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C5 2004: Kyoto, Japan

2004 Conference on Creating, Connecting and Collaborating through Computing (C5 2004), January 29-30, 2004, Kyoto, Japan. IEEE Computer Society 2004 BibTeX
  title     = {2004 Conference on Creating, Connecting and Collaborating through
               Computing (C$^{\mbox{5}}$ 2004), January 29-30, 2004, Kyoto, Japan},
  booktitle = {C5},
  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  year      = {2004},
  bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}


Collaboration and Contents

Virtual Space and Collaboration

Programming Environments

Educational Systems

Creative Learning Environments

Japanese Session: Abstracts/Papers

Copyright © Sat May 16 22:59:58 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)