
Mor Harchol-Balter

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56EEMor Harchol-Balter: Scheduling for Server Farms: Approaches and Open Problems. SIPEW 2008: 1-3
55 Leana Golubchik, Mostafa H. Ammar, Mor Harchol-Balter: Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, SIGMETRICS 2007, San Diego, California, USA, June 12-16, 2007 ACM 2007
54EEVarun Gupta, Mor Harchol-Balter, Karl Sigman, Ward Whitt: Analysis of join-the-shortest-queue routing for web server farms. Perform. Eval. 64(9-12): 1062-1081 (2007)
53EEVarun Gupta, Jim Dai, Mor Harchol-Balter, Bert Zwart: The effect of higher moments of job size distribution on the performance of an M/G/s queueing system. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 25(2): 12-14 (2007)
52EEVarun Gupta, Karl Sigman, Mor Harchol-Balter, Ward Whitt: Insensitivity for PS server farms with JSQ routing. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 25(2): 24-26 (2007)
51EEMor Harchol-Balter: Foreword. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 34(4): 2-3 (2007)
50EEBianca Schroeder, Mor Harchol-Balter, Arun Iyengar, Erich M. Nahum: Achieving Class-Based QoS for Transactional Workloads. ICDE 2006: 153
49EEBianca Schroeder, Mor Harchol-Balter, Arun Iyengar, Erich M. Nahum, Adam Wierman: How to Determine a Good Multi-Programming Level for External Scheduling. ICDE 2006: 60
48EEBianca Schroeder, Adam Wierman, Mor Harchol-Balter: Open Versus Closed: A Cautionary Tale. NSDI 2006
47EEVarun Gupta, Mor Harchol-Balter, Alan Scheller-Wolf, Uri Yechiali: Fundamental characteristics of queues with fluctuating load. SIGMETRICS/Performance 2006: 203-215
46EEChang-Woo Yang, Adam Wierman, Sanjay Shakkottai, Mor Harchol-Balter: Tail asymptotics for policies favoring short jobs in a many-flows regime. SIGMETRICS/Performance 2006: 97-108
45EEBianca Schroeder, Mor Harchol-Balter: Web servers under overload: How scheduling can help. ACM Trans. Internet Techn. 6(1): 20-52 (2006)
44EEAdam Wierman, Takayuki Osogami, Mor Harchol-Balter, Alan Scheller-Wolf: How many servers are best in a dual-priority M/PH/k system? Perform. Eval. 63(12): 1253-1272 (2006)
43EETakayuki Osogami, Mor Harchol-Balter: Closed form solutions for mapping general distributions to quasi-minimal PH distributions. Perform. Eval. 63(6): 524-552 (2006)
42EERobert C. Hampshire, Mor Harchol-Balter, William A. Massey: Fluid and diffusion limits for transient sojourn times of processor sharing queues with time varying rates. Queueing Syst. 53(1-2): 19-30 (2006)
41EEDavid T. McWherter, Bianca Schroeder, Anastassia Ailamaki, Mor Harchol-Balter: Improving Preemptive Prioritization via Statistical Characterization of OLTP Locking. ICDE 2005: 446-457
40EEAdam Wierman, Mor Harchol-Balter, Takayuki Osogami: Nearly insensitive bounds on SMART scheduling. SIGMETRICS 2005: 205-216
39EEAdam Wierman, Mor Harchol-Balter: Classifying scheduling policies with respect to higher moments of conditional response time. SIGMETRICS 2005: 229-240
38EETakayuki Osogami, Mor Harchol-Balter, Alan Scheller-Wolf: Analysis of cycle stealing with switching times and thresholds. Perform. Eval. 61(4): 347-369 (2005)
37EEMor Harchol-Balter, Takayuki Osogami, Alan Scheller-Wolf, Adam Wierman: Multi-Server Queueing Systems with Multiple Priority Classes. Queueing Syst. 51(3-4): 331-360 (2005)
36EEMor Harchol-Balter, Takayuki Osogami, Alan Scheller-Wolf: Robustness of threshold policies in beneficiary-donor model. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 33(2): 36-38 (2005)
35EEDavid T. McWherter, Bianca Schroeder, Anastassia Ailamaki, Mor Harchol-Balter: Priority Mechanisms for OLTP and Transactional Web Applications. ICDE 2004: 535-546
34EEBianca Schroeder, Mor Harchol-Balter: Evaluation of Task Assignment Policies for Supercomputing Servers: The Case for Load Unbalancing and Fairness. Cluster Computing 7(2): 151-161 (2004)
33EEAdam Wierman, Nikhil Bansal, Mor Harchol-Balter: A note on comparing response times in the M/GI/1/FB and M/GI/1/PS queues. Oper. Res. Lett. 32(1): 73-76 (2004)
32EEAdam Wierman, Mor Harchol-Balter: Formalizing SMART scheduling. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 32(2): 12-13 (2004)
31EETakayuki Osogami, Adam Wierman, Mor Harchol-Balter, Alan Scheller-Wolf: A recursive analysis technique for multi-dimensionally infinite Markov chains. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 32(2): 3-5 (2004)
30EETakayuki Osogami, Mor Harchol-Balter: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Representing General Distributions by Coxians. Computer Performance Evaluation / TOOLS 2003: 182-199
29EETakayuki Osogami, Mor Harchol-Balter: A Closed-Form Solution for Mapping General Distributions to Minimal PH Distributions. Computer Performance Evaluation / TOOLS 2003: 200-217
28EEMor Harchol-Balter, Cuihong Li, Takayuki Osogami, Alan Scheller-Wolf, Mark S. Squillante: Analysis of Task Assignment with Cycle Stealing under Central Queue. ICDCS 2003: 628-
27EETakayuki Osogami, Mor Harchol-Balter, Alan Scheller-Wolf: Analysis of cycle stealing with switching cost. SIGMETRICS 2003: 184-195
26EEAdam Wierman, Mor Harchol-Balter: Classifying scheduling policies with respect to unfairness in an M/GI/1. SIGMETRICS 2003: 238-249
25EEMor Harchol-Balter, Cuihong Li, Takayuki Osogami, Alan Scheller-Wolf, Mark S. Squillante: Cycle stealing under immediate dispatch task assignment. SPAA 2003: 274-285
24EEMor Harchol-Balter, Bianca Schroeder, Nikhil Bansal, Mukesh Agrawal: Size-based scheduling to improve web performance. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 21(2): 207-233 (2003)
23EEMor Harchol-Balter: Task assignment with unknown duration. J. ACM 49(2): 260-288 (2002)
22 Mor Harchol-Balter, Karl Sigman, Adam Wierman: Asymptotic convergence of scheduling policies with respect to slowdown. Perform. Eval. 49(1/4): 241-256 (2002)
21EEMor Harchol-Balter, Karl Sigman, Adam Wierman: Understanding the slowdown of large jobs in an M/GI/1 system. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 30(3): 9-11 (2002)
20EEMor Harchol-Balter, Nikhil Bansal, Bianca Schroeder, Mukesh Agrawal: SRPT Scheduling for Web Servers. JSSPP 2001: 11-20
19EENikhil Bansal, Mor Harchol-Balter: Analysis of SRPT scheduling: investigating unfairness. SIGMETRICS/Performance 2001: 279-290
18EEMor Harchol-Balter: Job placement with unknown duration and no preemption. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 28(4): 3-5 (2001)
17EENikhil Bansal, Mor Harchol-Balter: Analysis of M/G/1/SRPT under transient overload. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 29(3): 12-14 (2001)
16EEBianca Schroeder, Mor Harchol-Balter: Evaluation of Task Assignment Policies for Supercomputing Servers: The Case for Load Unbalancing and Fairness. HPDC 2000: 211-220
15EEMor Harchol-Balter: Task Assignment with Unknown Duration. ICDCS 2000: 214-224
14EEMatthew Andrews, Antonio Fernández, Mor Harchol-Balter, Frank Thomson Leighton, Lisa Zhang: General Dynamic Routing with Per-Packet Delay Guarantees of O(Distance + 1/Session Rate). SIAM J. Comput. 30(5): 1594-1623 (2000)
13EEMor Harchol-Balter, Frank Thomson Leighton, Daniel Lewin: Resource Discovery in Distributed Networks. PODC 1999: 229-237
12EEMark Crovella, Robert Frangioso, Mor Harchol-Balter: Connection Scheduling in Web Servers. USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems 1999
11 Mor Harchol-Balter, Mark Crovella, Cristina D. Murta: On Choosing a Task Assignment Policy for a Distributed Server System. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 59(2): 204-228 (1999)
10EEMor Harchol-Balter, Mark Crovella, Cristina D. Murta: On Choosing a Task Assignment Policy for a Distributed Server System. Computer Performance Evaluation (Tools) 1998: 231-242
9EEMark Crovella, Mor Harchol-Balter, Cristina D. Murta: Task Assignment in a Distributed System: Improving Performance by Unbalancing Load (Extended Abstract). SIGMETRICS 1998: 268-269
8EEMatthew Andrews, Antonio Fernández, Mor Harchol-Balter, Frank Thomson Leighton, Lisa Zhang: General Dynamic Routing with Per-Packet Delay Guarantees of O(distance + 1 / session rate). FOCS 1997: 294-302
7EEMor Harchol-Balter, Allen B. Downey: Exploiting Process Lifetime Distributions for Dynamic Load Balancing. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 15(3): 253-285 (1997)
6 Mor Harchol-Balter, Allen B. Downey: Exploiting Process Lifetime Distributions for Dynamic Load Balancing. SIGMETRICS 1996: 13-24
5 Mor Harchol-Balter, Allen B. Downey: Exploiting Process Lifetime Distributions for Dynamic Load Balancing. SOSP 1995: 236
4EEMor Harchol-Balter, David Wolfe: Bounding delays in packet-routing networks. STOC 1995: 248-257
3 Micah Adler, Peter Gemmell, Mor Harchol-Balter, Richard M. Karp, Claire Kenyon: Selection in the Presence of Noise: The Design of Playoff Systems. SODA 1994: 564-572
2 Mor Harchol-Balter, Paul E. Black: Queueing Analysis of Oblivious Packet-Routing Networks. SODA 1994: 583-592
1 Peter Gemmell, Mor Harchol-Balter: Tight Bounds on Expected Time to Add Correctly and Add Mostly Correctly. Inf. Process. Lett. 49(2): 77-83 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Micah Adler [3]
2Mukesh Agrawal [20] [24]
3Anastasia Ailamaki (Anastassia Ailamaki, Ailamaki Natassa) [35] [41]
4Mostafa H. Ammar [55]
5Matthew Andrews [8] [14]
6Nikhil Bansal [17] [19] [20] [24] [33]
7Paul E. Black [2]
8Mark Crovella [9] [10] [11] [12]
9Jim Dai [53]
10Allen B. Downey [5] [6] [7]
11Antonio Fernández [8] [14]
12Robert Frangioso [12]
13Peter Gemmell [1] [3]
14Leana Golubchik [55]
15Varun Gupta [47] [52] [53] [54]
16Robert C. Hampshire [42]
17Arun Iyengar [49] [50]
18Richard M. Karp [3]
19Frank Thomson Leighton (Tom Leighton) [8] [13] [14]
20Daniel Lewin [13]
21Cuihong Li [25] [28]
22William A. Massey [42]
23Claire Mathieu (Claire Kenyon, Claire Kenyon-Mathieu) [3]
24David T. McWherter [35] [41]
25Cristina D. Murta [9] [10] [11]
26Erich M. Nahum [49] [50]
27Takayuki Osogami [25] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [36] [37] [38] [40] [43] [44]
28Alan Scheller-Wolf [25] [27] [28] [31] [36] [37] [38] [44] [47]
29Bianca Schroeder (Bianca Schröder) [16] [20] [24] [34] [35] [41] [45] [48] [49] [50]
30Sanjay Shakkottai [46]
31Karl Sigman [21] [22] [52] [54]
32Mark S. Squillante [25] [28]
33Ward Whitt [52] [54]
34Adam Wierman [21] [22] [26] [31] [32] [33] [37] [39] [40] [44] [46] [48] [49]
35David Wolfe [4]
36Chang-Woo Yang [46]
37Uri Yechiali [47]
38Lisa Zhang [8] [14]
39Bert Zwart [53]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)