
Jörg Flum

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40EEYijia Chen, Jörg Flum: The parameterized complexity of maximality and minimality problems. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 151(1): 22-61 (2008)
39EEYijia Chen, Jörg Flum: A logic for PTIME and a parameterized halting problem. Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 15(083): (2008)
38EEYijia Chen, Jörg Flum: Subexponential Time and Fixed-Parameter Tractability: Exploiting the Miniaturization Mapping. CSL 2007: 389-404
37EEJörg Flum: Parameterized Complexity and Logic. CiE 2007: 278-289
36EEYijia Chen, Jörg Flum: On Parameterized Path and Chordless Path Problems. IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 2007: 250-263
35EERod Downey, Jörg Flum, Martin Grohe, Mark Weyer: Bounded fixed-parameter tractability and reducibility. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 148(1-3): 1-19 (2007)
34EEYijia Chen, Jörg Flum, Moritz Müller: Lower Bounds for Kernelizations. Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 14(137): (2007)
33EEYijia Chen, Jörg Flum: The Parameterized Complexity of Maximality and Minimality Problems. IWPEC 2006: 25-37
32EEJörg Flum, Martin Grohe, Mark Weyer: Bounded fixed-parameter tractability and log2n nondeterministic bits. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 72(1): 34-71 (2006)
31EEYijia Chen, Jörg Flum: On miniaturized problems in parameterized complexity theory. Theor. Comput. Sci. 351(3): 314-336 (2006)
30EEJörg Flum, Martin Grohe: Model-Checking Problems as a Basis for Parameterized Intractability CoRR abs/cs/0502005: (2005)
29EEJörg Flum, Martin Grohe: Model-checking problems as a basis for parameterized intractability. Logical Methods in Computer Science 1(1): (2005)
28EEYijia Chen, Jörg Flum, Martin Grohe: Machine-based methods in parameterized complexity theory. Theor. Comput. Sci. 339(2-3): 167-199 (2005)
27EEJörg Flum, Martin Grohe, Mark Weyer: Bounded Fixed-Parameter Tractability and log2n Nondeterministic Bits. ICALP 2004: 555-567
26EEYijia Chen, Jörg Flum: On Miniaturized Problems in Parameterized Complexity Theory. IWPEC 2004: 108-120
25EEJörg Flum, Martin Grohe: Model-Checking Problems as a Basis for Parameterized Intractability. LICS 2004: 388-397
24 Jörg Flum, Martin Grohe: Parametrized Complexity and Subexponential Time (Column: Computational Complexity). Bulletin of the EATCS 84: 71-100 (2004)
23EEJörg Flum, Martin Grohe: The Parameterized Complexity of Counting Problems. SIAM J. Comput. 33(4): 892-922 (2004)
22EEYijia Chen, Jörg Flum: Machine Characterization of the Classes of the W-Hierarchy. CSL 2003: 114-127
21EEYijia Chen, Jörg Flum, Martin Grohe: Bounded Nondeterminism and Alternation in Parameterized Complexity Theory. IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 2003: 13-29
20EEJörg Flum, Martin Grohe: Describing parameterized complexity classes. Inf. Comput. 187(2): 291-319 (2003)
19EEJörg Flum, Martin Grohe: The Parameterized Complexity of Counting Problems. FOCS 2002: 538-
18EEJörg Flum, Martin Grohe: Describing Parameterized Complexity Classes. STACS 2002: 359-371
17EEJörg Flum, Markus Frick, Martin Grohe: Query evaluation via tree-decompositions. J. ACM 49(6): 716-752 (2002)
16EEJörg Flum, Markus Frick, Martin Grohe: Query Evaluation via Tree-Decompositions. ICDT 2001: 22-38
15 Jörg Flum: Tree-Decompositions and the Model-Checking Problem. Bulletin of the EATCS 73: 78-98 (2001)
14EEJörg Flum, Martin Grohe: Fixed-Parameter Tractability, Definability, and Model-Checking. SIAM J. Comput. 31(1): 113-145 (2001)
13 Jörg Flum, Martin Grohe: On Fixed-Point Logic With Counting. J. Symb. Log. 65(2): 777-787 (2000)
12EEJörg Flum: Games, Kernels, and Antitone Operations. Order 17(1): 61-73 (2000)
11EEJörg Flum, Max Kubierschky, Bertram Ludäscher: Games and total Datalog¬ queries. Theor. Comput. Sci. 239(2): 257-276 (2000)
10 Jörg Flum, Mario Rodríguez-Artalejo: Computer Science Logic, 13th International Workshop, CSL '99, 8th Annual Conference of the EACSL, Madrid, Spain, September 20-25, 1999, Proceedings Springer 1999
9EEJörg Flum, Martin Grohe: Fixed-parameter tractability, definability, and model checking CoRR cs.CC/9910001: (1999)
8 Jörg Flum, Martin Ziegler: Pseudo-Finite Homogeneity and Saturation. J. Symb. Log. 64(4): 1689-1699 (1999)
7 Jörg Flum, Matthias Schiehlen, Jouko A. Väänänen: Quantifiers and Congruence Closure. Studia Logica 62(3): 315-340 (1999)
6 Jörg Flum: An Extension of the Lemma of Rasiowa and Sikorski. Math. Log. Q. 44: 509-514 (1998)
5EEJörg Flum, Max Kubierschky, Bertram Ludäscher: Total and Partial Well-Founded Datalog Coincide. ICDT 1997: 113-124
4 Jörg Flum: On Bounded Theories. CSL 1991: 111-118
3 Jörg Flum, Juan Carlos Martínez: On Topological Spaces Equivalent to Ordinals. J. Symb. Log. 53(3): 785-795 (1988)
2 Jörg Flum: L(Q)-Preservation Theorems. J. Symb. Log. 40(3): 410-418 (1975)
1 Jörg Flum: A Remark on Infinitary Languages. J. Symb. Log. 36(3): 461-462 (1971)

Coauthor Index

1Yijia Chen [21] [22] [26] [28] [31] [33] [34] [36] [38] [39] [40]
2Rodney G. Downey (Rod Downey) [35]
3Markus Frick [16] [17]
4Martin Grohe [9] [13] [14] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [23] [24] [25] [27] [28] [29] [30] [32] [35]
5Max Kubierschky [5] [11]
6Bertram Ludäscher [5] [11]
7Juan Carlos Martínez [3]
8Moritz Müller [34]
9Mario Rodríguez-Artalejo [10]
10Matthias Schiehlen [7]
11Jouko A. Väänänen [7]
12Mark Weyer [27] [32] [35]
13Martin Ziegler [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)