
Vladimir A. Oleshchuk

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13EESigurd Eskeland, Vladimir A. Oleshchuk: Secure Team-Based EPR Access Acquisition in Wireless Networks. ARES 2008: 943-949
12EEVitaly Klyuev, Vladimir A. Oleshchuk: Semantic Retrieval of Text Documents. CIT 2007: 189-193
11 Sigurd Eskeland, Vladimir A. Oleshchuk: EPR Access Authorization of Medical Teams Based on Patient Consent. ECEH 2007: 11-22
10EESigurd Eskeland, Vladimir A. Oleshchuk: Hierarchical Multi-Party Key Agreement for Wireless Networks. IAS 2007: 39-43
9EEVladimir A. Oleshchuk: Privacy Preserving Monitoring and Surveillance in Sensor Networks. ISPA Workshops 2007: 485-492
8 Sigurd Eskeland, Vladimir A. Oleshchuk: Anonymity Preserving Authorization Granting in Medical Information Networks. ECEH 2006: 71-82
7EEFrode Hansen, Vladimir A. Oleshchuk: Location-based Security Framework for use of Handheld Devices in Medical Information Systems. PerCom Workshops 2006: 565-569
6EEFrode Hansen, Vladimir A. Oleshchuk: Conformance Checking of RBAC Policy and its Implementation. ISPEC 2005: 144-155
5EEGeir M. Køien, Vladimir A. Oleshchuk: Location Privacy for Cellular Systems; Analysis and Solution. Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2005: 40-58
4EEVladimir A. Oleshchuk, Asle Pedersen: Ontology Based Semantic Similarity Comparison of Documents. DEXA Workshops 2003: 735-738
3 Vladimir A. Oleshchuk: On Public-Key Cryptosystem Based on Church-Rosser String-Rewriting Systems (Extended Abstract). COCOON 1995: 264-269
2 Vladimir A. Oleshchuk: Church-Rosser Codes. IMA Conf. 1995: 199-204
1 A. V. Anisimov, Vladimir A. Oleshchuk: Stable Finite Automata Mappings and Church-Rosser Systems. FCT 1987: 30-33

Coauthor Index

1A. V. Anisimov [1]
2Sigurd Eskeland [8] [10] [11] [13]
3Frode Hansen [6] [7]
4Vitaly Klyuev [12]
5Geir M. Køien [5]
6Asle Pedersen [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)