Volume 64,
Number 1,
March 1999
- Moti Gitik:
On Closed Unbounded Sets Consisting of Former Regulars.
1-12 BibTeX
- Peter Cholak, Sergei S. Goncharov, Bakhadyr Khoussainov, Richard A. Shore:
Computably Categorical Structures and Expansions by Constants.
13-37 BibTeX
- Qi Feng:
Rado's Conjecture and Presaturation of The Nonstationary Ideal on Omega1.
38-44 BibTeX
- Rodney G. Downey, Carl G. Jockusch Jr.:
Effective Presentability of Boolean Algebras of Cantor-Bendixson Rank 1.
45-52 BibTeX
- Gerhard Jäger, Reinhard Kahle, Anton Setzer, Thomas Strahm:
The Proof-Theoretic Analysis of Transfinitely Iterated Fixed Point Theories.
53-67 BibTeX
- Tuna Altinel, Gregory L. Cherlin:
On Central Extensions of Algebraic Groups.
68-74 BibTeX
- Slawomir Solecki, Otmar Spinas:
Dominating and Unbounded Free Sets.
75-80 BibTeX
- Paul Larson:
An Smax Variation for One Souslin Tree.
81-98 BibTeX
- Marcus Kracht, Frank Wolter:
Normal Monomodal Logics Can Simulate All Others.
99-138 BibTeX
- Ralf-Dieter Schindler:
Successive Weakly Compact or Singular Cardinals.
139-146 BibTeX
- Hisato Muraki:
Non-Distributive Upper Semilattice of Kleene Degrees.
147-158 BibTeX
- Gregory L. Cherlin:
Infinite Imprimitive Homogeneous 3-Edge-Colored Complete Graphs.
159-179 BibTeX
- Mirna Dzamonja, Saharon Shelah:
Similar But Not The Same: Various Versions of Clubs Do Not Coincide.
180-198 BibTeX
- U. Felgner, J. K. Truss:
The Independence of The Prime Ideal Theorem From The Order-Extension Principle.
199-215 BibTeX
- Salma Kuhlmann:
Infinitary Properties of Valued and Ordered Vector Spaces.
216-226 BibTeX
- Kosta Dosen, Zoran Petric:
Cartesian Isomorphisms Are Symmetric Monoidal: A Justification of Linear Logic.
227-242 BibTeX
- Hajnal Andréka, Ian M. Hodkinson, István Németi:
Finite Algebras of Relations Are Representable on Finite Sets.
243-267 BibTeX
- A. James Humphreys, Stephen G. Simpson:
Separation and Weak König's Lemma.
268-278 BibTeX
- Janusz Czelakowski, Wieslaw Dziobiak:
Deduction Theorems Within RM and Its Extensions.
279-290 BibTeX
- Hongwei Xi:
Upper Bounds for Standardizations and An Application.
291-303 BibTeX
- Stefano Berardi:
Intuitionistic Completeness for First Order Classical Logic.
304-312 BibTeX
- Andrea Cantini, Pierluigi Minari:
Uniform Inseparability in Explicit Mathematics.
313-326 BibTeX
- Jeremy Avigad, Richard Sommer:
The Model-Theoretic Ordinal Analysis of Theories of Predicative Strength.
327-349 BibTeX
- Amir Leshem, Menachem Magidor:
The Independence of delta1n.
350-362 BibTeX
- Felipe Cucker, Klaus Meer:
Logics Which Capture Complexity Classes Over The Reals.
363-390 BibTeX
Volume 64,
Number 2,
June 1999
- Jacob Lurie:
Anti-Admissible Sets.
407-435 BibTeX
- Péter Komjáth:
Some Remarks on the Partition Calculus of Ordinals.
436-442 BibTeX
- Mitch Rudominer:
The Largest Countable Inductive Set is A Mouse Set.
443-459 BibTeX
- A. J. Heaton:
A Jump Operator for Subrecursion Theories.
460-468 BibTeX
- Otmar Spinas:
Countable Filters on Omega.
469-478 BibTeX
- Grigori Mints:
Cut-Elimination for Simple Type Theory with An Axiom of Choice.
479-485 BibTeX
- John L. Bell:
Frege's Theorem in A Constructive Setting.
486-488 BibTeX
- Tamara Lakins Hummel, Carl G. Jockusch Jr.:
Generalized Cohesiveness.
489-516 BibTeX
- Michael Rathjen:
Explicit Mathematics with The Monotone Fixed Point Principle. II: Models.
517-550 BibTeX
- Vladimir Kanovei:
On Non-Wellfounded Iterations of The Perfect Set Forcing.
551-574 BibTeX
- Steven Givant:
Universal Classes of Simple Relation Algebras.
575-589 BibTeX
- Kai Hauser, W. Hugh Woodin:
Pi13 Sets and Pi13 Singletons.
590-616 BibTeX
- Mike Prest:
Tensor Product and Theories of Modules.
617-628 BibTeX
- Dan Saracino:
Prime E.C. Commutative Rings in Characteristic n bigger equal to 2.
629-633 BibTeX
- Tapani Hyttinen, Saharon Shelah:
Constructing Strongly Equivalent Nonisomorphic Models for Unsuperstable Theories, Part C.
634-642 BibTeX
- Yuefei Sui, Zaiyue Zhang:
The Cupping Theorem in R/M.
643-650 BibTeX
- Joohee Jeong:
A Decidable Variety That Is Finitely Undecidable.
651-677 BibTeX
- John T. Baldwin, Rami P. Grossberg, Saharon Shelah:
Transfering Saturation, The Finite Cover Property, and Stability.
678-684 BibTeX
- Mamoru Kaneko:
Common Knowledge Logic and Game Logic.
685-700 BibTeX
- Juris Steprans:
Unions of Rectifiable Curves in Euclidean Space and The Covering Number of The Meagre Ideal.
701-726 BibTeX
- Andreas Blass, Heike Mildenberger:
On The Confinality of Ultrapowers.
727-736 BibTeX
- Yi Zhang:
On A Class of M.A.D. Families.
737-746 BibTeX
- Szabolcs Mikulás, Maarten Marx:
Undecidable Relativizations of Algebras of Relations.
747-760 BibTeX
- Khaled Jaber:
Équations Génériques Dans Un Groupe Stable Nilpotent.
761-768 BibTeX
- Jeffry L. Hirst:
Ordinal Inequalities, Transfinite Induction, and Reverse Mathematics.
769-774 BibTeX
- Alexandre A. Ivanov:
Generic Expansions of Omega-Categorical Structures and Semantics of Generalized Quantifiers.
775-789 BibTeX
- Mitsuhiro Okada, Kazushige Terui:
The Finite Model Property for Various Fragments of Intuitionistic Linear Logic.
790-802 BibTeX
- Natacha Portier:
Stabilité Polynômiale des Corps Différentiels.
803-816 BibTeX
- Steven Buechler:
Lascar Strong Types in Some Simple Theories.
817-824 BibTeX
- Hans Schoutens:
Existentially Closed Models of The Theory of Artinian Local Rings.
825-845 BibTeX
- Alexandru Baltag:
Interpolation and Preservation for Pebble Logics.
846-858 BibTeX
- Silvio Ghilardi:
Unification in Intuitionistic Logic.
859-880 BibTeX
- Jon Barwise, Johan van Benthem:
Interpolation, Preservation, and Pebble Games.
881-903 BibTeX
Volume 64,
Number 3,
September 1999
- Stephan Wehner:
On Recursive Enumerability with Finite Repetitions.
927-945 BibTeX
- Kitty L. Holland:
Model Completeness of The New Strongly Minimal Sets.
946-962 BibTeX
- Paul Corazza:
Laver Sequences for Extendible and Super-Almost-Huge Cardinals.
963-983 BibTeX
- Andrei Voronkov:
The Ground-Negative Fragment of First-Order Logic Is Pip2-Complete.
984-990 BibTeX
- Françoise Delon, Patrick Simonetta:
Un Principe D'Ax-Kochen-Ershov Pour Des Structures Intermédiaires Entre Groupes Et Corps Valués.
991-1027 BibTeX
- Carsten Butz, Ieke Moerdijk:
An Elementary Definability Theorem for First Order Logic.
1028-1036 BibTeX
- Michael A. Jahn:
Implicit Measurements of Dynamic Complexity Properties and Splittings of Speedable Sets.
1037-1064 BibTeX
- William J. Mitchell:
Jónsson Cardinals, Erdös Cardinals, and The Core Model.
1065-1086 BibTeX
- Ernest Schimmerling:
A Finite Family Weak Square Principle.
1087-1110 BibTeX
- Andrés Villaveces:
Heights of Models of ZFC and The Existence of End Elementary Extensions II.
1111-1124 BibTeX
- Kazimierz Swirydowicz:
There Exist Exactly Two Maximal Strictly Relevant Extensions of The Relevant Logic R.
1125-1154 BibTeX
- Daniel Lascar, Anand Pillay:
Forking and Fundamental Order in Simple Theories.
1155-1158 BibTeX
- Raimon Elgueta:
Freeness in Classes Without Equality.
1159-1194 BibTeX
- Pawel Urzyczyn:
The Emptiness Problem for Intersection Types.
1195-1215 BibTeX
- Dag Normann, Erik Palmgren, Viggo Stoltenberg-Hansen:
Hyperfinite Type Structures.
1216-1242 BibTeX
- Claude Laflamme, Marion Scheepers:
Combinatorial Properties of Filters and Open Covers for Sets of Real Numbers.
1243-1260 BibTeX
- Ludomir Newelski:
Flat Morley Sequences.
1261-1279 BibTeX
- Ehud Hrushovski, Thomas Scanlon:
Lascar and Morley Ranks Differ in Differentially Closed Fields.
1280-1284 BibTeX
- Itay Neeman, John Steel:
A Weak Dodd-Jensen Lemma.
1285-1294 BibTeX
- Marion Scheepers:
Finite Powers of Strong Measure Zero Sets.
1295-1306 BibTeX
- Jörg Brendle, Benedikt Löwe:
Solovay-Type Characterizations for Forcing-Algebras.
1307-1323 BibTeX
- Beihai Zhou:
Grafted Frames and S1-Completeness.
1324-1338 BibTeX
- Bruno Poizat:
Le Carre De L'Egalite.
1339-1355 BibTeX
Volume 64,
Number 4,
December 1999
- Ludomir Newelski:
Geometry of *-Finite Types.
1375-1395 BibTeX
- Antonín Kucera, Sebastiaan Terwijn:
Lowness for The Class of Random Sets.
1396-1402 BibTeX
- John Todd Hammond:
Friedberg Splittings in Sigma 03 Quotient Lattices of Epsilon.
1403-1406 BibTeX
- Claes Strannegård:
Interpretability over Peano Arithmetic.
1407-1425 BibTeX
- Seyed Mohammad Bagheri:
Ordre Fondamental D'Une Théorie 1-Basée.
1426-1438 BibTeX
- William C. Purdy:
Quine's 'Limits of Decision'.
1439-1466 BibTeX
- Krzysztof Ciesielski, Saharon Shelah:
A Model With No Magic Set.
1467-1490 BibTeX
- Ulrich Kohlenbach:
On The No-Counterexample Interpretation.
1491-1511 BibTeX
- Gennadi Puninski:
Cantor-Bendixson Rank of The Ziegler Spectrum Over A Commutative Valuation Domain.
1512-1518 BibTeX
- Ferenc Beleznay:
The Complexity of The Collection of Countable Linear Orders of The Form I + I.
1519-1526 BibTeX
- Moti Gitik, Saharon Shelah:
Cardinal Preserving Ideals.
1527-1551 BibTeX
- John L. Bell:
Finite Sets and Frege Structures.
1552-1556 BibTeX
- Bradd Hart, Zeljko Sokolovic, Predrag Tanovic:
A Note On Alpha-Prime Models.
1557-1562 BibTeX
- Maarten Marx, Szabolcs Mikulás:
Decidability of Cylindric Set Algebras of Dimension Two and First-Order Logic with Two Variables.
1563-1572 BibTeX
- Heinrich Wansing:
Displaying The Modal Logic of Consistency.
1573-1590 BibTeX
- Akira Suzuki:
No Elementary Embedding From V into V Is Definable From Parameters.
1591-1594 BibTeX
- José Iovino:
Stable Models and Reflexive Banach Spaces.
1595-1600 BibTeX
- Kai Hauser:
A Minimal Counterexample To Universal Baireness.
1601-1627 BibTeX
- Paul Bankston:
A Hierarchy of Maps Between Compacta.
1628-1644 BibTeX
- Masahiko Murakami:
Standardization Principle of Nonstandard Universes.
1645-1655 BibTeX
- Gian Aldo Antonelli:
Free Set Algebras Satisfying Systems of Equations.
1656-1674 BibTeX
- Arthur W. Apter:
On Measurable Limits of Compact Cardinals.
1675-1688 BibTeX
- Jörg Flum, Martin Ziegler:
Pseudo-Finite Homogeneity and Saturation.
1689-1699 BibTeX
- Rodney G. Downey, Geoffrey LaForte, Steffen Lempp:
A Delta02 Set With Barely Sigma02 Degree.
1700-1718 BibTeX
- Erich Grädel:
On The Restraining Power of Guards.
1719-1742 BibTeX
- Roman D. Arefev, John T. Baldwin, Marco Mazzucco:
Classification of delta-Invariant Amalgamation Classes.
1743-1750 BibTeX
- Lauri Hella, Leonid Libkin, Juha Nurmonen:
Notions of Locality and Their Logical Characterizations over Finite Models.
1751-1773 BibTeX
- Alasdair Urquhart:
The Complexity of Decision Procedures In Relevance Logic II.
1774-1802 BibTeX
- Yi Zhang:
Adjoining Cofinitary Permutations.
1803-1810 BibTeX
- Thomas Jech:
Some Results on Combinators in The System TRC.
1811-1819 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:11:55 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)