
Carlos Miguel

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7EEZhili Sun, Dan He, Haitham S. Cruickshank, Lei Liang, A. Sanchez, Carlos Miguel, Vincenzo Schena, Clementina Tocci, Belén Carro: Scalable architecture and evaluation for multiparty conferencing over satellite links. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 22(3): 594-605 (2004)
6EEFrancisco Javier Ruiz Piñar, Angel Fernández, Carlos Miguel, Leon Vidaller, Antonio Martínez Mas, Juan Antonio Carral Pelayo: Multimedia Systems Based on Satellite Technology. Computer Networks 30(16-18): 1543-1549 (1998)
5 Antonio Martínez Maz, Carlos Miguel, E. Pérez, Angel Fernández: FDDI Performance Evaluation Based on LOTOS Formal Description Tecnique. HPN 1994: 407-422
4 Carlos Miguel, Angel Fernández, J. M. Ortuño, Leon Vidaller: A LOTOS Based Performance Evaluation Tool. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 25(7): 791-814 (1993)
3 Carlos Miguel, Angel Fernández, Leon Vidaller: LOTOS Extended with Probablistic Behaviours. Formal Asp. Comput. 5(3): 253-281 (1993)
2 Carlos Miguel, Angel Fernández, Leon Vidaller: Extending LOTOS towards performance evaluation. FORTE 1992: 103-118
1 Angel Fernández, Carlos Miguel, Leon Vidaller, Juan Quemada: Development of Satellite Communication Networks Based on LOTOS. PSTV 1992: 179-192

Coauthor Index

1Belén Carro [7]
2Haitham S. Cruickshank [7]
3Angel Fernández [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
4Dan He [7]
5Lei Liang [7]
6Antonio Martínez Mas [6]
7Antonio Martínez Maz [5]
8J. M. Ortuño [4]
9Juan Antonio Carral Pelayo [6]
10E. Pérez [5]
11Francisco Javier Ruiz Piñar [6]
12Juan Quemada [1]
13A. Sanchez [7]
14Vincenzo Schena [7]
15Zhili Sun [7]
16Clementina Tocci [7]
17Leon Vidaller [1] [2] [3] [4] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)