ICSQP 1994:
Hong Kong
Matthew K. O. Lee, Ben-Zion Barta, Peter Juliff (Eds.):
Software Quality and Productivity: Theory, practice and training, 5-7 December 1994, City Polytechnic of Hong Kong Hong Kong.
IFIP Conference Proceedings 3 Chapman & Hall 1995, ISBN 0-412-62960-7 BibTeX
editor = {Matthew K. O. Lee and
Ben-Zion Barta and
Peter Juliff},
title = {Software Quality and Productivity: Theory, practice and training,
5-7 December 1994, City Polytechnic of Hong Kong Hong Kong},
booktitle = {Software Quality and Productivity},
publisher = {Chapman {\&} Hall},
series = {IFIP Conference Proceedings},
volume = {3},
year = {1995},
isbn = {0-412-62960-7},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
Part One:
Keynote Papers
- Motoei Azuma:
Towards the 21st Century's Software, State of the Art and International Standard in JTC1/SC7.
3-9 BibTeX
- R. Geoff Dromey:
Software Quality and Productivity Improvement.
10-26 BibTeX
Part Two:
Design and Development Methodologies
- David W. Bustard:
Progress Towards RACE: A 'Soft-Centered' Requirements Definition Method.
29-36 BibTeX
- Ian Ferguson, Norman Parrington, P. Dunne:
MOOSE: A Method Designed for Ease of Maintenance.
37-44 BibTeX
- Elayne W. Coakes, Jim M. Coakes:
BPR for Developing Information Systems - a Case Study.
45-49 BibTeX
- Ian Gorton, Sanjeev Motwani:
Towards a Methodology for 24 Hour Software Production Using Globally Separated Development Teams.
50-55 BibTeX
- Peter Kokol, Bruno Stiglic:
MetaMet - A Soft Systemic Way Toward the Quality of Information Systems.
56-61 BibTeX
- James Miller, Gerald Darroch, Murray Wood, Andrew Brooks, Marc Roper:
Changing Programming Paradigm - An Empirical Investigation.
62-65 BibTeX
- D. Millington, I. M. Tulloch:
Application-Oriented Methods for Systems Development - A Review.
66-71 BibTeX
- Sumio Mochizuki, Takuya Katayama:
A Proposal for Composing Software Design Process.
72-77 BibTeX
- Steve Sawyer, Patricia J. Guinan:
Team-Based Software Development Using an Electronic Meeting System: The QualityPay-off.
78-83 BibTeX
- Colin J. Theaker, Jenny Whitworth:
Designing with Non-Functional Requirements.
84-87 BibTeX
- T. K. Sateesh, Patrick A. V. Hall:
Modelling the Requirements of Process Controlled Systems.
88-91 BibTeX
- John B. Evans:
Compiling Heterarchical Programs by Means of Petri Nets.
92-95 BibTeX
Part Three:
Object Oriented Analysis,
Design and Development
- Jian Chen, Bohdan Durnota:
Type Checking Classes in Object-Z to Promote Quality of Specifications.
99-106 BibTeX
- T. H. Tse, F. T. Chan, H. Y. Chen:
An Axiom-based Test Case Selection Strategy for Object-oriented Programs.
107-114 BibTeX
- Louis Lasoudris, M. Maurice-Demourioux, R. Voyer:
AMI: A Case Tool Based on Artificial Intelligence Techniques for an InteractiveModelling for Analysis.
115-122 BibTeX
- Stephen Liao, Jian Ma, Louis Lasoudris:
Object-oriented Framework for Requirement Specification.
123-126 BibTeX
- G. Wu, Guido Dedene:
A Structured Object-oriented View on Systems Modeling.
127-134 BibTeX
- J. H. M. Lee, J. C. K. Leung, C. C. K. Wong:
Construction of a WYSIWYG LaTeX Typesetting System Using Object-oriented Design.
135-138 BibTeX
- Joseph Fong, Irene S. Y. Kwan:
A Re-engineering Approach for Object-oriented Database Design.
139-146 BibTeX
Part Four:
Software Process and Capability
Part Five:
Project Management
Part Six:
Part Seven:
- David A. Brunskill, Alan Samuel:
Experience in Software Inspection Techniques.
243-249 BibTeX
- M. P. Neilson, Terence P. Rout:
Measuring Process Improvement: Integrating Software Process Assessment with Quality Cost Evaluation.
250-257 BibTeX
- W. Eric Wong, Aditya P. Mathur, José Carlos Maldonado:
Mutation Versus All-uses: An Empirical Evaluation of Cost, Strength and Effectiveness.
258-265 BibTeX
- Michalis Nik Xenos, Dimitris Christodoulakis:
Software Quality: The User's Point of View.
266-272 BibTeX
- Elaine Ferneley, D. A. Howcroft, C. G. Davies:
Complexity Measures for System Development Models.
273-278 BibTeX
- P. S. Grover, Nasib S. Gill:
Composite Complexity Measures (CCM).
279-283 BibTeX
- Sheung-lun Hung, Lam-for Kwok, Ken Chee-keung Law:
Automated Testing Tool for Natural®.
284-289 BibTeX
- Robin Hunter:
Analysis of Data Collected from Software Development Case Studies.
290-293 BibTeX
- Lesley Pek Wee Kim, Chris Sauer, D. Ross Jeffery:
A Framework for Software Development Technical Reviews.
294-299 BibTeX
- Lin Lian, Fusayuki Fujita, Shinji Kusumoto, Ken-ichi Matsumoto, Tohru Kikuno, Koji Torii:
A Model-based Approach for Software Test Process Improvement.
300-307 BibTeX
- Christopher J. Lokan:
Size Estimation for C Programs with Different Applications.
308-313 BibTeX
- Trevor T. Moores:
Cyclomatic Complexity as a Measure of the Structure of Knowledge-based/expert Systems.
314-319 BibTeX
- Y. R. Pant, June M. Verner, Brian Henderson-Sellers:
S/C: A Software Size/Complexity Measure.
320-327 BibTeX
- Brian Henderson-Sellers, D. Tegarden:
A Critical Re-Examination of Cyclomatic Complexity Measures.
328-335 BibTeX
- Tuomo Tuikka:
Reliability through Cooperative Work in Software Testing.
336-341 BibTeX
Part Eight:
Part Nine:
Integrated Environments,
Case Tools
Part Ten:
Education and Training
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:21:47 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)