
Shirley Browne

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14EEShirley Browne, Jack Dongarra, N. Garner, Kevin S. London, Philip Mucci: A Scalable Cross-Platform Infrastructure for Application Performance Tuning Using Hardware Counters. SC 2000
13EEShirley Browne, Jack Dongarra, Jeff Horner, Paul McMahan, Scott Wells: Technologies for Repository Interoperation and Access Control. ACM DL 1998: 40-48
12EEShirley Browne: Cross-Platform Parallel Debugging and Performance Analysis Tools. PVM/MPI 1998: 257-264
11EEShirley Browne, James W. Moore: Reuse Library Interoperability and the World Wide Web. ICSE 1997: 684-691
10EEShirley Browne, James W. Moore: Reuse Library Interoperability and the World Wide Web. SSR 1997: 182-189
9 Shirley Browne, Henri Casanova, Jack Dongarra: Providing Access to High Performance Computing Technologies. PARA 1996: 123-133
8 Jack Dongarra, Shirley Browne, Henri Casanova: Providing Access to High Performance Computing Technologies. VECPAR 1996: 24-34
7 Ronald F. Boisvert, Shirley Browne, Jack Dongarra, Eric Grosse: Digital Software and Data Repositories for Support of Scientific Computing. ADL 1995: 103-114
6 Shirley Browne, Jack Dongarra, Ken Kennedy, Tom Rowan: Management of the Nationale HPCC Software Exchange - A Virtual Distributed Digital Library. DL 1995: 0-
5EEShirley Browne, Jack Dongarra, Geoffrey Fox, Kenneth A. Hawick, Ken Kennedy, Rick Stevens, Robert Olson, Tom Rowan: Distributed Information Management in the National HPCC Software Exchange. SC 1995
4EEShirley Browne, Jack Dongarra, Stan Green, Keith Moore, Theresa Pepin, Tom Rowan, Reed Wade: Location-Independent Naming for Virtual Distributed Software Repositories. SSR 1995: 179-185
3 Shirley Browne: Communication and Synchronization Issues in Distributed Multimedia Database Systems. Advanced Database Systems 1993: 381-396
2EEBharat K. Bhargava, Shirley Browne: Adaptable Recovery Using Dynamic Quorum Assignments. VLDB 1990: 231-242
1 Bharat K. Bhargava, Shirley Browne: A Generic Algorithm for Transaction Processing During Network Partitioning. FSTTCS 1988: 509-519

Coauthor Index

1Bharat K. Bhargava [1] [2]
2Ronald F. Boisvert [7]
3Henri Casanova [8] [9]
4Jack Dongarra [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [13] [14]
5Geoffrey Fox (Geoffrey Charles Fox) [5]
6N. Garner [14]
7Stan Green [4]
8Eric Grosse [7]
9Kenneth A. Hawick [5]
10Jeff Horner [13]
11Ken Kennedy [5] [6]
12Kevin S. London [14]
13Paul McMahan [13]
14James W. Moore [10] [11]
15Keith Moore [4]
16Philip Mucci [14]
17Robert Olson [5]
18Theresa Pepin [4]
19Tom Rowan [4] [5] [6]
20Rick L. Stevens (Rick Stevens) [5]
21Reed Wade [4]
22Scott Wells [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)