
Steve Sawyer

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28EEChristine B. Williams, M. Lynne Markus, Michael Tyworth, Steve Sawyer, Martin Dias, Sonia Vilvovsky, Jane Fedorowicz, Dax Jacobson: Mapping theory to practice: a cartographic analysis of public safety networks. DG.O 2008: 171-180
27EESteve Sawyer, Jane Fedorowicz, Michael Tyworth, M. Lynne Markus, Christine B. Williams: A taxonomy for public safety networks. DG.O 2007: 240-241
26EESteve Sawyer, Haiyan Huang: Conceptualizing information, technology, and people: Comparing information science and information systems literatures. JASIST 58(10): 1436-1447 (2007)
25EEMichael Tyworth, Steve Sawyer: Organic development: a top-down and bottom-up approach to design of public sector information systems. DG.O 2006: 105-112
24EEJane Fedorowicz, M. Lynne Markus, Steve Sawyer, Michael Tyworth, Christine B. Williams: Design principles for public safety response mobilization. DG.O 2006: 466-467
23EESteve Sawyer, Michael Tyworth: Integrated criminal justice: ARJIS case study. DG.O 2006: 47-48
22EESteve Sawyer, Michael Tyworth: Integrated criminal justice systems: designing effective systems for inter-organizational action. DG.O 2005: 307-308
21EESteve Sawyer: Software development teams. Commun. ACM 47(12): 95-99 (2004)
20EESteve Sawyer, Andrea Tapia, Leonard Pesheck, John Davenport: Mobility and the first responder. Commun. ACM 47(3): 62-65 (2004)
19 Steve Sawyer: Managing the Human Side of Information Technology: Challenges and Solutions, edited by Edward Szewczak and Coral Snodgrass. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing, 2002. Inf. Soc. 20(2): (2004)
18EESteve Sawyer, Kevin Crowston, Rolf T. Wigand, Marcel M. Allbritton: The Social Embeddedness of Transactions: Evidence from the Residential Real Estate Industry. Inf. Soc. 19(2): (2003)
17 Steve Sawyer, Tina T. Chen: Conceptualizing Information Technology in the Study of Information Systems: Trends and Issues. Global and Organizational Discourse about Information Technology 2002: 109-131
16 Bonnie Kaplan, Lynette Kvasny, Steve Sawyer, Eileen M. Trauth: New Words and Old Books: Challenging Conventional Discourses about Domain and Theory in Information Systems Research. Global and Organizational Discourse about Information Technology 2002: 539-545
15EESteve Sawyer, Richard Southwick: Temporal Issues in Information and Communication Technology-Enabled Organizational Change: Evidence From an Enterprise Systems Implementation. Inf. Soc. 18(4): (2002)
14EERolf T. Wigand, Kevin Crowston, Steve Sawyer, Marcel Allbritlon: Information and Communication Technologies in the Real Estate Industry: Results of a Pilot Survey. ECIS 2001
13 Kristin R. Eschenfelder, Steve Sawyer: Web Information Systems Management: Proactive or Reactive Emergence. Realigning Research and Practice in Information Systems Development 2001: 163-182
12 Steve Sawyer, Steven Haynes, Duane P. Truex, Ojelanki K. Ngwenyama: What Do We Mean by Information Technology? Perspectives on Studying Computing. Realigning Research and Practice in Information Systems Development 2001: 461-466
11 Steve Sawyer: A market-based perspective on information systems development. Commun. ACM 44(11): 97-102 (2001)
10 Steve Sawyer: The Social Shaping of Technology. Inf. Soc. 17(4): (2001)
9EESteve Sawyer: Effects of intra-group conflict on packaged software development team performance. Inf. Syst. J. 11(2): 155- (2001)
8EEKevin Crowston, Steve Sawyer, Rolf T. Wigand, Marcel M. Allbritton: How do information and communication technologies reshape work? Evidence from the residential real estate industry. ICIS 2000: 612-617
7 Steve Sawyer: Studying Organizational Computing Infrastructures: Multi-method Approaches. Organizational and Social Perspectives on IT 2000: 213-232
6 Richard Baskerville, Steve Sawyer, Eileen M. Trauth, Duane P. Truex, Cathy Urquhart: The Uses and Abuses of Evaluative Criteria for Qualitative Research Methods. New Information Technologies in Organizational Processes 1999: 293-296
5EESteve Sawyer, Kristin R. Eschenfelder, Andrew Diekema, Charles R. McClure: IT skills in the context of BigCo. SIGCPR 1998: 9-18
4 Steve Sawyer, Patricia J. Guinan: Software Development: Processes and Performance. IBM Systems Journal 37(4): 552-569 (1998)
3EESteve Sawyer, Jay G. Cooprider, Robert D. Galliers, Michael Gallivan, Bonnie Kaplan: Using multiple methods in studying information systems (panel session): some experiences. ICIS 1997: 518-519
2 Patricia J. Guinan, Jay G. Cooprider, Steve Sawyer: The Effective Use of Automated Application Development Tools. IBM Systems Journal 36(1): 124-139 (1997)
1 Steve Sawyer, Patricia J. Guinan: Team-Based Software Development Using an Electronic Meeting System: The QualityPay-off. Software Quality and Productivity 1994: 78-83

Coauthor Index

1Marcel Allbritlon [14]
2Marcel M. Allbritton [8] [18]
3Richard Baskerville [6]
4Tina T. Chen [17]
5Jay G. Cooprider [2] [3]
6Kevin Crowston [8] [14] [18]
7John Davenport [20]
8Martin Dias [28]
9Andrew Diekema [5]
10Kristin R. Eschenfelder [5] [13]
11Jane Fedorowicz [24] [27] [28]
12Robert D. Galliers [3]
13Michael Gallivan [3]
14Patricia J. Guinan [1] [2] [4]
15Steven Haynes [12]
16Haiyan Huang [26]
17Dax Jacobson [28]
18Bonnie Kaplan [3] [16]
19Lynette Kvasny [16]
20M. Lynne Markus [24] [27] [28]
21Charles R. McClure [5]
22Ojelanki K. Ngwenyama [12]
23Leonard Pesheck [20]
24Richard Southwick [15]
25Andrea Tapia [20]
26Eileen M. Trauth [6] [16]
27Duane P. Truex [6] [12]
28Michael Tyworth [22] [23] [24] [25] [27] [28]
29Cathy Urquhart [6]
30Sonia Vilvovsky [28]
31Rolf T. Wigand [8] [14] [18]
32Christine B. Williams [24] [27] [28]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)