
Pavel Valtr

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43EEJosef Cibulka, Jan Kyncl, Viola Mészáros, Rudolf Stolar, Pavel Valtr: Hamiltonian Alternating Paths on Bicolored Double-Chains. Graph Drawing 2008: 181-192
42EEImre Bárány, Attila Pór, Pavel Valtr: Paths with no Small Angles. LATIN 2008: 654-663
41EEJosef Cibulka, Jan Kyncl, Viola Mészáros, Rudolf Stolar, Pavel Valtr: Solution of Peter Winkler's Pizza Problem CoRR abs/0812.4322: (2008)
40EESergey Bereg, Prosenjit Bose, Adrian Dumitrescu, Ferran Hurtado, Pavel Valtr: Traversing a set of points with a minimum number of turns. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2007: 46-55
39EEPavel Valtr: Open Caps and Cups in Planar Point Sets. Discrete & Computational Geometry 37(4): 565-576 (2007)
38EEAlfredo García, Ferran Hurtado, Clemens Huemer, Javier Tejel, Pavel Valtr: On embedding triconnected cubic graphs on point sets. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 29: 531-538 (2007)
37EERobert Babilon, Vít Jelínek, Daniel Král, Pavel Valtr: Labelings of Graphs with Fixed and Variable Edge-Weights. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 21(3): 688-706 (2007)
36EEAttila Pór, Pavel Valtr: On the positive fraction Erdos-Szekeres theorem for convex sets. Eur. J. Comb. 27(7): 1199-1205 (2006)
35EEJan Kyncl, Pavel Valtr: On Edges Crossing Few Other Edges in Simple Topological Complete Graphs. Graph Drawing 2005: 274-284
34EEVolkan Isler, Sampath Kannan, Kostas Daniilidis, Pavel Valtr: VC-Dimension of Exterior Visibility. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 26(5): 667-671 (2004)
33EEPavel Valtr: Davenport-Schinzel Trees. Combinatorica 23(1): 151-184 (2003)
32EEGyula Károlyi, Pavel Valtr: Point Configurations in d-Space without Large Subsets in Convex Position. Discrete & Computational Geometry 30(2): 277-286 (2003)
31EERobert Babilon, Jirí Matousek, Jana Maxová, Pavel Valtr: Low-Distortion Embeddings of Trees. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 7(4): 399-409 (2003)
30EEAttila Pór, Pavel Valtr: The Partitioned Version of the Erdös - Szekeres Theorem. Discrete & Computational Geometry 28(4): 625-637 (2002)
29EEPavel Valtr: A Sufficient Condition for the Existence of Large Empty Convex Polygons. Discrete & Computational Geometry 28(4): 671-682 (2002)
28EERobert Babilon, Jirí Matousek, Jana Maxová, Pavel Valtr: Low-Distortion Embeddings of Trees. Graph Drawing 2001: 343-351
27EEBernd Gärtner, József Solymosi, Falk Tschirschnitz, Emo Welzl, Pavel Valtr: One line and n points. STOC 2001: 306-315
26EEPavel Valtr: On Galleries with No Bad Points. Discrete & Computational Geometry 21(2): 193-200 (1999)
25EEKrystyna Kuperberg, Wlodzimierz Kuperberg, Jirí Matousek, Pavel Valtr: Almost-Tiling the Plane by Ellipses. Discrete & Computational Geometry 22(3): 367-375 (1999)
24EEGéza Tóth, Pavel Valtr: Geometric Graphs with Few Disjoint Edges. Discrete & Computational Geometry 22(4): 633-642 (1999)
23EEPavel Valtr: On an Extremal Problem for Colored Trees. Eur. J. Comb. 20(1): 115-121 (1999)
22EEGéza Tóth, Pavel Valtr: Geometric Graphs with Few Disjoint Edges. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1998: 184-191
21 Hazel Everett, Ivan Stojmenovic, Pavel Valtr, Sue Whitesides: The largest k-ball in a d-dimensional box. Comput. Geom. 11(2): 59-67 (1998)
20EEImre Bárány, Pavel Valtr: A Positive Fraction Erdos - Szekeres Theorem. Discrete & Computational Geometry 19(3): 335-342 (1998)
19EEGéza Tóth, Pavel Valtr: Note on the Erdos - Szekeres Theorem. Discrete & Computational Geometry 19(3): 457-459 (1998)
18EEPavel Valtr: On Geometric Graphs with No k Pairwise Parallel Edges. Discrete & Computational Geometry 19(3): 461-469 (1998)
17EEGyula Károlyi, János Pach, Géza Tóth, Pavel Valtr: Ramsey-Type Results for Geometric Graphs, II. Discrete & Computational Geometry 20(3): 375-388 (1998)
16EEJaroslav Nesetril, Pavel Valtr: A Ramsey Property of Order Types. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 81(1): 88-107 (1998)
15EEPavel Valtr: On the Density of Subgraphs in a Graph with Bounded Independence Number. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 73(2): 146-158 (1998)
14 Pavel Valtr: Graph Drawings with no k Pairwise Crossing Edges. Graph Drawing 1997: 205-218
13EEGyula Károlyi, János Pach, Géza Tóth, Pavel Valtr: Ramsey-Type Results for Geometric Graphs II. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1997: 94-103
12EEHerbert Edelsbrunner, Pavel Valtr, Emo Welzl: Cutting Dense Point Sets in Half. Discrete & Computational Geometry 17(3): 243-255 (1997)
11 Pavel Valtr: Lines, Line-Point Incidences and Crossing Families in Dense Sets. Combinatorica 16(2): 269-294 (1996)
10 Pavel Valtr: The Probability that n Random Points in a Triangle Are in Convex Position. Combinatorica 16(4): 567-573 (1996)
9EEPaul Erdös, Zsolt Tuza, Pavel Valtr: Ramsey-remainder. Eur. J. Comb. 17(6): 519-532 (1996)
8 Pavel Valtr: Probability that n Random Points are in Convex Position. Discrete & Computational Geometry 13: 637-643 (1995)
7EEHerbert Edelsbrunner, Pavel Valtr, Emo Welzl: Cutting Dense Point Sets in Half. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1994: 203-209
6 Martin Klazar, Pavel Valtr: Generalized Davenport-Schinzel Sequences. Combinatorica 14(4): 463-476 (1994)
5 Jaroslav Nesetril, Pavel Valtr: A Ramsey-type Theorem in the Plane. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 3: 127-135 (1994)
4 Pavel Valtr: Unit Squares Intersecting All Secants of a Square. Discrete & Computational Geometry 11: 235-239 (1994)
3 Pavel Valtr: Convex Independent Sets and 7-holes in Restricted Planar Point Sets. Discrete & Computational Geometry 7: 135-152 (1992)
2EEPavel Valtr: Sets in Rd with no large empty convex subsets. Discrete Mathematics 108(1-3): 115-124 (1992)
1EERadek Adamec, Martin Klazar, Pavel Valtr: Generalized Davenport-Schinzel sequences with linear upper bound. Discrete Mathematics 108(1-3): 219-229 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Radek Adamec [1]
2Robert Babilon [28] [31] [37]
3Imre Bárány [20] [42]
4Sergey Bereg (Sergei Bespamyatnikh) [40]
5Prosenjit Bose [40]
6Josef Cibulka [41] [43]
7Kostas Daniilidis (Konstantinos Daniilidis) [34]
8Adrian Dumitrescu [40]
9Herbert Edelsbrunner [7] [12]
10Paul Erdös [9]
11Hazel Everett [21]
12Alfredo García [38]
13Bernd Gärtner [27]
14Clemens Huemer [38]
15Ferran Hurtado [38] [40]
16Volkan Isler [34]
17Vít Jelínek (Vítek Jelínek) [37]
18Sampath Kannan [34]
19Gyula Károlyi [13] [17] [32]
20Martin Klazar [1] [6]
21Daniel Král [37]
22Krystyna Kuperberg [25]
23Wlodzimierz Kuperberg [25]
24Jan Kyncl [35] [41] [43]
25Jirí Matousek [25] [28] [31]
26Jana Maxová [28] [31]
27Viola Mészáros [41] [43]
28Jaroslav Nesetril (Jarik Nesetril) [5] [16]
29János Pach [13] [17]
30Attila Pór [30] [36] [42]
31József Solymosi [27]
32Ivan Stojmenovic [21]
33Rudolf Stolar [41] [43]
34Javier Tejel [38]
35Géza Tóth [13] [17] [19] [22] [24]
36Falk Tschirschnitz [27]
37Zsolt Tuza [9]
38Emo Welzl [7] [12] [27]
39Sue Whitesides [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)