
Xavier Castellani

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15EEOlivier Le Meur, Xavier Castellani, Patrick Le Callet, Dominique Barba: Efficient Saliency-Based Repurposing Method. ICIP 2006: 421-424
14EEXavier Castellani, Hong Jiang, Alain Billionnet: Method for the analysis and design of class characteristic migrations during object system evolution. Inf. Syst. 26(4): 237-257 (2001)
13 Xavier Castellani: Overviews of Models Defined with Charts of Concepts. ISCO 1999: 235-256
12 Houda Benhadid, Xavier Castellani: Synchronisation et fonctionnement des héritages intermittents. INFORSID 1998: 17-38
11 Xavier Castellani, Stephen Y. Liao: Development Process for the Creation and Reuse of Object-Oriented Generic Applications and Components. JOOP 11(3): 24-31 (1998)
10 Xavier Castellani: Catégories d'objets d'un système d'objets. L'OBJET 4(1): (1998)
9 Hong Jiang, Xavier Castellani: Conception des migrations dans différents types d'évolutions des systèmes d'objets. INFORSID 1997: 87-109
8 Nadira Lammari, Regine Laleau, Mireille Jouve, Xavier Castellani: Deriving Normalized Is_a Hierarchies by Using Applicability Constraints. CAiSE 1996: 562-580
7EENoureddine Kara Zaitri, Xavier Castellani: A process and a tool to map communication components of data flows to objects. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1995: 283-284
6 Noureddine Kara Zaitri, Xavier Castellani: TCO: a Tool to map Communication components to Objects. SEKE 1995: 106-108
5 Hong Jiang, Xavier Castellani: Class Transmutation and other Evolution Concepts. SEKE 1995: 72-79
4 Xavier Castellani, Hong Jiang: Specification and Implementation of the Transmutation Concept. OOIS 1994: 138-151
3 Nadira Lammari, Regine Laleau, Mireille Jouve, Xavier Castellani: An Algorithm for IS_A Hierarchy Derivation. OOIS 1994: 469-479
2 Xavier Castellani, Hong Jiang: Code Reusability Mechanisms. Software Quality and Productivity 1994: 345-352
1 Xavier Castellani: Mechanisms of Standardized Reusability of Objects (MCO Methodology). Information System Development Process 1993: 61-78

Coauthor Index

1Dominique Barba [15]
2Houda Benhadid [12]
3Alain Billionnet [14]
4Patrick Le Callet [15]
5Hong Jiang [2] [4] [5] [9] [14]
6Mireille Jouve [3] [8]
7Régine Laleau (Regine Laleau) [3] [8]
8Nadira Lammari [3] [8]
9Stephen Y. Liao [11]
10Olivier Le Meur [15]
11Noureddine Kara Zaitri [6] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)