
Kihong Park

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42EEJason (Hongjun) Li, Song Luo, Wei Tang, Renato Levy, Kihong Park: Heavy-Tailed Workload Aware Ad Hoc Routing. ICC 2008: 2437-2442
41EESong Luo, Jason H. Li, Kihong Park, Renato Levy: Exploiting Heavy-Tailed Statistics for Predictable QoS Routing in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. INFOCOM 2008: 2387-2395
40 Hyojeong Kim, Kihong Park: Tackling the Memory Balancing Problem for Large-Scale Network Simulation. MASCOTS 2008: 299-308
39EEJaehyuk Choi, Jongkeun Na, Yeon-sup Lim, Kihong Park, Chong-kwon Kim: Collision-aware design of rate adaptation for multi-rate 802.11 WLANs. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 26(8): 1366-1375 (2008)
38EEAlessandro Ferrante, Gopal Pandurangan, Kihong Park: On the hardness of optimization in power-law graphs. Theor. Comput. Sci. 393(1-3): 220-230 (2008)
37EEAlessandro Ferrante, Gopal Pandurangan, Kihong Park: On the Hardness of Optimization in Power Law Graphs. COCOON 2007: 417-427
36EETaehun Hwang, Kihong Park, Seung-Jin Heo, Sihyoung Lee: Integrated Chassis Controller Design of Active Steering and Active Braking Systems Using CL Method. ICIC (3) 2007: 632-640
35EEJaehyuk Choi, Jongkeun Na, Kihong Park, Chong-kwon Kim: Adaptive Optimization of Rate Adaptation Algorithms in Multi-Rate WLANs. ICNP 2007: 144-153
34EEJaehyuk Choi, Kihong Park, Chongkwon Kim: Cross-Layer Analysis of Rate Adaptation, DCF and TCP in Multi-Rate WLANs. INFOCOM 2007: 1055-1063
33EEBenjamin Armbruster, J. Cole Smith, Kihong Park: A packet filter placement problem with application to defense against spoofed denial of service attacks. European Journal of Operational Research 176(2): 1283-1292 (2007)
32EESunwoong Choi, Kihong Park, Chong-kwon Kim: Performance Impact of Interlayer Dependence in Infrastructure WLANs. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 5(7): 829-845 (2006)
31EESunwoong Choi, Kihong Park, Chong-kwon Kim: On the performance characteristics of WLANs: revisited. SIGMETRICS 2005: 97-108
30EEGuanghui He, Yuan Gao, Jennifer C. Hou, Kihong Park: A case for exploiting self-similarity of network traffic in TCP congestion control. Computer Networks 45(6): 743-766 (2004)
29EEAndrew Lomonosov, Meera Sitharam, Kihong Park: Network QoS games: stability vs optimality tradeoff. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 69(2): 281-302 (2004)
28EEKihong Park: Scalable DDoS Protection Using Route-Based Filtering. DISCEX (2) 2003: 97-97
27 Andrew Lomonosov, Meera Sitharam, Kihong Park: Stability vs. Optimality Tradeoff in Game Theoretic Mechanisms for QoS Provision. SAC 2003: 28-32
26EESonia Fahmy, Kihong Park: Erratum to "Scalability and traffic control in IP networks" [Editorial of Special Issue 26 (2003) 203]. Computer Communications 26(12): 1432 (2003)
25EESonia Fahmy, Kihong Park: Scalability and traffic control in IP networks. Computer Communications 26(3): 203 (2003)
24EEHuan Ren, Kihong Park: Performance evaluation of optimal aggregate-flow scheduling: a simulation study. Computer Communications 26(3): 222-236 (2003)
23EEGuanghui He, Yuan Gao, Jennifer C. Hou, Kihong Park: A Case for Exploiting Self-Similarity of Network Traffic in TCP. ICNP 2002: 34-45
22EEJohn Cruz, Kihong Park: Towards Communication-Sensitive Load Balancing. ICDCS 2001: 731-734
21EEHeejo Lee, Kihong Park: On the Effectiveness of Probabilistic Packet Marking for IP Traceback under Denial of Service Attack. INFOCOM 2001: 338-347
20EEKihong Park, Heejo Lee: On the effectiveness of route-based packet filtering for distributed DoS attack prevention in power-law internets. SIGCOMM 2001: 15-26
19EETsunyi Tuan, Kihong Park: Multiple Time Scale Redundancy Control for QoS-Sensitive Transport of Real-Time Traffic. INFOCOM 2000: 1683-1692
18EEHuan Ren, Kihong Park: Efficient Shaping of User-Specified QoS Using Aggregate-Flow Control. QofIS 2000: 259-271
17EEKihong Park, Tsunyi Tuan: Performance evaluation of multiple time scale TCP under self-similar traffic conditions. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 10(2): 152-177 (2000)
16EEJohn Cruz, Kihong Park: DUNES: A Performance-Oriented System Support Environment for Dependency Maintenance in Workstation Networks. HPDC 1999
15EEKihong Park, Wei Wang: QoS-Sensitive Transport of Real-Time MPEG Video Using Adaptive Forward Error Correction. ICMCS, Vol. 2 1999: 426-432
14 Shaogang Chen, Kihong Park: An Architecture for Noncooperative QoS Provision in Many-Switch Systems. INFOCOM 1999: 864-872
13 John Cruz, Kihong Park: Toward Performance-Driven System Support for Distributed Computing in Clustered Environments. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 59(2): 132-154 (1999)
12 Tsunyi Tuan, Kihong Park: Multiple Time Scale Congestion Control for Self-Similar Network Traffic. Perform. Eval. 36-37(1-4): 359-386 (1999)
11EEKihong Park, Wei Wang: AFEC: An Adaptive Forward Error Correction Protocol for End-to-End Transport of Real-Time Traffic. ICCCN 1998: 196-207
10EEShaogang Chen, Kihong Park: A Distributed Protocol for Multi-Class QoS Provision in Noncooperative Many-Switch Systems. ICNP 1998: 98-107
9EEKihong Park: On the Effect and Control of Self-Similar Network Traffic: A Simulation Perspective. Winter Simulation Conference 1997: 989-996
8 Abdelsalam Heddaya, Kihong Park: Congestion Control for Asynchronous Parallel Computing on Workstation Networks. Parallel Computing 23(13): 1855-1875 (1997)
7EEKihong Park, Gitae Kim, Mark Crovella: On the relationship between file sizes, transport protocols, and self-similar network traffic. ICNP 1996: 171-180
6 Kihong Park: A Comparative Study of Genetic Search. ICGA 1995: 512-519
5EEKihong Park, Bob Carter: On the effectiveness of genetic search in combinatorial optimization. SAC 1995: 329-336
4 Abdelsalam Heddaya, Kihong Park, Himanshu Sinha: Using Warp to Control Network Contention in Mermers. HICSS (2) 1994: 96-105
3 Abdelsalam Heddaya, Kihong Park: Mapping Parallel Interactive Algorithms onto Workstation Networks. HPDC 1994: 211-218
2 Kihong Park: A Lower-Bound Result on the Power of Genetic Algorithms. ICGA 1993: 651
1EEKihong Park: Warp Control: A Dynamically Stable Congestion Protocol and Its Analysis. SIGCOMM 1993: 137-147

Coauthor Index

1Benjamin Armbruster [33]
2Bob Carter [5]
3Shaogang Chen [10] [14]
4Jaehyuk Choi [34] [35] [39]
5Sunwoong Choi [31] [32]
6Mark Crovella [7]
7John Cruz [13] [16] [22]
8Sonia Fahmy [25] [26]
9Alessandro Ferrante [37] [38]
10Yuan Gao [23] [30]
11Guanghui He [23] [30]
12Abdelsalam Heddaya [3] [4] [8]
13Seung-Jin Heo [36]
14Jennifer C. Hou (Chao-Ju Hou) [23] [30]
15Taehun Hwang [36]
16Chong-kwon Kim (Chongkwon Kim) [31] [32] [34] [35] [39]
17Gitae Kim [7]
18Hyojeong Kim [40]
19Heejo Lee [20] [21]
20Sihyoung Lee [36]
21Renato Levy [41] [42]
22Jason (Hongjun) Li [42]
23Jason H. Li [41]
24Yeon-sup Lim [39]
25Andrew Lomonosov [27] [29]
26Song Luo [41] [42]
27Jongkeun Na [35] [39]
28Gopal Pandurangan [37] [38]
29Huan Ren [18] [24]
30Himanshu Sinha [4]
31Meera Sitharam [27] [29]
32J. Cole Smith [33]
33Wei Tang [42]
34Tsunyi Tuan [12] [17] [19]
35Wei Wang [11] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)