
Clovis C. Gonzaga

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8EEJ. Charles Gilbert, Clovis C. Gonzaga, Elizabeth W. Karas: Examples of ill-behaved central paths in convex optimization. Math. Program. 103(1): 63-94 (2005)
7EEClovis C. Gonzaga, Rómulo A. Castillo: A nonlinear programming algorithm based on non-coercive penalty functions. Math. Program. 96(1): 87-101 (2003)
6 Clovis C. Gonzaga: The largest step path following algorithm for monotone linear complementarity problems. Math. Program. 76: 309-332 (1996)
5 Clovis C. Gonzaga, J. Frédéric Bonnans: Fast convergence of the simplified largest step path following algorithm. Math. Program. 76: 95-115 (1996)
4 Clovis C. Gonzaga: Search Directions for Interior Linear-Programming Methods. Algorithmica 6(2): 153-181 (1991)
3 Clovis C. Gonzaga: Polynomial affine algorithms for linear programming. Math. Program. 49: 7-21 (1991)
2 Clovis C. Gonzaga: Interior point algorithms for linear programming with inequality constraints. Math. Program. 52: 209-225 (1991)
1 Clovis C. Gonzaga: On lower bound updates in primal potential reduction methods for linear programming. Math. Program. 52: 415-428 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1J. Frédéric Bonnans [5]
2Rómulo A. Castillo [7]
3J. Charles Gilbert [8]
4Elizabeth W. Karas [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)