Maintaining Availability in Partitioned Replicated Databases.

Amr El Abbadi, Sam Toueg: Maintaining Availability in Partitioned Replicated Databases. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 14(2): 264-290(1989)
  author    = {Amr El Abbadi and
               Sam Toueg},
  title     = {Maintaining Availability in Partitioned Replicated Databases},
  journal   = {ACM Trans. Database Syst.},
  volume    = {14},
  number    = {2},
  year      = {1989},
  pages     = {264-290},
  ee        = {, db/journals/tods/AbbadiT89.html},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}


In a replicated database, a data item may have copies residing on several sites. A replica control protocol is necessary to ensure that data items with several copies behave as if they consist of a single copy, as far as users can tell. We describe a new replica control protocol that allows the accessing of data in spite of site failures and network partitioning. This protocol provides the database designer with a large degree of flexibility in deciding the degree of data availability, as well as the cost of accessing data.

Copyright © 1989 by the ACM, Inc., used by permission. Permission to make digital or hard copies is granted provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or direct commercial advantage, and that copies show this notice on the first page or initial screen of a display along with the full citation.

Joint ACM SIGMOD / IEEE Computer Society Anthology

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Philip A. Bernstein, Nathan Goodman: Concurrency Control in Distributed Database Systems. ACM Comput. Surv. 13(2): 185-221(1981) BibTeX
Philip A. Bernstein, Nathan Goodman: The Failure and Recovery Problem for Replicated Databases. PODC 1983: 114-122 BibTeX
Philip A. Bernstein, Nathan Goodman: An Algorithm for Concurrency Control and Recovery in Replicated Distributed Databases. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 9(4): 596-615(1984) BibTeX
Philip A. Bernstein, Vassos Hadzilacos, Nathan Goodman: Concurrency Control and Recovery in Database Systems. Addison-Wesley 1987, ISBN 0-201-10715-5
Contents BibTeX
Brian A. Coan, Brian M. Oki, Elliot K. Kolodner: Limitations on Database Availability when Networks Partition. PODC 1986: 187-194 BibTeX
Susan B. Davidson, Hector Garcia-Molina, Dale Skeen: Consistency in Partitioned Networks. ACM Comput. Surv. 17(3): 341-370(1985) BibTeX
Derek L. Eager, Kenneth C. Sevcik: Achieving Robustness in Distributed Database Systems. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 8(3): 354-381(1983) BibTeX
Amr El Abbadi, Sam Toueg: Availability in Partitioned Replicated Databases. PODS 1986: 240-251 BibTeX
Amr El Abbadi, Dale Skeen, Flaviu Cristian: An Efficient, Fault-Tolerant Protocol for Replicated Data Management. PODS 1985: 215-229 BibTeX
Kapali P. Eswaran, Jim Gray, Raymond A. Lorie, Irving L. Traiger: The Notions of Consistency and Predicate Locks in a Database System. Commun. ACM 19(11): 624-633(1976) BibTeX
David K. Gifford: Weighted Voting for Replicated Data. SOSP 1979: 150-162 BibTeX
Nathan Goodman, Dale Skeen, Arvola Chan, Umeshwar Dayal, Stephen Fox, Daniel R. Ries: A Recovery Algorithm for a Distributed Database System. PODS 1983: 8-15 BibTeX
Jim Gray, Paul R. McJones, Mike W. Blasgen, Bruce G. Lindsay, Raymond A. Lorie, Thomas G. Price, Gianfranco R. Putzolu, Irving L. Traiger: The Recovery Manager of the System R Database Manager. ACM Comput. Surv. 13(2): 223-243(1981) BibTeX
Maurice Herlihy: Dynamic Quorum Adjustment for Partitioned Data. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 12(2): 170-194(1987) BibTeX
Thomas A. Joseph, Kenneth P. Birman: Low Cost Management of Replicated Data in Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 4(1): 54-70(1986) BibTeX
Christos H. Papadimitriou: The serializability of concurrent database updates. J. ACM 26(4): 631-653(1979) BibTeX
Kenneth J. Perry, Sam Toueg: Distributed Agreement in the Presence of Processor and Communication Faults. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 12(3): 477-482(1986) BibTeX
David P. Reed: Implementing Atomic Actions on Decentralized Data. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 1(1): 3-23(1983) BibTeX
Dale Skeen, David D. Wright: Increasing Availability in Partitioned Database Systems. PODS 1984: 290-299 BibTeX

Referenced by

  1. Xiangning Liu, Abdelsalam Helal, Weimin Du: Multiview Access Protocols for Large-Scale Replication. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 23(2): 158-198(1998)
  2. Avishai Wool: Quorum Systems in Replicated Databases: Science or Fiction? IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 21(4): 3-11(1998)
  3. Peter Triantafillou, David J. Taylor: VELOS: A New Approach for Efficiently Achieving High Availability in Partitioned Distributed Systems. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 8(2): 305-321(1996)
  4. Divyakant Agrawal, Amr El Abbadi: Using Reconfiguration for Efficient Management of Replicated Data. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 8(5): 786-801(1996)
  5. Idit Keidar, Danny Dolev: Increasing the Resilience of Atomic Commit at No Additional Cost. PODS 1995: 245-254
  6. Kenneth J. Goldman, Nancy A. Lynch: Quorum Consensus in Nested Transaction Systems. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 19(4): 537-585(1994)
  7. A. B. Stephens, Yelena Yesha, Keith E. Humenik: Optimal Allocation for Partially Replicated Database Systems on Ring Networks. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 6(6): 975-982(1994)
  8. Ravi Mukkamala: Storage Efficient and Secure Replicated Distribted Databases. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 6(2): 337-341(1994)
  9. Ada Wai-Chee Fu, David Wai-Lok Cheung: A Transaction Replication Scheme for a Replicated Database with Node Autonomy. VLDB 1994: 214-225
  10. Divyakant Agrawal, Amr El Abbadi: The Generalized Tree Quorum Protocol: An Efficient Approach for Managing Replicated Data. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 17(4): 689-717(1992)
  11. Divyakant Agrawal, Amr El Abbadi: Resilient Logical Structures for Efficient Management of Replicated Data. VLDB 1992: 151-162
  12. Michael Rabinovich, Edward D. Lazowska: Improving Fault Tolerance and Supporting Partial Writes in Structured Coterie Protocols for Replicated Objects. SIGMOD Conference 1992: 226-235
  13. Wesley W. Chu, Berthier A. Ribeiro-Neto, Patrick H. Ngai: Object Allocation in Distributed Systems with Virtual Replication. ICDE 1992: 238-245
  14. P. C. Aristides, Amr El Abbadi: Fast Read-Only Transactions in Replicated Databases. ICDE 1992: 246-253
  15. Peter Triantafillou, David J. Taylor: Efficiently Maintaining Availability in the Presence of Partitionings in Distributed Systems. ICDE 1991: 34-41
  16. Sushil Jajodia, David Mutchler: Dynamic Voting Algorithms for Maintaining the Consistency of a Replicated Database. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 15(2): 230-280(1990)
  17. Bharat K. Bhargava, Shirley Browne: Adaptable Recovery Using Dynamic Quorum Assignments. VLDB 1990: 231-242
  18. Divyakant Agrawal, Amr El Abbadi: The Tree Quorum Protocol: An Efficient Approach for Managing Replicated Data. VLDB 1990: 243-254
  19. Sushil Jajodia, David Mutchler: A Hybrid Replica Control Algorithm Combining Static and Dynamic Voting. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 1(4): 459-469(1989)
  20. Shun Yan Cheung, Mustaque Ahamad, Mostafa H. Ammar: Optimizing Vote and Quorum Assignments for Reading and Writing Replicated Data. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 1(3): 387-397(1989)
  21. Jian Tang, N. Natarajan: A Scheme for Maintaining Consistency and Availability of Replicated Files in a Partitioned Distributed System. ICDE 1989: 530-537
  22. Shun Yan Cheung, Mustaque Ahamad, Mostafa H. Ammar: Optimizing Vote and Quorum Assignments for Reading and Writing Replicated Data. ICDE 1989: 271-279
  23. Amr El Abbadi, Sam Toueg: Availability in Partitioned Replicated Databases. PODS 1986: 240-251
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