
E. Schulte

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8EEJ. San-Miguel-Ayanz, G. Schmuck, R. Flies, E. Schulte, I. Seoane: Towards a Forest Information System for Europe. DEXA Workshops 2005: 669-673
7EEPeter McMullen, E. Schulte: Regular Polytopes in Ordinary Space. Discrete & Computational Geometry 17(4): 449-478 (1997)
6 B. Nostrand, E. Schulte: Chiral Polytopes from Hyperbolic Honeycombs. Discrete & Computational Geometry 13: 17-39 (1995)
5 Peter McMullen, E. Schulte: Quotients of Polytopes and C-Groups. Discrete & Computational Geometry 11: 453-464 (1994)
4 Peter McMullen, E. Schulte: Regular polytopes of type {4, 4, 3} and {4, 4, 4}. Combinatorica 12(2): 203-220 (1992)
3EEPeter McMullen, E. Schulte: Constructions for regular polytopes. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 53(1): 1-28 (1990)
2 E. Schulte, J. M. Wills: Geometric Realizations for Dyck's Regular Map on a Surface of Genus 3. Discrete & Computational Geometry 1: 141-153 (1986)
1EEE. Schulte, J. M. Wills: On Coxeter's regular skew polyhedra. Discrete Mathematics 60: 253-262 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1R. Flies [8]
2Peter McMullen [3] [4] [5] [7]
3B. Nostrand [6]
4J. San-Miguel-Ayanz [8]
5G. Schmuck [8]
6I. Seoane [8]
7Jörg M. Wills (J. M. Wills) [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)