
Mathieu Lagrange

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4EELuis Filipe Teixeira, Luis Gustavo Martins, Mathieu Lagrange, George Tzanetakis: MarsyasX: multimedia dataflow processing with implicit patching. ACM Multimedia 2008: 873-876
3EEMathieu Lagrange, Luis Gustavo Martins, Jennifer Murdoch, George Tzanetakis: Normalized Cuts for Predominant Melodic Source Separation. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 16(2): 278-290 (2008)
2 George Tzanetakis, Mathieu Lagrange, Paul Spong, Helena Symonds: ORCHIVE: Digitizing and Analyzing Orca Vocalizations. RIAO 2007
1 Matthias Robine, Mathieu Lagrange: Evaluation of the Technical Leval of Saxophone Performers by Considering the Evolution of Spectral Parameters of the Sound. ISMIR 2006: 79-84

Coauthor Index

1Luis Gustavo Martins [3] [4]
2Jennifer Murdoch [3]
3Matthias Robine [1]
4Paul Spong [2]
5Helena Symonds [2]
6Luis Filipe Teixeira [4]
7George Tzanetakis [2] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)