Volume 3,
Number 1,
April 1999
Volume 3,
Number 2,
July 1999
- Xin Yao, Yong Liu, Guangming Lin:
Evolutionary programming made faster.
82-102 BibTeX
- Lawrence O. Hall, Ibrahim Burak Özyurt, James C. Bezdek:
Clustering with a genetically optimized approach.
103-112 BibTeX
- Yoshi Fujiwara, Hidefumi Sawai:
Evolutionary computation applied to mesh optimization of a 3-D facial image.
113-123 BibTeX
- A. E. Eiben, Robert Hinterding, Zbigniew Michalewicz:
Parameter control in evolutionary algorithms.
124-141 BibTeX
- David B. Fogel, Kumar Chellapilla, Peter J. Angeline:
Inductive reasoning and bounded rationality reconsidered.
142-146 BibTeX
- Alexandre Linhares:
Synthesizing a predatory search strategy for VLSI layouts.
147-152 BibTeX
- James Kennedy:
Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation.
153-156 BibTeX
- Moshe Sipper, Daniel Mange, Andrés Pérez-Uribe:
Evolvable systems 1998-Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware (ICES'98) .
157-158 BibTeX
- Ian C. Parmee:
Adaptive Computing in Design and Manufacture.
159-159 BibTeX
- John R. Koza, Wolfgang Banzhaf, Kumar Chellapilla, Kalyanmoy Deb, Marco Dorigo, David B. Fogel, Max H. Garzon, David E. Goldberg, Hitoshi Iba, Rick L. Riolo:
Genetic Programming 1998: Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference.
159-161 BibTeX
Volume 3,
Number 3,
September 1999
- Guest editorial from biology to hardware and back.
165-166 BibTeX
- Adrian Thompson, Paul J. Layzell, Ricardo Salem Zebulum:
Explorations in design space: unconventional electronics design through artificial evolution.
167-196 BibTeX
- Lorenz Huelsbergen, Edward A. Rietman, Robert Slous:
Evolving oscillators in silico.
197-204 BibTeX
- Jason D. Lohn, Silvano Colombano:
A circuit representation technique for automated circuit design.
205-219 BibTeX
- Tetsuya Higuchi, Masaya Iwata, Didier Keymeulen, Hidenori Sakanashi, Masahiro Murakawa, Isamu Kajitani, Eiichi Takahashi, Kenji Toda, Mehrdad Salami, Nobuki Kajihara, Nobuyuki Otsu:
Real-world applications of analog and digital evolvable hardware .
220-235 BibTeX
- Max H. Garzon, Russell J. Deaton:
Biomolecular computing and programming.
236-250 BibTeX
- Rolf Drechsler:
Evolutionary Algorithms for VLSI CAD [book Review].
251-253 BibTeX
- John R. Koza, Forrest H. Bennett III, David Andre, Martin A. Keane:
Genetic programming III: darwinian invention and problem solving [Book Review].
251-253 BibTeX
Volume 3,
Number 4,
November 1999
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:25:21 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)