
Masao Fukushima

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25EEGui-Hua Lin, Xiaojun Chen, Masao Fukushima: Solving stochastic mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints via approximation and smoothing implicit programming with penalization. Math. Program. 116(1-2): 343-368 (2009)
24EEXiaojun Chen, Chao Zhang, Masao Fukushima: Robust solution of monotone stochastic linear complementarity problems. Math. Program. 117(1-2): 51-80 (2009)
23EEYong Fang, Lihua Chen, Masao Fukushima: A mixed R&D projects and securities portfolio selection model. European Journal of Operational Research 185(2): 700-715 (2008)
22EEMichi Nishihara, Masao Fukushima: Evaluation of firm's loss due to incomplete information in real investment decision. European Journal of Operational Research 188(2): 569-585 (2008)
21EEAbdel-Rahman Hedar, Jue Wang, Masao Fukushima: Tabu search for attribute reduction in rough set theory. Soft Comput. 12(9): 909-918 (2008)
20EEDashan Huang, Baimin Yu, Lean Yu, Frank J. Fabozzi, Masao Fukushima: An Improved CAViaR Model for Oil Price Risk. International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2007: 937-944
19EEDashan Huang, Yoshitaka Kai, Frank J. Fabozzi, Masao Fukushima: An optimal design of collateralized mortgage obligation with PAC-companion structure using dynamic cash reserve. European Journal of Operational Research 177(2): 1134-1152 (2007)
18EEPing Zhong, Masao Fukushima: Second-Order Cone Programming Formulations for Robust Multiclass Classification. Neural Computation 19(1): 258-282 (2007)
17EEDashan Huang, Frank J. Fabozzi, Masao Fukushima: Robust portfolio selection with uncertain exit time using worst-case VaR strategy. Oper. Res. Lett. 35(5): 627-635 (2007)
16EEHirokazu Kato, Masao Fukushima: An SQP-type algorithm for nonlinear second-order cone programs. Optimization Letters 1(2): 129-144 (2007)
15EEPu-yan Nie, Lihua Chen, Masao Fukushima: Dynamic programming approach to discrete time dynamic feedback Stackelberg games with independent and dependent followers. European Journal of Operational Research 169(1): 310-328 (2006)
14EEAbdel-Rahman Hedar, Masao Fukushima: Tabu Search directed by direct search methods for nonlinear global optimization. European Journal of Operational Research 170(2): 329-349 (2006)
13EEMasao Fukushima: How to Deal with Uncertainty in Optimization - some Recent Attempts. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 5(4): 623-638 (2006)
12EEGui-Hua Lin, Masao Fukushima: A Modified Relaxation Scheme for Mathematical Programs with Complementarity Constraints. Annals OR 133(1-4): 63-84 (2005)
11EENobuo Yamashita, Hiroshige Dan, Masao Fukushima: On the identification of degenerate indices in the nonlinear complementarity problem with the proximal point algorithm. Math. Program. 99(2): 377-397 (2004)
10EEHiroshige Dan, Nobuo Yamashita, Masao Fukushima: A Superlinearly Convergent Algorithm for the Monotone Nonlinear Complementarity Problem Without Uniqueness and Nondegeneracy Conditions. Math. Oper. Res. 27(4): 743-753 (2002)
9EEDong-Hui Li, Masao Fukushima: Globally Convergent Broyden-Like Methods for Semismooth Equations and Applications to VIP, NCP and MCP. Annals OR 103(1-4): 71-97 (2001)
8EEMasahiro Okada, Kouichi Taji, Masao Fukushima: Probabilistic analysis of 2-opt for travelling salesman problems. Int. J. Systems Science 29(3): 297-310 (1998)
7 Christian Kanzow, Masao Fukushima: Theoretical and numerical investigation of the D-gap function for box constrained variational inequalities. Math. Program. 83: 55-87 (1998)
6EEChristian Kanzow, Masao Fukushima: Solving box constrained variational inequalities by using the natural residual with D-gap function globalization. Oper. Res. Lett. 23(1-2): 45-51 (1998)
5 Masao Fukushima: The primal Douglas-Rachford splitting algorithm for a class of monotone mappings with application to the traffic equilibrium problem. Math. Program. 72: 1-15 (1996)
4 Nobuo Yamashita, Masao Fukushima: Modified Newton methods for solving a semismooth reformulation of monotone complementarity problems. Math. Program. 76: 469-491 (1996)
3 Kouichi Taji, Masao Fukushima, Toshihide Ibaraki: A globally convergent Newton method for solving strongly monotone variational inequalities. Math. Program. 58: 369-383 (1993)
2 Masao Fukushima: Equivalent differentiable optimization problems and descent methods for asymmetric variational inequality problems. Math. Program. 53: 99-110 (1992)
1 Masao Fukushima: A Successive quadratic programming method for a Class of constrained nonsmooth optimization problems. Math. Program. 49: 231-251 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Lihua Chen [15] [23]
2Xiaojun Chen [24] [25]
3Hiroshige Dan [10] [11]
4Frank J. Fabozzi [17] [19] [20]
5Yong Fang [23]
6Abdel-Rahman Hedar [14] [21]
7Dashan Huang [17] [19] [20]
8Toshihide Ibaraki [3]
9Yoshitaka Kai [19]
10Christian Kanzow [6] [7]
11Hirokazu Kato [16]
12Dong-Hui Li [9]
13Gui-Hua Lin [12] [25]
14Pu-yan Nie [15]
15Michi Nishihara [22]
16Masahiro Okada [8]
17Kouichi Taji [3] [8]
18Jue Wang [21]
19Nobuo Yamashita [4] [10] [11]
20Baimin Yu [20]
21Lean Yu [20]
22Chao Zhang [24]
23Ping Zhong [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)