
Kazushige Terui

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19EEPatrick Baillot, Kazushige Terui: Light types for polynomial time computation in lambda calculus. Inf. Comput. 207(1): 41-62 (2009)
18EEAgata Ciabattoni, Nikolaos Galatos, Kazushige Terui: From Axioms to Analytic Rules in Nonclassical Logics. LICS 2008: 229-240
17EEKazushige Terui: Light affine lambda calculus and polynomial time strong normalization. Arch. Math. Log. 46(3-4): 253-280 (2007)
16EEVincent Atassi, Patrick Baillot, Kazushige Terui: Verification of Ptime Reducibility for system F Terms: Type Inference in<br> Dual Light Affine Logic CoRR abs/0710.1153: (2007)
15EEVincent Atassi, Patrick Baillot, Kazushige Terui: Verification of Ptime Reducibility for system F Terms: Type Inference in Dual Light Affine Logic. Logical Methods in Computer Science 3(4): (2007)
14EEVincent Atassi, Patrick Baillot, Kazushige Terui: Verification of Ptime Reducibility for System F Terms Via Dual Light Affine Logic. CSL 2006: 150-166
13EEAgata Ciabattoni, Kazushige Terui: Modular Cut-Elimination: Finding Proofs or Counterexamples. LPAR 2006: 135-149
12EEVincent Atassi, Patrick Baillot, Kazushige Terui: Verification of Ptime reducibility for system F terms via Dual Light Affine Logic CoRR abs/cs/0603104: (2006)
11EEMax I. Kanovich, Mitsuhiro Okada, Kazushige Terui: Intuitionistic phase semantics is almost classical. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 16(1): 67-86 (2006)
10EEAgata Ciabattoni, Kazushige Terui: Towards a Semantic Characterization of Cut-Elimination. Studia Logica 82(1): 95-119 (2006)
9EEPatrick Baillot, Kazushige Terui: A Feasible Algorithm for Typing in Elementary Affine Logic. TLCA 2005: 55-70
8EEKazushige Terui: Proof Nets and Boolean Circuits. LICS 2004: 182-191
7EEPatrick Baillot, Kazushige Terui: Light Types for Polynomial Time Computation in Lambda-Calculus. LICS 2004: 266-275
6EEPatrick Baillot, Kazushige Terui: A feasible algorithm for typing in Elementary Affine Logic CoRR abs/cs/0412028: (2004)
5EEPatrick Baillot, Kazushige Terui: Light types for polynomial time computation in lambda-calculus CoRR cs.LO/0402059: (2004)
4EEKazushige Terui: Light Affine Set Theory: A Naive Set Theory of Polynomial Time. Studia Logica 77(1): 9-40 (2004)
3EEHarry G. Mairson, Kazushige Terui: On the Computational Complexity of Cut-Elimination in Linear Logic. ICTCS 2003: 23-36
2 Kazushige Terui: Light Affine Calculus and Polytime Strong Normalization. LICS 2001
1 Mitsuhiro Okada, Kazushige Terui: The Finite Model Property for Various Fragments of Intuitionistic Linear Logic. J. Symb. Log. 64(2): 790-802 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Vincent Atassi [12] [14] [15] [16]
2Patrick Baillot [5] [6] [7] [9] [12] [14] [15] [16] [19]
3Agata Ciabattoni [10] [13] [18]
4Nikolaos Galatos [18]
5Max I. Kanovich [11]
6Harry G. Mairson [3]
7Mitsuhiro Okada [1] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)