Volume 59,
Number 1,
October 1999
Volume 59,
Number 2,
November 1999
Software Support for Distributed Computing
- Ishfaq Ahmad, Francis C. M. Lau:
Special Issue on Software Support for Distributed Computing - Guest Editors' Introduction.
101-106 BibTeX
- Muthucumaru Maheswaran, Shoukat Ali, Howard Jay Siegel, Debra A. Hensgen, Richard F. Freund:
Dynamic Mapping of a Class of Independent Tasks onto Heterogeneous Computing Systems.
107-131 BibTeX
- John Cruz, Kihong Park:
Toward Performance-Driven System Support for Distributed Computing in Clustered Environments.
132-154 BibTeX
- Lars Büttner, Jörg Nolte, Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat:
ARTS of PEACE - A High-Performance Middleware Layer for Parallel Distributed Computing.
155-179 BibTeX
- Ayal Itzkovitz, Assaf Schuster, Oren Zeev-Ben-Mordehai:
Toward Integration of Data Race Detection in DSM Systems.
180-203 BibTeX
- Mor Harchol-Balter, Mark Crovella, Cristina D. Murta:
On Choosing a Task Assignment Policy for a Distributed Server System.
204-228 BibTeX
- Bo Li:
Content Replication in a Distributed and Controlled Environment.
229-251 BibTeX
- Prashanth B. Bhat, Viktor K. Prasanna, Cauligi S. Raghavendra:
Adaptive Communication Algorithms for Distributed Heterogeneous Systems.
252-279 BibTeX
- Muhammad K. Dhodhi, John A. Saghri, Imtiaz Ahmad, Raza Ul-Mustafa:
D-ISODATA: A Distributed Algorithm for Unsupervised Classification of Remotely Sensed Data on Network of Workstations.
280-301 BibTeX
- Shailabh Nagar, Ajit Banerjee, Anand Sivasubramaniam, Chita R. Das:
Alternatives to Coscheduling a Network of Workstations.
302-327 BibTeX
Volume 59,
Number 3,
December 1999
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:10:55 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)