Volume 25,
Number 1,
Volume 25,
Number 2,
- Biswanath Mukherjee, Shao-kong Kao:
An Improved Voice-Data Integration Protocol for Fiber Optic Bus Networks.
103-120 BibTeX
- Steve S. Liu:
Impacts of Signaling-Intensive Local Services (SILS) on B-ISDN Switching Systems: A Simulation Study.
121-143 BibTeX
- Alastair J. Macartney, Gordon S. Blair:
Flexible Trading in Distributed Multimedia Systems.
145-157 BibTeX
- Jürgen Tusch:
Performance Measurement in Token Ring Networks.
159-168 BibTeX
- Sea Hyeon Nam, Chong Kwan Un:
Performance Analysis of Broadcast Star Network with Collision-Avoidance Switch.
169-182 BibTeX
- Z. Luan, Jeremiah F. Hayes, Mustafa K. Mehmet Ali:
Frame Synchronization Performance of SONET Signals.
183-190 BibTeX
- Chung-Ju Chang, Shyh-Yih Wang:
Performance Analysis of a Statistical Multiplexer for Integrated Service in the Customer-Premise Equipment.
191-201 BibTeX
- Kurt Maly, Edwin C. Foudriat, Ravi Mukkamala, C. Michael Overstreet, David Game:
Dynamic Allocation of Bandwidth in Multichannel Metropolitan Area Networks.
203-223 BibTeX
Volume 25,
Number 3,
- Tomaz Kalin, Derek Barber:
Has the OSI Opportunity Been Fully Realised?
227-239 BibTeX
- R. Krishna Thilakam, Ashok Jhunjhunwala:
The Design and Flow Control of a High Speed, Integrated, Packet Switched Network.
241-257 BibTeX
- Ophir Frieder, Richard L. Shuey:
Communication Needs in a Data Engineering World.
259-273 BibTeX
- Jaidev Kaniyil, Yoshikuni Onozato, Shoichi Noguchi:
On the Behavioral Aspects of Alternate Routing in Non-Hierarchical Networks.
275-294 BibTeX
- Young Han Kim, Byung Chul Shin, Chong Kwan Un:
Performance Analysis of Leaky-Bucket Bandwidth Enforcement Strategy for Bursty Traffics in an ATM Network.
295-303 BibTeX
- Geoff Coulson, Gordon S. Blair, Nigel Davies, N. Williams:
Extensions to ANSA for Multimedia Computing.
305-323 BibTeX
Volume 25,
Numbers 4-5,
- Klaus Ullmann:
Data Networks for the European Research and Education Sector-Analysis ans Perspectives.
329-334 BibTeX
- Bert Stals:
Users and Networks-Survival of the Fittest?
335-338 BibTeX
- Francis R. Rysavy:
Users and Services Providers: Interoperability.
339-343 BibTeX
- Ann Peterson Bishop:
Electronic Networking for Engineers: Research from a User Perspective.
344-350 BibTeX
- Peter Holleczek, T. Baumgarten:
Throughput Measurements in a 2 Mbps X.25 Network.
351-356 BibTeX
- Martin de Prycker:
ATM Technology: A Backbone for High Speed Computer Networking.
357-362 BibTeX
- Juha Heinanen:
Frame Relay as a Multiprotocol Backbone Interface.
363-369 BibTeX
- Daniel Martinez:
Frame Relay and SMDS Services on a Common ATM-Based Platform.
370-376 BibTeX
- John Cullen, Bob Day, Martine Planes:
The Use of FTAM to Access Graphical Pictures Across Wide Area Networks.
377-383 BibTeX
- André A. S:
Danthine: Esprit Project OSI 95: New Transport Services for High-Speed Networking.
384-399 BibTeX
- Milan Sterba:
ISDN in European Research Networking.
400-404 BibTeX
- Ramin Najmabadi Kia, Bernard Sales:
Routing Archtitectures for the Support of the OSI Connection Mode Network Service.
405-410 BibTeX
- Dirk Husemann:
ISO CONS in LANs-Making it all Work: A European Contribution to 4.4 BSD Unix.
411-419 BibTeX
- Eric Mannie, Bernard Sales:
3L, A Software Laboratory for the OSI Lower Layers.
420-425 BibTeX
- Victor Reijs:
RARE / COSINE Connectionless Mode Network Service Pilot.
426-430 BibTeX
- Daniel Jozef Bem:
NASK-Research and Academic Computer Network in Poland.
431-437 BibTeX
- Jan Gruntorad:
Research and Academic Networking in the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic.
438-443 BibTeX
- Geza Turchanyi:
Networking in Hungary.
444-447 BibTeX
- Terry Morrow:
BIDS ISI: A New National Bibliographic Data Service for the UK Academic Community.
448-453 BibTeX
- Tim Berners-Lee, Robert Cailliau, Jean-François Groff:
The World-Wide Web.
454-459 BibTeX
- Laura A. Kelleher:
Navigating the Internet-A Merit Network Cruise.
460-463 BibTeX
- Reinhard Doelz:
The EMBnet Project-European Molecular Biology Network.
464-468 BibTeX
- Sead Muftic:
Implementation of the Comprehensive Integrated Security System for Computer Networks.
469-475 BibTeX
- Michael Purser:
COSINE Sub-Project P8: Security Services.
476-482 BibTeX
- Peter T. Kirstein, Peter Williams:
Piloting Authentication and Security Services within OSI Applications for RTD Information (PASSWORD).
483-489 BibTeX
- Suchun Wu:
MHS Security-A Concise Survey.
490-495 BibTeX
- Peter Lipp, Reinhard Posch:
An Inter-Bridge-Security Protocol.
496-500 BibTeX
- François Flückiger:
Euro-Networking and Industrial Policies: Lessons from the Past.
501-511 BibTeX
- Michael M. Roberts:
The University Role in the United States National Research and Education Network.
512-517 BibTeX
- Dai Davies:
Is there Life After COSINE?
518-520 BibTeX
- Frode Greisen:
The Operational Unit for Research and Academic Networking in Europe.
521-525 BibTeX
- Dominique Pinse, Peter Sylvester:
An Electronic Mail Gateway Between EARN / INTERNET and the IBM Internal Network.
526-530 BibTeX
- Philip Ashby:
FTAM Interoperability: Meeting the Needs of the Research Community.
531-534 BibTeX
- Harald Tveit Alvestrand:
Electronic Mail Routing in a Heterogeneous World.
535-539 BibTeX
- Bruce Wallace:
OSI Migration.
540-545 BibTeX
- Daniele Bovio:
The Regionalization of EARN.
546-553 BibTeX
- Carlo Berrino, Daniela Manuello:
Y-NET-The Esprit Pan-European Community OSI Network.
554-560 BibTeX
- Walter Kunft:
Developments in Academic Networking in Austria.
561-565 BibTeX
- Jan Wijgerde:
The COSINE Quality of Service Project.
566-569 BibTeX
- Noëmie Simoni, Simon Znaty:
Inerconnection of High-Speed Data Networks: Contribution of Dynamic Control and Quality of Service.
570-576 BibTeX
- Emmanuelle Auge, Philippe Brun:
Distributed Management of an MHS Environment.
577-582 BibTeX
- Patrick Geurts, Gerhard Theis:
A Formal Approach to the Description of Communications Services: The Case of the Space Data Network (SDN).
583-591 BibTeX
- Kees Neggers:
Next Steps for European Networking.
592-593 BibTeX
Volume 25,
Number 6,
- David D. Clark, Bruce S. Davie, David J. Farber, Inder S. Gopal, Bharath K. Kadaba, W. David Sincoskie, Jonathan M. Smith, David L. Tennenhouse:
The AURORA Gigabit Testbed.
599-621 BibTeX
- Thomas L. Rodeheffer:
Experience with Autonet.
623-629 BibTeX
- Weijia Wang, Fouad A. Tobagi:
The Christmas-Tree Switch: An Output Queuing Space-Division Fast Packet Switch Based on Inerleaving Distribution and Concentration Functions.
631-644 BibTeX
- Nicholas F. Maxemchuk:
Dispersity Routing in High-Speed Networks.
645-661 BibTeX
- Debasis Mitra, Judith B. Seery:
Dynamic Adaptive Windows for High Speed Data Networks with Multiple Paths and Propagation Delays.
663-679 BibTeX
- Keng-Tai Ko, Partho Pratim Mishra, Satish K. Tripathi:
Interaction Among Virtual Circuits Using Predictive Congestion Control.
681-699 BibTeX
- Imrich Chlamtac, Martin G. Kienzle:
Multitasking in High-Speed Interconnection Systems.
701-716 BibTeX
Volume 25,
Number 7,
- Juan Quemada:
On Tools for FDTs.
719-721 BibTeX
- Samuel T. Chanson, Antonio Alfredo Ferreira Loureiro, Son T. Vuong:
On Tools Supporting the Use of Formal Description Techniques in Protocol Development.
723-739 BibTeX
- Paul D. Amer, Darren New:
Protocol Visualization in Estelle.
741-760 BibTeX
- Rocco De Nicola, Alessandro Fantechi, Stefania Gnesi, Gioia Ristori:
An Action-Based Framework for Verifying Logical and Behavioural Properties of Concurrent Systems.
761-778 BibTeX
- B. Algayres, V. Coelho, L. Doldi, Hubert Garavel, Y. Lejeune, C. Rodríguez:
VESAR: A Pragmatic Approach to Formal Specification and Verification.
779-790 BibTeX
- Carlos Miguel, Angel Fernández, J. M. Ortuño, Leon Vidaller:
A LOTOS Based Performance Evaluation Tool.
791-814 BibTeX
- José A. Mañas, Tomás de Miguel, Joaquín Salvachúa, Arturo Azcorra:
Tool Support to Implement LOTOS Formal Specifications.
815-839 BibTeX
- Rachid Sijelmassi, Brett Strausser:
The PET and DINGO Tools for Deriving Distributed Implementations from Estelle.
841-851 BibTeX
- Günter Karjoth, Carl Binding, Jan Gustafsson:
LOEWE: A LOTOS Engineering Workbench.
853-874 BibTeX
- Gert J. Veltink:
The PSF Toolkit.
875-898 BibTeX
Volume 25,
Number 8,
Volume 25,
Number 9,
Volume 25,
Number 10,
- P. S. Richards:
Rapid Service Delivery and Customization in a Developing Network Infrastructure.
1031-1039 BibTeX
- Jun-ichi Mizusawa, Minoru Akiyama:
Experiences and Expectations of Introducing PSTN New Services.
1041-1053 BibTeX
- James W. Roberts:
Traffic Control in the B-ISDN.
1055-1064 BibTeX
- Zbigniew Dziong, Ke-Qiang Liao, Lorne Mason:
Effective Bandwidth Allocation and Buffer Dimensioning in ATM Based Networks with Priorities.
1065-1078 BibTeX
- Raffaele Bolla, Franco Davoli:
Dynamic Hierarchical Control of Resource Allocation in an Integrated Services Broadband Network.
1079-1087 BibTeX
- Adrian Popescu, Raghuvansh Prasad Singh:
An Alternative Solution to the Electro-Optic and Service Bootleneck Problems in Integrated Multi-Gbit/s LANs: the SUPERLAN Architecture.
1089-1105 BibTeX
- Tetsuya Yokotani, Hiroyuki Sato, Shigeo Nakatsuka:
A Study on a Performance Improvement Algorithm in DQDB MAN.
1107-1117 BibTeX
- Alfio Lombardo, Sergio Palazzo, Daniela Panno, R. Pignatelli, L. Susanna:
An Adaptive Policing Mechanism for a DQDB MAN.
1119-1126 BibTeX
- David J. Greaves, Krzysztof Zielinski:
The Cambridge Backbone Network An Overview and Preliminary Performance.
1127-1133 BibTeX
- Nico M. van Dijk:
On the Arrival Theorem for Communication Networks.
1135-1142 BibTeX
- William Henderson:
Finding and Using Exact Equilibrium Distributions for Stochastic Petri Nets.
1143-1153 BibTeX
- Catherine Rosenberg, André Le Bon:
Performance Models for Hybrid Broadband Networks.
1155-1163 BibTeX
- N. Sokolov, I. Ekhriel, R. Rerle, S. Brusilovsky:
On Some Teletraffic Models Simplification.
1165-1173 BibTeX
Volume 25,
Number 11,
Volume 25,
Number 12,
Volume 25,
Supplement 1,
September 1993
Volume 25,
Supplement 2,
Volume 25,
Supplement 3,
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:53:00 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)