
Tomás de Miguel

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10EEJuan Quemada, Tomás de Miguel, Santiago Pavón, Gabriel Huecas, Tomás Robles, Joaquín Salvachúa, Diego Andres Acosta Ortiz, Vicente Sirvent, Fernando Escribano, Javier Sedano: Isabel: an application for real time collaboration with a flexible floor control. CollaborateCom 2005
9EEJuan Quemada, Gabriel Huecas, Tomás de Miguel, Joaquín Salvachúa, Blanca Fernandez, Bernd Simon, Katherine Maillet, Efiie Lai-Cong: Educanext: a framework for sharing live educational resources with isabel. WWW (Alternate Track Papers & Posters) 2004: 11-18
8EEJuan Quemada, Tomás de Miguel, Eva M. Castro, Santiago Pavón, Gabriel Huecas, Tomás Robles, Joaquín Salvachúa, Elena Apolinario, Javier Sedano, María José Perea: Isabel Distribution of the Madrid Global IPv6 Summit 2002. SAINT Workshops 2003: 200-203
7 Tomás Robles, Héctor L. Velayos Munoz, Juan Quemada, Tomás de Miguel, Santiago Pavón, Joaquín Salvachúa, Gabriel Huecas, Eva M. Castro, Manuel Petit: Managing Distributed Conferences with ISABEL. MMNS 2000: 89-101
6 Juan Quemada, Tomás de Miguel, Arturo Azcorra, Santiago Pavón, Joaquín Salvachúa, Manuel Petit, David Larrabeiti, Tomás Robles, Gabriel Huecas: ISABEL: A CSCW Application for the Distribution of Events. COST 237 Workshop 1996: 137-153
5 Tomás de Miguel, Santiago Pavón, Joaquín Salvachúa, Juan Quemada, Pedro Luis Chas Alonso, Javier Fernandez-Amigo, Carlos M. Acuña, Lidia Rodriguez Yamamoto, Vasco Lagarto, Joao Vastos: ISABEL - Experiment Distributed Cooperative Work Application over Broadband Networks. IWACA 1994: 353-362
4 José A. Mañas, Tomás de Miguel, Joaquín Salvachúa, Arturo Azcorra: Tool Support to Implement LOTOS Formal Specifications. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 25(7): 815-839 (1993)
3 José A. Mañas, Joaquín Salvachúa, Tomás de Miguel: Tool Demonstration: A Cross Compiling Experiment: A PC Implementation of a LOTOS Spec. FORTE 1991: 467-470
2 Tomás de Miguel, Tomás Robles, Joaquín Salvachúa, Arturo Azcorra: The SRTS Experience: Using TOPO for LOTOS Design and Realization. FORTE 1990: 383-394
1 José A. Mañas, Tomás de Miguel: From LOTOS to C. FORTE 1988: 79-84

Coauthor Index

1Carlos M. Acuña [5]
2Pedro Luis Chas Alonso [5]
3Elena Apolinario [8]
4Arturo Azcorra [2] [4] [6]
5Eva M. Castro [7] [8]
6Fernando Escribano [10]
7Blanca Fernandez [9]
8Javier Fernandez-Amigo [5]
9Gabriel Huecas [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
10Vasco Lagarto [5]
11Efiie Lai-Cong [9]
12David Larrabeiti [6]
13Katherine Maillet [9]
14José A. Mañas [1] [3] [4]
15Héctor L. Velayos Munoz [7]
16Diego Andres Acosta Ortiz [10]
17Santiago Pavón [5] [6] [7] [8] [10]
18María José Perea [8]
19Manuel Petit [6] [7]
20Juan Quemada [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
21Tomás Robles [2] [6] [7] [8] [10]
22Joaquín Salvachúa [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
23Javier Sedano [8] [10]
24Bernd Simon [9]
25Vicente Sirvent [10]
26Joao Vastos [5]
27Lidia Rodriguez Yamamoto [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)