
Vojin Zivojnovic

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8EEStefan Pees, Andreas Hoffmann, Vojin Zivojnovic, Heinrich Meyr: LISA - Machine Description Language for Cycle-Accurate Models of Programmable DSP Architectures. DAC 1999: 933-938
7EELisa M. Guerra, Joachim Fitzner, Dipankar Talukdar, Chris Schläger, Bassam Tabbara, Vojin Zivojnovic: Cycle and Phase Accurate DSP Modeling and Integration for HW/SW Co-Verification. DAC 1999: 964-969
6EEStefan Pees, Martin Vaupel, Vojin Zivojnovic, Heinrich Meyr: On core and more: a design perspective for systems-on-a-chip. ASAP 1997: 448-457
5EEVojin Zivojnovic, Steven W. K. Tjiang, Heinrich Meyr: Compiled Simulation of Programmable DSP Architectures. VLSI Signal Processing 16(1): 73-80 (1997)
4EEVojin Zivojnovic, Heinrich Meyr: Compiled HW/SW Co-Simulation. DAC 1996: 690-695
3EEVojin Zivojnovic, Stefan Pees, C. Schälger, Markus Willems, R. Schoenen, Heinrich Meyr: DSP Processor/Compiler Co-Design: A Quantitative Approach. ISSS 1996: 108-
2 Vojin Zivojnovic, Heinrich Meyr: Design of optimum interpolation filters for digital demodulators. ISCAS 1993: 140-143
1 Sebastian Ritz, Matthias Pankert, Vojin Zivojnovic, Heinrich Meyr: High-Level Software Synthesis for the Design of Communication Systems. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 11(3): 348-358 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Joachim Fitzner [7]
2Lisa M. Guerra [7]
3Andreas Hoffmann [8]
4Heinrich Meyr [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]
5Matthias Pankert [1]
6Stefan Pees [3] [6] [8]
7Sebastian Ritz [1]
8C. Schälger [3]
9Chris Schläger [7]
10R. Schoenen [3]
11Bassam Tabbara [7]
12Dipankar Talukdar [7]
13Steven W. K. Tjiang [5]
14Martin Vaupel [6]
15Markus Willems [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)