2008 |
42 | EE | Mark Harman,
André Baresel,
David Binkley,
Robert M. Hierons,
Lin Hu,
Bogdan Korel,
Phil McMinn,
Marc Roper:
Testability Transformation - Program Transformation to Improve Testability.
Formal Methods and Testing 2008: 320-344 |
41 | EE | Linxiao Ma,
John D. Ferguson,
Marc Roper,
Isla Ross,
Murray Wood:
Using cognitive conflict and visualisation to improve mental models held by novice programmers.
SIGCSE 2008: 342-346 |
40 | EE | Juan Carlos Augusto,
Marc Roper:
Enterprise IS 2(2): 97-99 (2008) |
2007 |
39 | EE | Konstantinos Liaskos,
Marc Roper,
Murray Wood:
Investigating data-flow coverage of classes using evolutionary algorithms.
GECCO 2007: 1140 |
38 | EE | Neil Walkinshaw,
Marc Roper,
Murray Wood:
Feature Location and Extraction using Landmarks and Barriers.
ICSM 2007: 54-63 |
37 | EE | Linxiao Ma,
John D. Ferguson,
Marc Roper,
Murray Wood:
Investigating the viability of mental models held by novice programmers.
SIGCSE 2007: 499-503 |
36 | EE | Douglas Kirk,
Marc Roper,
Murray Wood:
Identifying and addressing problems in object-oriented framework reuse.
Empirical Software Engineering 12(3): 243-274 (2007) |
2006 |
35 | EE | James Miller,
Michael R. Smith,
Steve Daenick,
Jingwen Chen,
Juan Qiao,
Fang Huang,
Andrew Kwan,
Marc Roper:
An XP Inspired Test-Oriented Life-Cycle Production Strategy for Building Embedded Biomedical Applications.
TAIC PART 2006: 95-106 |
2005 |
34 | EE | Douglas Kirk,
Marc Roper,
Neil Walkinshaw:
Using Attribute Slicing to Refactor Large Classes.
Beyond Program Slicing 2005 |
33 | EE | Neil Walkinshaw,
Marc Roper,
Murray Wood:
Understanding Object-Oriented Source Code from the Behavioural Perspective.
IWPC 2005: 215-224 |
32 | EE | Douglas Kirk,
Marc Roper,
Murray Wood:
Identifying and Addressing Problems in Framework Reuse.
IWPC 2005: 77-86 |
2004 |
31 | EE | Michael J. Pacione,
Marc Roper,
Murray Wood:
A Novel Software Visualisation Model to Support Software Comprehension.
WCRE 2004: 70-79 |
30 | EE | Mark Harman,
Lin Hu,
Robert M. Hierons,
Joachim Wegener,
Harmen Sthamer,
André Baresel,
Marc Roper:
Testability Transformation.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 30(1): 3-16 (2004) |
29 | EE | Marc Roper:
Book Reviews.
Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 14(2): 157-158 (2004) |
2003 |
28 | EE | Neil Walkinshaw,
Marc Roper,
Murray Wood:
The Java System Dependence Graph.
SCAM 2003: 55-64 |
27 | EE | Michael J. Pacione,
Marc Roper,
Murray Wood:
Comparative Evaluation of Dynamic Visualisation Tools.
WCRE 2003: 80-89 |
26 | | Marc Roper,
Alastair Dunsmore,
Murray Wood:
Software inspections.
Advances in Computers 58: 204-239 (2003) |
25 | | John A. Clark,
José Javier Dolado,
Mark Harman,
Robert M. Hierons,
Bryan F. Jones,
M. Lumkin,
Brian S. Mitchell,
Spiros Mancoridis,
K. Rees,
Marc Roper,
Martin J. Shepperd:
Formulating software engineering as a search problem.
IEE Proceedings - Software 150(3): 161-175 (2003) |
24 | EE | Alastair Dunsmore,
Marc Roper,
Murray Wood:
Practical Code Inspection Techniques for Object-Oriented Systems: An Experimental Comparison.
IEEE Software 20(4): 21-29 (2003) |
23 | EE | Alastair Dunsmore,
Marc Roper,
Murray Wood:
The Development and Evaluation of Three Diverse Techniques for Object-Oriented Code Inspection.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 29(8): 677-686 (2003) |
22 | EE | Juan Carlos Augusto,
Marc Roper:
Editorial: The First International Workshop on Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems (VVEIS 2003).
Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 13(4): 205-206 (2003) |
2002 |
21 | EE | Douglas Kirk,
Marc Roper,
Murray Wood:
Defining the Problems of Framework Reuse.
COMPSAC 2002: 623-626 |
20 | EE | Alastair Dunsmore,
Marc Roper,
Murray Wood:
Further investigations into the development and evaluation of reading techniques for object-oriented code inspection.
ICSE 2002: 47-57 |
2001 |
19 | | Alastair Dunsmore,
Marc Roper,
Murray Wood:
Systematic Object-Oriented Inspection - An Emprirical Study.
ICSE 2001: 135-144 |
2000 |
18 | EE | Alastair Dunsmore,
Marc Roper,
Murray Wood:
Object-oriented inspection in the face of delocalisation.
ICSE 2000: 467-476 |
17 | EE | Alastair Dunsmore,
Marc Roper,
Murray Wood:
The role of comprehension in software inspection.
Journal of Systems and Software 52(2-3): 121-129 (2000) |
1999 |
16 | EE | Marc Roper:
Software testing - searching for the missing link.
Information & Software Technology 41(14): 991-994 (1999) |
15 | EE | Murray Wood,
John W. Daly,
James Miller,
Marc Roper:
Multi-method research: An empirical investigation of object-oriented technology.
Journal of Systems and Software 48(1): 13-26 (1999) |
14 | | Marc Roper:
Testing Object-Oriented Software, by David C. Kung, Pei Hsia and Jerry Gao, IEEE Computer Society, 1998 (Book Review).
Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 9(3): 193-194 (1999) |
1998 |
13 | EE | James Miller,
Murray Wood,
Marc Roper:
Further Experiences with Scenarios and Checklists.
Empirical Software Engineering 3(1): 37-64 (1998) |
1997 |
12 | EE | Murray Wood,
Marc Roper,
Andrew Brooks,
James Miller:
Comparing and Combining Software Defect Detection Techniques: A Replicated Empirical Study.
ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE 1997: 262-277 |
11 | EE | Marc Roper,
Murray Wood,
James Miller:
An empirical evaluation of defect detection techniques.
Information & Software Technology 39(11): 763-775 (1997) |
10 | EE | James Miller,
John W. Daly,
Murray Wood,
Marc Roper,
Andrew Brooks:
Statistical power and its subcomponents - missing and misunderstood concepts in empirical software engineering research.
Information & Software Technology 39(4): 285-295 (1997) |
1996 |
9 | | Fraser MacDonald,
James Miller,
Andrew Brooks,
Marc Roper,
Murray Wood:
Automating the Software Inspection Process.
Autom. Softw. Eng. 3(3/4): 193-218 (1996) |
8 | | Fraser MacDonald,
James Miller,
Andrew Brooks,
Marc Roper,
Murray Wood:
Applying Inspection to Object-Oriented Code.
Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 6(2): 61-82 (1996) |
1995 |
7 | EE | John W. Daly,
James Miller,
Andrew Brooks,
Marc Roper,
Murray Wood:
A Survey of Experiences amongst Object-Oriented Practitioners.
APSEC 1995: 137- |
6 | EE | John W. Daly,
Andrew Brooks,
James Miller,
Marc Roper,
Murray Wood:
The effect of inheritance on the maintainability of object-oriented software: an empirical study.
ICSM 1995: 20- |
1994 |
5 | | John W. Daly,
Andrew Brooks,
James Miller,
Marc Roper,
Murray Wood:
Verification of Results in Software Maintenance Through External Replication.
ICSM 1994: 50-57 |
4 | | James Miller,
Gerald Darroch,
Murray Wood,
Andrew Brooks,
Marc Roper:
Changing Programming Paradigm - An Empirical Investigation.
Software Quality and Productivity 1994: 62-65 |
1993 |
3 | | Marc Roper,
Ab. Rashid bin Ab. Rahim:
Software Testing Using Analysis and Design Based Techniques.
Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 3(3/4): 165-179 (1993) |
1992 |
2 | | Marc Roper:
Software Testing: A Selected Annotated Bibliography.
Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 2(3): 113-132 (1992) |
1987 |
1 | | Marc Roper,
P. Smith:
A Structural Testing Method for JSP Designed Programs.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 17(2): 135-157 (1987) |