
Rachel Cardell-Oliver

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20EEWinnie Louis Lee, Amitava Datta, Rachel Cardell-Oliver: FlexiTP: A Flexible-Schedule-Based TDMA Protocol for Fault-Tolerant and Energy-Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 19(6): 851-864 (2008)
19EEBabak Pazand, Amitava Datta, Rachel Cardell-Oliver: A fault-tolerant node scheduling scheme to extend the lifetime of wireless sensor networks. SenSys 2007: 423-424
18EEJingbo Sun, Rachel Cardell-Oliver: An autonomic communication framework for sensor networks. SenSys 2007: 439-440
17EEWinnie Louis Lee, Amitava Datta, Rachel Cardell-Oliver: A Novel Systematic Resource Transfer Method for Wireless Sensor Networks. GLOBECOM 2006
16EEValance Phua, Amitava Datta, Rachel Cardell-Oliver: A TDMA-Based MAC Protocol for Industrial Wireless Sensor Network Applications using Link State Dependent Scheduling. GLOBECOM 2006
15EERachel Cardell-Oliver, Mark Kranz, Keith Smettem, Kevin Mayer: A Reactive Soil Moisture Sensor Network: Design and Field Evaluation. IJDSN 1(2): 149-162 (2005)
14EEPatrick Downey, Rachel Cardell-Oliver: Evaluating the Impact of Limited Resource on the Performance of Flooding in Wireless Sensor Networks. DSN 2004: 785-794
13EESule Nair, Rachel Cardell-Oliver: Formal specification and analysis of performance variation in sensor network diffusion protocols. MSWiM 2004: 170-173
12EERachel Cardell-Oliver: Conformance test experiments for distributed real-time systems. ISSTA 2002: 159-163
11EEThorsten Gerdsmeier, Rachel Cardell-Oliver: A Method for Verifying Real-Time Properties of Ada Programs. ICECCS 2001: 35-
10EEThorsten Gerdsmeier, Rachel Cardell-Oliver: Analysis of Scheduling Behaviour using Generic Timed Automata. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 42: (2001)
9EERachel Cardell-Oliver: Conformance Tests for Real-Time Systems with Timed Automata Specifications. Formal Asp. Comput. 12(5): 350-371 (2000)
8EERachel Cardell-Oliver, Tim Glover: A Practical and Complete Algorithm for Testing Real-Time Systems. FTRTFT 1998: 251-261
7 Rachel Cardell-Oliver: An Equivalence Theorem for the Operational and Temporal Semantics of Real-Time, Concurrent Programs. J. Log. Comput. 8(4): 545-567 (1998)
6 Rachel Cardell-Oliver: HTTDs and HOL. Formal Development of Reactive Systems 1995: 261-276
5 Roger Hale, Rachel Cardell-Oliver, John Herbert: An Embedding of Timed Transition Systems in HOL. Formal Methods in System Design 3(1/2): 151-174 (1993)
4 Rachel Cardell-Oliver: A Mechanized Theory for the Verification of Real-Time Program Code using Higher Order Logic. FTRTFT 1992: 375-392
3 Rachel Cardell-Oliver, Roger Hale, John Herbert: An Embedding of Timed Transition Systems in HOL. TPHOLs 1992: 263-278
2 Rachel Cardell-Oliver: Using Higher Order Logic for Modelling Real-Time Protocols. TAPSOFT, Vol.2 1991: 259-282
1 Rachel Cardell-Oliver: On the use of the HOL system for Protocol Verification. TPHOLs 1991: 59-62

Coauthor Index

1Amitava Datta [16] [17] [19] [20]
2Patrick Downey [14]
3Thorsten Gerdsmeier [10] [11]
4Tim Glover [8]
5Roger Hale [3] [5]
6John Herbert [3] [5]
7Mark Kranz [15]
8Winnie Louis Lee [17] [20]
9Kevin Mayer [15]
10Sule Nair [13]
11Babak Pazand [19]
12Valance Phua [16]
13Keith Smettem [15]
14Jingbo Sun [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)