2008 |
23 | EE | Kosta Dosen,
Zoran Petric:
Equality of proofs for linear equality.
Arch. Math. Log. 47(6): 549-565 (2008) |
2007 |
22 | EE | Kosta Dosen,
Zoran Petric:
Medial commutativity.
Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 146(2-3): 237-255 (2007) |
2006 |
21 | EE | Kosta Dosen,
Zoran Petric:
Coherence for star-autonomous categories.
Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 141(1-2): 225-242 (2006) |
20 | EE | Kosta Dosen,
Zana KovijaniC,
Zoran Petric:
A New Proof of the Faithfulness of Brauer's Representation of Temperley-lieb Algebras.
IJAC 16(5): 959-968 (2006) |
2005 |
19 | | Kosta Dosen,
Zoran Petric:
Negation and Involutive Adjunctions.
We Will Show Them! (1) 2005: 577-586 |
2003 |
18 | EE | Kosta Dosen:
Identity of proofs based on normalization and generality.
Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 9(4): 477-503 (2003) |
17 | | Kosta Dosen,
Zoran Petric:
Generality of proofs and its Brauerian representation.
J. Symb. Log. 68(3): 740-750 (2003) |
16 | EE | Kosta Dosen,
Zoran Petric:
A Brauerian representation of split preorders.
Math. Log. Q. 49(6): 579-586 (2003) |
2002 |
15 | | Kosta Dosen,
Zoran Petric:
Bicartesian Coherence.
Studia Logica 71(3): 331-353 (2002) |
2001 |
14 | EE | Kosta Dosen,
Zoran Petric:
Coherent Bicartesian and Sesquicartesian Categories.
Proof Theory in Computer Science 2001: 78-92 |
13 | EE | Kosta Dosen,
Zoran Petric:
The Typed Bohm Theorem.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 50(2): (2001) |
12 | EE | Kosta Dosen,
Zoran Petric:
The Maximality of Cartesian Categories.
Math. Log. Q. 47(1): 137-144 (2001) |
2000 |
11 | | Mirjana Borisavljevic,
Kosta Dosen,
Zoran Petric:
On permuting cut with contraction.
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 10(2): 99-136 (2000) |
1999 |
10 | | Kosta Dosen,
Zoran Petric:
Cartesian Isomorphisms Are Symmetric Monoidal: A Justification of Linear Logic.
J. Symb. Log. 64(1): 227-242 (1999) |
1997 |
9 | | Kosta Dosen,
Zoran Petric:
Isomorphic Objects in Symmetric Monoidal Closed Categories.
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 7(6): 639-662 (1997) |
1996 |
8 | EE | Kosta Dosen:
Deductive completeness.
Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 2(3): 243-283 (1996) |
1993 |
7 | | Kosta Dosen:
Rudimentary Kripke Models for the Intuitionistic Propositional Calculus.
Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 62(1): 21-49 (1993) |
1992 |
6 | | Kosta Dosen:
Nonmodal Classical Linear Predicate Logic is a Fragment of Intuitionistic Linear Logic.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 102(1): 207-214 (1992) |
1991 |
5 | | Kosta Dosen:
Rudimentary Beth Models and Conditionally Rudimentary Kripke Models for the Heyting Propositional Calculus.
J. Log. Comput. 1(5): 613-634 (1991) |
4 | | Kosta Dosen:
Ancestral Kripke Models and Nonhereditary Kripke Models for the Heyting Propositional Calculus.
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 32(4): 580-597 (1991) |
1989 |
3 | | Kosta Dosen:
Logical Constants as Punctuation Marks.
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 30(3): 362-381 (1989) |
1988 |
2 | | Kosta Dosen,
Peter Schroeder-Heister:
Uniqueness, Definability and Interpolation.
J. Symb. Log. 53(2): 554-570 (1988) |
1985 |
1 | | Kosta Dosen:
Sequent-Systems for Modal Logic.
J. Symb. Log. 50(1): 149-168 (1985) |