
Steffen Pauws

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11EESteffen Pauws, Wim Verhaegh, Mark Vossen: Music playlist generation by adapted simulated annealing. Inf. Sci. 178(3): 647-662 (2008)
10EEMarco Tiemann, Steffen Pauws: Towards ensemble learning for hybrid music recommendation. RecSys 2007: 177-178
9 Steffen Pauws, Wim Verhaegh, Mark Vossen: Fast Generation of Optimal Music Playlists using Local Search. ISMIR 2006: 138-143
8EET. De Mulder, Jean-Pierre Martens, Steffen Pauws, Fabio Vignoli, Micheline Lesaffre, Marc Leman, Bernard De Baets, Hans De Meyer: Factors Affecting Music Retrieval in Query-by-Melody. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 8(4): 728-739 (2006)
7EEFabio Vignoli, Steffen Pauws: A Music Retrieval System Based on User Driven Similarity and Its Evaluation. ISMIR 2005: 272-279
6EESteffen Pauws, Sander van de Wijdeven: User Evaluation of a New Interactive Playlist Generation Concept. ISMIR 2005: 638-643
5EESteffen Pauws: Musical key extraction from audio. ISMIR 2004
4EESteffen Pauws: Effects of song familiarity, singing training and recent song exposure on the singing of melodies. ISMIR 2003
3EESteffen Pauws: CubyHum: a fully operational "query by humming" system. ISMIR 2002
2EESteffen Pauws, Berry Eggen: PATS: Realization and user evaluation of an automatic playlist generator. ISMIR 2002
1EESteffen Pauws, Don Bouwhuis, Berry Eggen: Programming and enjoying music with your eyes closed. CHI 2000: 376-383

Coauthor Index

1Bernard De Baets [8]
2Don Bouwhuis [1]
3Berry Eggen [1] [2]
4Marc Leman [8]
5Micheline Lesaffre [8]
6Jean-Pierre Martens [8]
7Hans De Meyer [8]
8T. De Mulder [8]
9Marco Tiemann [10]
10Wim Verhaegh [9] [11]
11Fabio Vignoli [7] [8]
12Mark Vossen [9] [11]
13Sander van de Wijdeven [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)