
Antti J. Eronen

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5EEKhalid Aallouche, Homam Albeiriss, Redouane Zarghoune, Juha Arrasvuori, Antti J. Eronen, Jukka Holm: Implementation and evaluation of a background music reactive game. IE 2007: 1
4 Jarno Seppänen, Antti J. Eronen, Jarmo Hiipakka: Joint Beat & Tatum Tracking from Music Signals. ISMIR 2006: 23-28
3EETimo A. Kosonen, Antti J. Eronen: Rhythm metadata enabled intra-track navigation and content modification in a music player. MUM 2006: 1
2EEAntti J. Eronen, V. T. Peltonen, J. T. Tuomi, Anssi Klapuri, S. Fagerlund, T. Sorsa, G. Lorho, Jyri Huopaniemi: Audio-based context recognition. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 14(1): 321-329 (2006)
1EEAnssi Klapuri, Antti J. Eronen, Jaakko Astola: Analysis of the meter of acoustic musical signals. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 14(1): 342-355 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1Khalid Aallouche [5]
2Homam Albeiriss [5]
3Juha Arrasvuori [5]
4Jaakko Astola [1]
5S. Fagerlund [2]
6Jarmo Hiipakka [4]
7Jukka Holm [5]
8Jyri Huopaniemi [2]
9Anssi Klapuri [1] [2]
10Timo A. Kosonen [3]
11G. Lorho [2]
12V. T. Peltonen [2]
13Jarno Seppänen [4]
14T. Sorsa [2]
15J. T. Tuomi [2]
16Redouane Zarghoune [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)