
Michelle Y. Kim

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18EEQuanzhong Li, Michelle Y. Kim, Edward So, Steve Wood: XVM: XML Virtual Machine. SAC 2004: 1732-1733
17EEQuanzhong Li, Michelle Y. Kim, Edward So, Steve Wood: XVM: a bridge between xml data and its behavior. WWW 2004: 155-163
16EEJeff Boston, Michelle Y. Kim, William L. Luken, Edward So, Steve Wood: Interleaving media data for MPEG-4 presentations. ACM Multimedia 2003: 215-218
15EEMichelle Y. Kim, Steve Wood, Lai-Tee Cheok: Extensible MPEG-4 textual format (XMT). ACM Multimedia Workshops 2000: 71-74
14 Wei Zhao, Taruni Seth, Michelle Y. Kim, Marc Willebeek-LeMair: Optimal Bandwidth/Delay Tradeoff for Feasible-Region-Based Scalabel Multimedia Scheduling. INFOCOM 1998: 1131-1138
13 Michelle Y. Kim: QA Builder: A Visual Toolkit for Building Multimedia Knowledge-Based Systems with Immediate Feedback. ICMCS 1996: 269-273
12 Junehwa Song, Yurdaer N. Doganata, Michelle Y. Kim, Asser N. Tantawi: Modeling Timed User-Interactions in Multimedia Documents. ICMCS 1996: 407-416
11 Junehwa Song, Michelle Y. Kim, G. Ramalingam, Raymond E. Miller, Byoung-Kee Yi: Interactive Authoring of Multimedia Documents. VL 1996: 276-283
10EEMichelle Y. Kim, Junehwa Song: Multimedia Documents with Elastic Time. ACM Multimedia 1995: 143-154
9EEMichelle Y. Kim: Guardian: A Knowledge-Based Home-Health-Care System for Children with Leukemia. ACM Multimedia 1995: 277-278
8EEMichelle Y. Kim: Creative multimedia for children: Isis story builder. CHI 95 Conference Companion 1995: 37-38
7 Wlodek Zadrozny, Michelle Y. Kim: Computational Mereology: A Study of Part-of Relations for Multimedia Indexing. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 15(1): 83-100 (1995)
6EEMichelle Y. Kim: A Multimedia Information System for Home Health-Care Support. IEEE MultiMedia 2(4): 83-87 (1995)
5 Clemens Beckstein, Michelle Y. Kim: Generalized Earley Deduction and Its Correctness. GWAI 1991: 2-11
4 Michelle Y. Kim, Asser N. Tantawi: Asynchronous Disk Interleaving: Approximating Access Delays. IEEE Trans. Computers 40(7): 801-810 (1991)
3 Michelle Y. Kim: Visual Reasoning in Geometry Theorem Proving. IJCAI 1989: 1617-1622
2 Michelle Y. Kim: Synchronized Disk Interleaving. IEEE Trans. Computers 35(11): 978-988 (1986)
1 Michelle Y. Kim: Parallel Operation of Magnetic Disk Storage Devices: Synchronized Disk Interleaving. IWDM 1985: 300-330

Coauthor Index

1Clemens Beckstein [5]
2Jeff Boston [16]
3Lai-Tee Cheok [15]
4Yurdaer N. Doganata [12]
5Quanzhong Li [17] [18]
6William L. Luken [16]
7Raymond E. Miller [11]
8G. Ramalingam (Ganesan Ramalingam) [11]
9Taruni Seth [14]
10Edward So [16] [17] [18]
11Junehwa Song [10] [11] [12]
12Asser N. Tantawi [4] [12]
13Marc Willebeek-LeMair [14]
14Steve Wood [15] [16] [17] [18]
15Byoung-Kee Yi [11]
16Wlodek Zadrozny [7]
17Wei Zhao [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)