
Y. Zhou

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13EEY. Zhou, Y. Chen: Project-oriented resource assignment: from business process modelling to business process instantiation with operational performance consideration. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 21(1): 97-110 (2008)
12EEW. J. Yang, Y. Zhou, K. T. Lau: Low Power Adiabatic Programmable Logic Array with Single Clock Iapdl. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 17(2): 211-219 (2008)
11EET.-H. Su, T.-W. Zhang, H.-J. Huang, Y. Zhou: HMM-Based Recognizer with Segmentation-free Strategy for Unconstrained Chinese Handwritten Text. ICDAR 2007: 133-137
10EET.-H. Su, T.-W. Zhang, H.-J. Huang, Y. Zhou: Skew Detection for Chinese Handwriting by Horizontal Stroke Histogram. ICDAR 2007: 899-903
9EEY. C. Zhang, Y. F. Wu, S. G. Ma, S. N. Sun, Y. Zhou, M. Geng: Preparation and performance study of TiN films deposited by MF unbalanced magnetron sputtering technique. IJCAT 29(2/3/4): 173-177 (2007)
8EEJ. Lee, M. Mayer, Y. Zhou, S. J. Hong: Iterative optimization of tail breaking force of 1mil wire thermosonic ball bonding processes and the influence of plasma cleaning. Microelectronics Journal 38(8-9): 842-847 (2007)
7EES. C. Chan, Z. G. Zhang, Y. Zhou: A new adaptive Kalman filter-based subspace tracking algorithm and its application to DOA estimation. ISCAS 2006
6EES. C. Chan, Y. Zhou: Improved generalized-proportionate stepsize LMS algorithms and performance analysis. ISCAS 2006
5EEY. Zhou, Shing-Chow Chan, Ka-Leung Ho: A new block-exact fast LMS/Newton adaptive filtering algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 54(1): 374-380 (2006)
4EEH. Cheng, Y. Zhou, S. C. Chan: New approximate QR-LS algorithms for minimum output energy (MOE) receivers in DS-CDMA communication systems. ISCAS (3) 2005: 2631-2634
3EES. C. Chan, Y. Zhou, W. Y. Lau: Approximate QR-based algorithms for recursive nonlinear least squares estimation. ISCAS (5) 2005: 4333-4336
2 Y. Guan, Y. Zhou: Generalized Multiresolution Analysis. WAA 2003: 177-182
1 Y. Zhou, T. Murata, Thomas A. DeFanti: Modeling and performance analysis using extended fuzzy-timing Petri nets for networked virtual environments. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 30(5): 737-756 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1S. C. Chan [3] [4] [6] [7]
2Shing-Chow Chan [5]
3Y. Chen [13]
4H. Cheng [4]
5Thomas A. DeFanti [1]
6M. Geng [9]
7Y. Guan [2]
8Ka-Leung Ho [5]
9S. J. Hong [8]
10H.-J. Huang [10] [11]
11K. T. Lau [12]
12W. Y. Lau [3]
13J. Lee [8]
14S. G. Ma [9]
15M. Mayer [8]
16T. Murata [1]
17T.-H. Su [10] [11]
18S. N. Sun [9]
19Y. F. Wu [9]
20W. J. Yang [12]
21T.-W. Zhang [10] [11]
22Y. C. Zhang [9]
23Z. G. Zhang [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)