
Hubertus Th. Jongen

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15EEHubertus Th. Jongen, Jan-J. Rückmann, Oliver Stein: Parametric Global Optimization: Sensitivity. Encyclopedia of Optimization 2009: 2912-2917
14EEHubertus Th. Jongen, Oliver Stein: Smoothing Methods for Semi-Infinite Optimization. Encyclopedia of Optimization 2009: 3617-3622
13EEHubertus Th. Jongen, Alina Ruiz Jhones: Topology of Global Optimization. Encyclopedia of Optimization 2009: 3922-3928
12EESjur Didrik Flåm, Hubertus Th. Jongen, Oliver Stein: Slopes of shadow prices and Lagrange multipliers. Optimization Letters 2(2): 143-155 (2008)
11EEHarald Günzel, Hubertus Th. Jongen, Oliver Stein: Generalized semi-infinite programming: the Symmetric Reduction Ansatz. Optimization Letters 2(3): 415-424 (2008)
10EEFrancisco Guerra Vazquez, Harald Günzel, Hubertus Th. Jongen: On Logarithmic Smoothing of the Maximum Function. Annals OR 101(1-4): 209-220 (2001)
9EEAlexander A. Davydov, Hubertus Th. Jongen: Normal Forms in One-Parametric Optimization. Annals OR 101(1-4): 255-265 (2001)
8 Hubertus Th. Jongen, Jan-J. Rückmann, Oliver Stein: Generalized semi-infinite optimization: A first order optimality condition and examples. Math. Program. 83: 145-158 (1998)
7 Hubertus Th. Jongen, Oliver Stein: On Generic One-Parametric Semi-Infinite Optimization Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 95-06: (1995)
6 Hubertus Th. Jongen, Jan-J. Rückmann, Oliver Stein: Generalized Semi-Infinite Optimization: A First Order Optimality Condition and Examples Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 95-24: (1995)
5 R. Hirabayashi, Hubertus Th. Jongen, Masayuki Shida: Stability for linearly constrained optimization problems. Math. Program. 66: 351-360 (1994)
4 Rainer Hettich, Hubertus Th. Jongen: On Continuous Deformations of Semi-Infinite Optimization Problems Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 94-02: (1994)
3EEHubertus Th. Jongen, P. Jonker, F. Twilt: On the classification of plane graphs representing structurally stable rational Newton flows. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 51(2): 256-270 (1991)
2 Hubertus Th. Jongen, D. Klatte, K. Tammer: Implicit functions and sensitivity of stationary points. Math. Program. 49: 123-138 (1991)
1 Andreas Griewank, Hubertus Th. Jongen, Man Kam Kwong: The equivalence of strict convexity and injectivity of the gradient in bounded level sets. Math. Program. 51: 273-278 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Alexander A. Davydov [9]
2Sjur Didrik Flåm [12]
3Andreas Griewank [1]
4Harald Günzel [10] [11]
5Rainer Hettich [4]
6R. Hirabayashi [5]
7Alina Ruiz Jhones [13]
8P. Jonker [3]
9D. Klatte [2]
10Man Kam Kwong [1]
11Jan-J. Rückmann [6] [8] [15]
12Masayuki Shida [5]
13Oliver Stein [6] [7] [8] [11] [12] [14] [15]
14K. Tammer [2]
15F. Twilt [3]
16Francisco Guerra Vazquez [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)