
Francesco Bernabei

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9EEFrancesco Bernabei, Laura Gratta, Marco Listanti: Throughput Analysis of Multihop ShuffleNets in a Hot Spot Traffic Scenario: Impact of Routing Strategies. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 28(6): 743-772 (1996)
8 Francesco Bernabei, G. Chierchia, Laura Gratta, Marco Listanti: Design of an access control mechanism for the available bit rate service in ATM networks. HPN 1995: 333-344
7 Francesco Bernabei, Laura Gratta, Marco Listanti, A. Sarghini: Analysis of ON-OFF Source Shaping for ATM Multiplexing. INFOCOM 1993: 1330-1336
6 Francesco Bernabei, Roberto Ferretti, Marco Listanti, Giuseppe Zingrillo: ATM System Buffer Design Under Very Low Cell Loss Probability Constraints. INFOCOM 1991: 929-938
5EEFrancesco Bernabei, Marco Listanti, Duilio Matrullo: Performance analysis of an ATM switch supporting a circuit emulation technique. Computer Communications 14(9): 515-524 (1991)
4 Francesco Bernabei, Carla Calabrò, Marco Listanti: Evolution of the Generalized Parallel Delta Networks Towards a Photonic Switching Environment. INFOCOM 1990: 305-312
3 Francesco Bernabei, Carla Calabrò, Marco Listanti: Distributed CBO Call Set-Up in a Circuit Emulation ATM Switch. INFOCOM 1990: 330-337
2 Francesco Bernabei, Marco Listanti: Generalized Parallel Delta Networks: A New Class of Rearrangeable Interconnection Networks. INFOCOM 1989: 219-226
1 Francesco Bernabei, Marco Listanti: A hybrid switching exchange for broadband communications. ICCC 1988: 61-65

Coauthor Index

1Carla Calabrò [3] [4]
2G. Chierchia [8]
3Roberto Ferretti [6]
4Laura Gratta [7] [8] [9]
5Marco Listanti [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
6Duilio Matrullo [5]
7A. Sarghini [7]
8Giuseppe Zingrillo [6]

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