
Surya Nepal

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38EEShiping Chen, Surya Nepal, Jonathan Chan, David Moreland, John Zic: A Service-Oriented Architecture to enable virtual storage services: a dynamic collaboration context. IJAHUC 4(2): 95-107 (2009)
37EEShiping Chen, David Moreland, Surya Nepal, John Zic: Yet Another Performance Testing Framework. Australian Software Engineering Conference 2008: 170-179
36EEShiping Chen, Surya Nepal, Chen Wang, John Zic: Facilitating Dynamic Collaborations with eContract Services. ICWS 2008: 521-528
35EESurya Nepal, John Zic, Shiping Chen: WS-CCDL: A Framework for Web Service Collaborative Context Definition Language for Dynamic Collaborations. ICWS 2008: 781-784
34EESurya Nepal, John Zic: A Conflict Neighbouring Negotiation Algorithm for Resource Services in Dynamic Collaborations. IEEE SCC (2) 2008: 283-290
33EESurya Nepal, John Zic, Shiping Chen: WSLA+: Web Service Level Agreement Language for Collaborations. IEEE SCC (2) 2008: 485-488
32EEChen Wang, Surya Nepal, Shiping Chen, John Zic: Cooperative Data Management Services Based on Accountable Contract. OTM Conferences (1) 2008: 301-318
31EEPaul Greenfield, Alan Fekete, Julian Jang, Dean Kuo, Surya Nepal: Isolation Support for Service-based Applications: A Position Paper. CIDR 2007: 314-323
30EESurya Nepal, Jonathan Chan, Shiping Chen, David Moreland, John Zic: An Infrastructure Virtualisation SOA for VNO-based Business Models. IEEE SCC 2007: 44-51
29EESurya Nepal, John Zic, Hon Hwang, David Moreland: Trust Extension Device: Providing Mobility and Portability of Trust in Cooperative Information Systems. OTM Conferences (1) 2007: 253-271
28EESurya Nepal, John Zic, Julian Jang: A Policy Based Approach to Managing Shared Data in Dynamic Collaborations. OTM Conferences (2) 2007: 1296-1303
27EESurya Nepal, Julian Jang, John Zic: Anitya: An Ephemeral Data Management Service and Secure Data Access Protocols for Dynamic Collaborations. PDCAT 2007: 219-226
26EESurya Nepal, John Zic, Jonathan Chan: A Distributed Approach for Negotiating Resource Contributions in Dynamic Collaboration. PDCAT 2007: 82-86
25EEShiping Chen, Surya Nepal, Jonathan Chan, David Moreland, John Zic: Virtual Storage Services for Dynamic Collaborations. WETICE 2007: 186-191
24EEJonathan Chan, Surya Nepal, David Moreland, Hon Hwang, Shiping Chen, John Zic: User-Controlled Collaborations in the Context of Trust Extended Environments. WETICE 2007: 389-394
23EEJenny Bhuiyan, Surya Nepal, John J. Zic: Checking Conformance between Business Processes and Web Service Contract in Service Oriented Applications. ASWEC 2006: 80-89
22 Surya Nepal, John Zic, Gregoire Kraehenbuehl, Frederic Jaccard: Secure Sharing of Electronic Patient Records. ECEH 2006: 47-58
21EESurya Nepal, John J. Zic, Frederic Jaccard, Gregoire Kraehenbuehl: A Tag-Based Data Model for Privacy-Preserving Medical Applications. EDBT Workshops 2006: 433-444
20EEJulian Jang, Alan Fekete, Paul Greenfield, Surya Nepal: An Event-Driven Workflow Engine for Service-based Business Systems. EDOC 2006: 233-242
19EEDean Kuo, Alan Fekete, Paul Greenfield, Surya Nepal, John Zic, Savas Parastatidis, Jim Webber: Expressing and Reasoning about Service Contracts in Service-Oriented Computing. ICWS 2006: 915-918
18EESurya Nepal, John Zic, Thi Chau: Compatibility of Service Contracts in Service-Oriented Ap. IEEE SCC 2006: 28-35
17EEJulian Jang, Surya Nepal, John Zic: Establishing a Trust Relationship in Cooperative Information Systems. OTM Conferences (1) 2006: 426-443
16EEPaul Greenfield, Alan Fekete, Julian Jang, Dean Kuo, Surya Nepal: Isolation Support for Service-based Applications: A Position Paper CoRR abs/cs/0612113: (2006)
15EESurya Nepal, Alan Fekete, Paul Greenfield, Julian Jang, Dean Kuo, Tony Shi: A Service-Oriented Workflow Language for Robust Interacting Applications. OTM Conferences (1) 2005: 40-58
14EEPaul Greenfield, Dean Kuo, Surya Nepal, Alan Fekete: Consistency for Web Services Applications. VLDB 2005: 1199-1203
13EEUma Srinivasan, Silvia Pfeiffer, Surya Nepal, Michael Lee, Lifang Gu, Stephen Barrass: A Survey of MPEG-1 Audio, Video and Semantic Analysis Techniques. Multimedia Tools Appl. 27(1): 105-141 (2005)
12EEA. Viranga Ratnaike, Bala Srinivasan, Surya Nepal: Making sense of video content. ACM Multimedia 2003: 650-651
11EESurya Nepal, Uma Srinivasan: DAVE: a system for quality driven adaptive video delivery. Multimedia Information Retrieval 2003: 223-230
10 M. V. Ramakrishna, Surya Nepal, P. K. Srivastava: A Heuristic Algorithm for Combining Fuzzy Results in Multimedia Databases. Australasian Database Conference 2002
9 Surya Nepal, Uma Srinivasan: Spatio-temporal Modelling and Querying Video Databases Using High-level Concepts. VDB 2002: 187-201
8EEMichael Lee, Surya Nepal, Uma Srinivasan: Role of Edge Detection in Video Semantics. VIP 2002: 59-68
7EESurya Nepal, Uma Srinivasan, Graham J. Reynolds: Automatic detection of 'Goal' segments in basketball videos. ACM Multimedia 2001: 261-269
6EESurya Nepal, Uma Srinivasan, Graham J. Reynolds: Semantic Based Retrieval Model for Digital Audio and Video. ICME 2001
5 Surya Nepal, M. V. Ramakrishna: An evaluation measure for query processing in CBIR systems. IRMA Conference 2000: 41-45
4EESurya Nepal, M. V. Ramakrishna, James A. Thom: A Fuzzy Object Query Language (FOQL) for Image Databases. DASFAA 1999: 117-124
3EESurya Nepal, M. V. Ramakrishna: Query Processing Issues in Image (Multimedia) Databases. ICDE 1999: 22-29
2 Surya Nepal, M. V. Ramakrishna, James A. Thom: Four Layer Schema for Image Modeling. Australasian Database Conference 1998: 189-200
1EESurya Nepal, M. V. Ramakrishna, James A. Thom: A Research Prototype Image Retrieval System. SIGIR 1998: 386

Coauthor Index

1Stephen Barrass [13]
2Jenny Bhuiyan [23]
3Jonathan Chan [24] [25] [26] [30] [38]
4Thi Chau [18]
5Shiping Chen [24] [25] [30] [32] [33] [35] [36] [37] [38]
6Alan Fekete (Alan David Fekete, A. D. Fekete) [14] [15] [16] [19] [20] [31]
7Paul Greenfield [14] [15] [16] [19] [20] [31]
8Lifang Gu [13]
9Hon Hwang [24] [29]
10Frederic Jaccard [21] [22]
11Julian Jang [15] [16] [17] [20] [27] [28] [31]
12Gregoire Kraehenbuehl [21] [22]
13Dean Kuo [14] [15] [16] [19] [31]
14Michael Lee [8] [13]
15David Moreland [24] [25] [29] [30] [37] [38]
16Savas Parastatidis [19]
17Silvia Pfeiffer [13]
18M. V. Ramakrishna [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [10]
19A. Viranga Ratnaike [12]
20Graham J. Reynolds [6] [7]
21Tony Shi [15]
22Bala Srinivasan [12]
23Uma Srinivasan [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [13]
24P. K. Srivastava [10]
25James A. Thom [1] [2] [4]
26Chen Wang [32] [36]
27Jim Webber [19]
28John Zic (John J. Zic) [17] [18] [19] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)