
Ke-Qiang Liao

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6 Ke-Qiang Liao, Lorne Mason: A congestion control framework for broadband ISDN using selective window control. Broadband Communications 1994: 353-366
5EEKe-Qiang Liao, Lorne Mason: Self-optimizing window flow control in high-speed data networks. Computer Communications 16(11): 706-716 (1993)
4 Zbigniew Dziong, Ke-Qiang Liao, Lorne Mason: Effective Bandwidth Allocation and Buffer Dimensioning in ATM Based Networks with Priorities. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 25(10): 1065-1078 (1993)
3 Zbigniew Dziong, Ke-Qiang Liao, Lorne Mason: Flow Control Models for Multi-Service Networks with Delayed Call Set Up. INFOCOM 1990: 39-46
2 Zbigniew Dziong, Jean Choquette, Ke-Qiang Liao, Lorne Mason: Admission Control and Routing in ATM Networks. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 20(1): 189-196 (1990)
1 James Roberts, Ke-Qiang Liao: Traffic Models for Telecommunication Services with Advance Capacity Reservation. Computer Networks 10: 221-229 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Jean Choquette [2]
2Zbigniew Dziong [2] [3] [4]
3Lorne Mason [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
4James Roberts [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)