani, Andrew M. Lovett:
Efficient Genre Classification using Qualitative Representations.
353-354 BibTeX
- Margaret Cahill, Donncha O'Maidín:
Assessing the Performance of Melodic Similarity Algorithms Using Human Judgments of Similarity.
355-356 BibTeX
- Ian Leue, Ozgur Izmirli:
Tempo Tracking With a Periodicity Comb Kernel.
357-358 BibTeX
- Masataka Goto:
AIST Annotation for the RWC Music Database.
359-360 BibTeX
- Matt Hoffman, Perry R. Cook:
Feature-Based Synthesis: A Tool for Evaluating, Designing, and Interacting with Music IR Systems.
361-362 BibTeX
- Ajay Kapur, Eric Singer:
A Retrieval Approach for Human/Robotic Musical Performance.
363-364 BibTeX
- Òscar Celma, Pedro Cano, Perfecto Herrera:
Search Sounds: An audio crawler focused on weblogs.
365-366 BibTeX
- Elias Pampalk, Masataka Goto:
MusicRainbow: A New User Interface to Discover Artists Using Audio-based Similarity and Web-based Labeling.
367-370 BibTeX
- Gijs Geleijnse, Jan H. M. Korst:
Efficient Lyrics Extraction from the Web.
371-372 BibTeX
- Jin Ha Lee, M. Cameron Jones, J. Stephen Downie:
Factors Affecting Response Rates for Real-Life MIR Queries.
373-374 BibTeX
- Peter van Kranenburg:
Composer attribution by quantifying compositional strategies.
375-376 BibTeX
- Jochen Schwenninger, Raymond Brueckner, Daniel Willett, Marcus E. Hennecke:
Language Identification in Vocal Music.
377-379 BibTeX
- Beinan Li, John Ashley Burgoyne, Ichiro Fujinaga:
Extending Audacity for Audio Annotation.
379-380 BibTeX
- Audrey Laplante, J. Stephen Downie:
Everyday Life Music Information-Seeking Behaviour of Young Adults.
381-382 BibTeX
- Cynthia M. Grund:
A Philosophical Wish List for Research in Music Information Retrieval.
383-384 BibTeX
- Daniel McEnnis, Cory McKay, Ichiro Fujinaga:
jAudio: Additions and Improvements.
385-386 BibTeX
- Stephen Sinclair, Michael Droettboom, Ichiro Fujinaga:
Lilypond for pyScore: Approaching a universal translator for music notation.
387-388 BibTeX
- Elias Pampalk, Martin Gasser:
An Implementation of a Simple Playlist Generator Based on Audio Similarity Measures and User Feedback.
389-390 BibTeX
- Rosemary Mountain:
Name that mood! Describe that tune! Invitation to the IMP.
391-392 BibTeX
- Youngmoo E. Kim, Donald S. Williamson, Sridhar Pilli:
Towards Quantifying the "Album Effect" in Artist Identification.
393-394 BibTeX
- Janto Skowronek, Martin F. McKinney, Steven van de Par:
Ground truth for automatic music mood classification.
395-396 BibTeX
- Adi Ruppin, Hezy Yeshurun:
MIDI Music Genre Classification by Invariant Features.
397-399 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:25:50 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)