
Tetsuya Yokotani

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7 Tetsuya Yokotani, Tatsuki Ichihashi, Shuichi Tonami: New signaling procedures in ATM networks for advance resource reservation. Telecommunication Systems 15(1-2): 129-144 (2000)
6EETetsuya Yokotani, K. Murakami, Tatsuki Ichihashi, Shuichi Tonami: ATM Networks. LCN 1998: 120-129
5 Qin Zheng, Tetsuya Yokotani, Tatsuki Ichihashi, Yasunoni Nemoto: Connection Admission Control for Hard Real-Time Communication in ATM Networks. ICDCS 1997: 0-
4EETetsuya Yokotani, Tatsuki Ichihashi, Masayuki Yabe: An Ultra Light Weight CAC Mechanism (UL-CAC) for Soft Guarantee in ATM Networks. LCN 1997: 432-440
3EETetsuya Yokotani, Tatsuki Ichihashi: A Proposal of Flow Control Mechanism for Multicast ABR and its Performance. LCN 1996: 182-190
2EETetsuya Yokotani, Tatsuki Ichihashi, Michihiro Ishizaka: Congestion control of multi-cast connections in ATM networks. LCN 1995: 38-47
1 Tetsuya Yokotani, Hiroyuki Sato, Shigeo Nakatsuka: A Study on a Performance Improvement Algorithm in DQDB MAN. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 25(10): 1107-1117 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Tatsuki Ichihashi [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
2Michihiro Ishizaka [2]
3K. Murakami [6]
4Shigeo Nakatsuka [1]
5Yasunoni Nemoto [5]
6Hiroyuki Sato [1]
7Shuichi Tonami [6] [7]
8Masayuki Yabe [4]
9Qin Zheng [5]

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