
Donald Goldfarb

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19EEWotao Yin, Donald Goldfarb, Stanley Osher: A comparison of three total variation based texture extraction models. J. Visual Communication and Image Representation 18(3): 240-252 (2007)
18EEL. Chen, Donald Goldfarb: Interior-point l2-penalty methods for nonlinear programming with strong global convergence properties. Math. Program. 108(1): 1-36 (2006)
17EEWotao Yin, Donald Goldfarb, Stanley Osher: Image Cartoon-Texture Decomposition and Feature Selection Using the Total Variation Regularized L1 Functional. VLSM 2005: 73-84
16EEDonald Goldfarb, K. Scheinberg: Product-form Cholesky factorization in interior point methods for second-order cone programming. Math. Program. 103(1): 153-179 (2005)
15EEDonald Goldfarb, Wotao Yin: Second-order Cone Programming Methods for Total Variation-Based Image Restoration. SIAM J. Scientific Computing 27(2): 622-645 (2005)
14EEDonald Goldfarb, K. Scheinberg: A product-form Cholesky factorization method for handling dense columns in interior point methods for linear programming. Math. Program. 99(1): 1-34 (2004)
13EEDonald Goldfarb, Garud Iyengar: Robust Portfolio Selection Problems. Math. Oper. Res. 28(1): 1-38 (2003)
12EEFarid Alizadeh, Donald Goldfarb: Second-order cone programming. Math. Program. 95(1): 3-51 (2003)
11EEDonald Goldfarb, Zhiying Jin: A new scaling algorithm for the minimum cost network flow problem. Oper. Res. Lett. 25(5): 205-211 (1999)
10 Ronald D. Armstrong, Wei Chen, Donald Goldfarb, Zhiying Jin: Strongly polynomial dual simplex methods for the maximum flow problem. Math. Program. 80: 17-33 (1998)
9 Donald Goldfarb, Wei Chen: On strongly polynomial dual simplex algorithms for the maximum flow problem. Math. Program. 77: 159-168 (1997)
8EEDonald Goldfarb, Jianxiu Hao: On the Maximum Capacity Augmentation Algorithm for the Maximum Flow Problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 47(1): 9-16 (1993)
7 In Chan Choi, Donald Goldfarb: Exploiting special structure in a primal-dual path-following algorithm. Math. Program. 58: 33-52 (1993)
6 Donald Goldfarb, Shucheng Liu: An O(n3L) primal-dual potential reduction algorithm for solving convex quadratic programs. Math. Program. 61: 161-170 (1993)
5 Donald Goldfarb, Jianxiu Hao: Polynomial-Time Primal Simplex Algorithms for the Minimum Cost Network Flow Problem. Algorithmica 8(2): 145-160 (1992)
4 John J. Forrest, Donald Goldfarb: Steepest-edge simplex algorithms for linear programming. Math. Program. 57: 341-374 (1992)
3 Donald Goldfarb, S. Liu: An O(n3L) primal interior point algorithm for convex quadratic programming. Math. Program. 49: 325-340 (1991)
2 Donald Goldfarb, Dong Xiao: A primal projective interior point method for linear programming. Math. Program. 51: 17-43 (1991)
1 Donald Goldfarb, Jianxiu Hao: A Primal Simplex Algorithm that Solves the Maximum Flow Problem in at most nm Pivots and O(n2m) Time. Math. Program. 47: 353-365 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Farid Alizadeh [12]
2Ronald D. Armstrong [10]
3L. Chen [18]
4Wei Chen [9] [10]
5In Chan Choi [7]
6John J. Forrest [4]
7Jianxiu Hao [1] [5] [8]
8Garud Iyengar [13]
9Zhiying Jin [10] [11]
10S. Liu [3]
11Shucheng Liu [6]
12Stanley Osher [17] [19]
13K. Scheinberg [14] [16]
14Dong Xiao [2]
15Wotao Yin [15] [17] [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)