
Yan Zhou

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24EEYan Zhou, W. Meador Inge: Malware detection using adaptive data compression. AISec 2008: 53-60
23EEKyoung-Don Kang, Jisu Oh, Yan Zhou: Backlog Estimation and Management for Real-Time Data Services. ECRTS 2008: 289-298
22EETao Liu, Yan Zhou, Zhifeng Hu, Zhijie Wang: A New Clustering Algorithm Based on Artificial Immune System. FSKD (2) 2008: 347-351
21EEJun Zhang, Hai Zhao, Guilan Luo, Yan Zhou: The Study on Fractals of Internet Router-level Topology. ICYCS 2008: 2743-2747
20EETao Liu, Zhifeng Hu, Yan Zhou, Zhijie Wang: A Modified Resource Limited Artificial Immune System. ISECS 2008: 981-985
19EETonglin Zhu, Feng Tian, Yan Zhou, Hock Soon Seah, Xiaolong Yan: Plant Modeling Based on 3D Reconstruction and Its Application in Digital Museum. IJVR 7(1): 81-88 (2008)
18EETonglin Zhu, Yan Zhou, Hock Soon Seah, Feng Tian, Xiaolong Yan: Plant Modeling and Its Application in Digital Agriculture Museum. HCI (14) 2007: 748-757
17EEYan Zhou, Zach Jorgensen, W. Meador Inge: Combating Good Word Attacks on Statistical Spam Filters with Multiple Instance Learning. ICTAI (2) 2007: 298-305
16EEBo Liu, Hannan Ma, Xuejun Zhang, Yan Zhou: A memetic co-evolutionary differential evolution algorithm for constrained optimization. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2007: 2996-3002
15EELiang Zhang, Lin Tao, Lin Ye, Ling He, Yuan-Zhong Zhu, Yue-Dong Zhu, Yan Zhou: Alternative Splicing and Expression Profile Analysis of Expressed Sequence Tags in Domestic Pig. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 5(1): 25-34 (2007)
14EEYan Zhou, Madhuri S. Mulekar, Praveen Nerellapalli: Adaptive Spam Filtering Using Dynamic Feature Spaces. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 16(4): 627-646 (2007)
13EEZhangye Wang, Changbo Wang, Yan Zhou, Qunsheng Peng: Real-Time Walkthrough System of Large-Scale Infrared Dynamic Scene. Edutainment 2006: 947-950
12EEOleksandr Grygorash, Yan Zhou, Zach Jorgensen: Minimum Spanning Tree Based Clustering Algorithms. ICTAI 2006: 73-81
11EEYan Zhou, Bo Hu, Jianqiu Zhang: Occlusion Detection and Tracking Method Based on Bayesian Decision Theory. PSIVT 2006: 474-482
10EEYan Zhou, Madhuri S. Mulekar, Praveen Nerellapalli: Adaptive Spam Filtering Using Dynamic Feature Space. ICTAI 2005: 302-309
9EEYan Zhou, A. Nur Zincir-Heywood: Intelligent Agents for Routing on Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. CNSR 2004: 249-254
8EEYan Zhou, Sally A. Goldman: Democratic Co-Learning. ICTAI 2004: 594-602
7EEYan Zhang, David A. Eberhard, Gretchen D. Frantz, Patrick Dowd, Thomas D. Wu, Yan Zhou, Colin K. Watanabe, Shiuh-Ming Luoh, Paul Polakis, Kenneth J. Hillan, William I. Wood, Zemin Zhang: GEPIS - quantitative gene expression profiling in normal and cancer tissues. Bioinformatics 20(15): 2390-2398 (2004)
6 Yan Zhou, Guyang Matthew Huang, Liping Wei: UniBLAST: a system to filter, cluster, and display BLAST results and assign unique gene annotation. Bioinformatics 18(9): 1268 (2002)
5 Sally A. Goldman, Yan Zhou: Enhancing Supervised Learning with Unlabeled Data. ICML 2000: 327-334
4EEYan Zhou, Yuan Zhao, John L. Lowther, Ching-Kuang Shene: Teaching surface design made easy. SIGCSE 1999: 222-226
3EEYan Zhou, Dawn Wilkins, Robert P. Cook: Neural network control for a fire-fighting robot. Software - Concepts and Tools 19(3): 146-152 (1998)
2 Yan Zhou, Harold G. Longbotham: Texture Segmentation by Symmetric and Asymmetric Filters. ICIP (2) 1994: 630-634
1 Sandra G. Dykes, Xiaodong Zhang, Haixu Yang, Yan Zhou: Communication and Computation Patterns of Large Scale Image Convolutions on Parallel Architectures. IPPS 1994: 926-931

Coauthor Index

1Robert P. Cook [3]
2Patrick Dowd [7]
3Sandra G. Dykes [1]
4David A. Eberhard [7]
5Gretchen D. Frantz [7]
6Sally A. Goldman [5] [8]
7Oleksandr Grygorash [12]
8Ling He [15]
9Kenneth J. Hillan [7]
10Bo Hu [11]
11Zhifeng Hu [20] [22]
12Guyang Matthew Huang [6]
13W. Meador Inge [17] [24]
14Zach Jorgensen [12] [17]
15Kyoung-Don Kang [23]
16Bo Liu [16]
17Tao Liu [20] [22]
18Harold G. Longbotham [2]
19John L. Lowther [4]
20Guilan Luo [21]
21Shiuh-Ming Luoh [7]
22Hannan Ma [16]
23Madhuri S. Mulekar [10] [14]
24Praveen Nerellapalli [10] [14]
25Jisu Oh [23]
26Qunsheng Peng [13]
27Paul Polakis [7]
28Ching-Kuang Shene [4]
29Seah Hock Soon (Hock Soon Seah) [18] [19]
30Lin Tao [15]
31Feng Tian [18] [19]
32Changbo Wang [13]
33Zhangye Wang [13]
34Zhijie Wang [20] [22]
35Colin K. Watanabe [7]
36Liping Wei [6]
37Dawn Wilkins [3]
38William I. Wood [7]
39Thomas D. Wu [7]
40Xiaolong Yan [18] [19]
41Haixu Yang [1]
42Lin Ye [15]
43Jianqiu Zhang [11]
44Jun Zhang [21]
45Liang Zhang [15]
46Xiaodong Zhang [1]
47Xuejun Zhang [16]
48Yan Zhang [7]
49Zemin Zhang [7]
50Hai Zhao [21]
51Yuan Zhao [4]
52Tonglin Zhu [18] [19]
53Yuan-Zhong Zhu [15]
54Yue-Dong Zhu [15]
55A. Nur Zincir-Heywood [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)