2008 |
87 | EE | Saehoon Cheon,
Doohwan Kim,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
DEVS model composition by system entity structure.
IRI 2008: 479-484 |
86 | | Saehoon Cheon,
Doohwan Kim,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
System Entity Structure for XML Meta Data Modeling; Application to the US Climate Normals.
SEDE 2008: 216-221 |
85 | EE | Olivier Dalle,
Bernard P. Zeigler,
Gabriel A. Wainer:
Extending DEVS to support multiple occurrence in component-based simulation.
Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 933-941 |
2007 |
84 | EE | Xiaolin Hu,
Bernard P. Zeigler,
Moon Ho Hwang,
Eddie Mak:
DEVS Systems-Theory Framework for Reusable Testing of I/O Behaviors in Service Oriented Architectures.
IRI 2007: 394-399 |
83 | EE | Rajanikanth Jammalamadaka,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
A Generic Pattern for Modifying Traditional PDE Solvers to Exploit Heterogeneity in Asynchronous Behavior.
PADS 2007: 45-52 |
82 | EE | Saurabh Mittal,
José Luis Risco-Martín,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
DEVS-based simulation web services for net-centric T&E.
SCSC 2007: 357-366 |
81 | EE | Taekyu Kim,
Moon Ho Hwang,
Doohwan Kim,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
DEVS/NS-2 environment: integrated tool for efficient networks modeling and simulation.
SpringSim (2) 2007: 219-226 |
80 | EE | Saehoon Cheon,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
Experimental frame structuring and aggregation of source data: application to US climate normals.
SpringSim (2) 2007: 243-248 |
79 | EE | Saurabh Mittal,
José Luis Risco-Martín,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
DEVSML: automating DEVS execution over SOA towards transparent simulators.
SpringSim (2) 2007: 287-295 |
78 | EE | Rajanikanth Jammalamadaka,
Bernard P. Zeigler,
M. Zhang,
M. E. Gettings,
M. Bultman:
Complex system simulation: DEVS implementation of the valley fever model.
SpringSim (2) 2007: 316-319 |
2006 |
77 | | Fernando J. Barros,
Axel Lehmann,
Peter Liggesmeyer,
Alexander Verbraeck,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
Component-Base Modeling and Simulation, 18.-23. January 2004
Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum für Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2006 |
76 | | Saurabh Mittal,
Amit Mitra,
Amar Gupta,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
Strengthening OV-6a semantics with rule-based meta-models in DEVS/DoDAF based life-cycle architecture development.
IRI 2006: 80-85 |
2005 |
75 | EE | Xiaolin Hu,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
Model continuity in the design of dynamic distributed real-time systems.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 35(6): 867-878 (2005) |
74 | EE | Adelinde Uhrmacher,
Daniela Degenring,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
Discrete Event Multi-level Models for Systems Biology.
T. Comp. Sys. Biology 1: 66-89 (2005) |
2004 |
73 | EE | Bernard P. Zeigler,
Rajanikanth Jammalamadaka,
Salil R. Akerkar:
Continuity and Change (Activity) Are Fundamentally Related in DEVS Simulation of Continuous Systems.
AIS 2004: 1-13 |
72 | EE | Fernando J. Barros,
Axel Lehmann,
Peter Liggesmeyer,
Alexander Verbraeck,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
04041 Abstracts Collection - Component-Based Modeling and Simulation.
Component-Base Modeling and Simulation 2004 |
71 | EE | Xiaolin Hu,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
Model Continuity to Support Software Development for Distributed Robotic Systems: A Team Formation Example.
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 39(1): 71-87 (2004) |
2003 |
70 | EE | Sunwoo Park,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
Distributing Simulation Work Based on Component Activity: A New Approach to Partitioning Hierarchical DEVS Models.
CLADE 2003: 124 |
69 | EE | James J. Nutaro,
Bernard P. Zeigler,
Rajanikanth Jammalamadaka,
Salil R. Akerkar:
Discrete Event Solution of Gas Dynamics within the DEVS Framework.
International Conference on Computational Science 2003: 319-328 |
68 | EE | Bernard P. Zeigler:
DEVS Today: Recent Advances in Discrete Event-Based Information Technology.
MASCOTS 2003: 148- |
2002 |
67 | | Daryl R. Hild,
Hessam S. Sarjoughian,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
DEVS-DOC: a modeling and simulation environment enabling distributed codesign.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 32(1): 78-92 (2002) |
66 | EE | Bernard P. Zeigler,
Hyup J. Cho,
Jeong Geun Kim,
Hessam S. Sarjoughian,
Jong S. Lee:
Quantization-based filtering in distributed discrete event simulation.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 62(11): 1629-1647 (2002) |
65 | EE | Jong S. Lee,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
Space-Based Communication Data Management in Scalable Distributed Simulation.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 62(3): 336-365 (2002) |
2001 |
64 | EE | Bernard P. Zeigler,
Hessam S. Sarjoughian,
Sunwoo Park,
Jong S. Lee,
Young K. Cho,
James J. Nutaro:
Devs Modeling And Simulation: A New Layer Of Middleware.
Active Middleware Services 2001: 22- |
2000 |
63 | EE | Bernard P. Zeigler,
Hessam S. Sarjoughian:
Distributed simulation: creating distributed simulation using DEVS M&S environments.
Winter Simulation Conference 2000: 158-160 |
62 | EE | Helena Szczerbicka,
Jerry Banks,
Ralph V. Rogers,
Tuncer I. Ören,
Hessam S. Sarjoughian,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
Conceptions of curriculum for simulation education: panel.
Winter Simulation Conference 2000: 1635-1644 |
61 | EE | Hessam S. Sarjoughian,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
Models and representation of their ownership.
Winter Simulation Conference 2000: 440-448 |
60 | EE | Bernard P. Zeigler,
Hessam S. Sarjoughian,
Herbert Prähofer:
Theory of Quantized Systems: Devs Simulation of Perceiving Agents.
Cybernetics and Systems 31(6): 611-647 (2000) |
59 | EE | Hessam S. Sarjoughian,
Bernard P. Zeigler,
Sunwoo Park:
Collaborative distributed network system: a lightweight middleware supporting collaborative DEVS modeling.
Future Generation Comp. Syst. 17(2): 89-105 (2000) |
58 | | Hessam S. Sarjoughian,
Bernard P. Zeigler,
Daryl R. Hild:
A Codesign Approach for Distributed Systems.
IEEE Computer 33(3): 110-113 (2000) |
1999 |
57 | EE | Bernard P. Zeigler,
Doohwan Kim,
Stephen J. Buckley:
Distributed supply chain simulation in a DEVS/CORBA execution environment.
Winter Simulation Conference 1999: 1333-1340 |
1998 |
56 | EE | James Lee,
Hessam S. Sarjoughian,
Frank Simcox,
Sankait Vahie,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
A Group-Based Approach for Distributed Model Construction.
HICSS (1) 1998: 220-229 |
55 | EE | Fernando J. Barros,
Bernard P. Zeigler,
Paul A. Fishwick:
Multimodels and Dynamic Structure Models: An Integration of DSDE/DEVS and OOPM.
Winter Simulation Conference 1998: 413-420 |
54 | EE | Sarma R. Nidumolu,
Nirup M. Menon,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
Object-oriented business process modeling and simulation: A discrete event system specification framework.
Simul. Pr. Theory 6(6): 533-571 (1998) |
1997 |
53 | EE | Bernard P. Zeigler,
Doohwan Kim,
Herbert Praehofer:
DEVS Formalism as a Framework for Advanced Distributed Simulation.
DIS-RT 1997: 15-21 |
52 | | P. J. Shah,
Ralph Martinez,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
Design, analysis, and implementation of a telemedicine remote consultation and diagnosis session playback using discrete event system specification.
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 1(3): 179-188 (1997) |
1996 |
51 | EE | Bernard P. Zeigler,
Yoonkeon Moon,
Doohwan Kim,
Jeong Geun Kim:
DEVS-C++: A High Performance Modelling and Simulation Environment.
HICSS (1) 1996: 350-359 |
50 | EE | Hessam S. Sarjoughian,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
Abstraction Mechanisms in Discrete-Event Inductive Modeling.
Winter Simulation Conference 1996: 748-755 |
49 | EE | Bernard P. Zeigler,
Doohwan Kim:
Design of High Level Modelling / High Performance Simulation Environments.
Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation 1996: 154-161 |
48 | EE | Jinwoo Kim,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
Hierarchical Distributed Genetic Algorithms: A Fuzzy Logic Controller Design Application.
IEEE Expert 11(3): 76-84 (1996) |
47 | | Jinwoo Kim,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
A Framework for Multiresolution Optimization in a Parallel/Distributed Environment: Simulation of Hierarchical GAs.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 32(1): 90-102 (1996) |
1995 |
46 | | Lyes Hamaidi,
Patrick Bourseau,
Gilles Muratet,
Jerry M. Couretas,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
DEVS-Based Endomorphic Agents: Control Through Deliberative and Reactive Planning.
EUROCAST 1995: 386-402 |
45 | | Lyes Hamaidi,
Patrick Bourseau,
Gilles Muratet,
Jerry M. Couretas,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
Modeling and Simulation of Intelligent Control in Process Engineering.
EUROSIM 1995: 1265-1270 |
1994 |
44 | | Bernard P. Zeigler:
Fundamental Systems Concepts: "The Right Stuff" for 21st Century Technology.
CAST 1994: 28-33 |
43 | | Herbert Praehofer,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
On the Expressibility of Discrete Event Specified Systems.
CAST 1994: 65-79 |
42 | | Hessam S. Sarjoughian,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
Inductive Modeling: A Framework Marrying Systems Theory and Non-monotonic Reasoning.
Hybrid Systems 1994: 417-435 |
41 | | Bernard P. Zeigler,
Hae Sang Song,
Tag Gon Kim,
Herbert Praehofer:
DEVS Framework for Modelling, Simulation, Analysis, and Design of Hybrid Systems.
Hybrid Systems 1994: 529-551 |
40 | EE | Alex Chung Hen Chow,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
Parallel DEVS: a parallel, hierarchical, modular, modeling formalism.
Winter Simulation Conference 1994: 716-722 |
39 | EE | Sung-Do Chi,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
Hierarchical model-based diagnosis for high autonomy systems.
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 9(3): 193-207 (1994) |
1993 |
38 | | Bernard P. Zeigler,
Jinwoo Kim:
Asynchronous Genetic Algorithms on Parallel Computers.
ICGA 1993: 660 |
37 | | Bernard P. Zeigler:
Object-Oriented Paradigms for Model Development Environments.
MASCOTS 1993: 384-389 |
36 | EE | Robert G. Sargent,
Joe H. Mize,
David H. Withers,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
Hierarchical modeling for discrete event simulation (panel).
Winter Simulation Conference 1993: 569-572 |
35 | EE | Bernard P. Zeigler,
Sankait Vahie:
DEVS formalism and methodology: unity of conception/diversity of application.
Winter Simulation Conference 1993: 573-579 |
34 | EE | Jerzy W. Rozenblit,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
Representing and constructing system specifications using the system entity structure concepts.
Winter Simulation Conference 1993: 604-611 |
33 | | Bernard P. Zeigler,
Ahmed Louri:
A Simulation Environment for Intelligent Machine Architectures.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 18(1): 77-88 (1993) |
1992 |
32 | EE | Paul A. Fishwick,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
A Multimodel Methodology for Qualitative Model Engineering.
ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 2(1): 52-81 (1992) |
31 | | Bernard P. Zeigler:
Endomorphic modeling concepts for high-autonomy architectures.
Applied Artificial Intelligence 6(1): 19-43 (1992) |
1991 |
30 | EE | Cheng-Jye Luh,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
Abstraction morphisms for world modelling in high autonomy systems.
Winter Simulation Conference 1991: 1129-1138 |
29 | EE | Bernard P. Zeigler,
Cheng-Jye Luh,
Tag Gon Kim:
Model Base Management for Multifacetted Systems.
ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 1(3): 195-218 (1991) |
28 | | Bernard P. Zeigler:
Object-Oriented Modeling and Discrete-Event Simulation.
Advances in Computers 33: 67-114 (1991) |
1990 |
27 | EE | François E. Cellier,
Qingsu Wang,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
A five level hierarchy for the management of simulation models.
Winter Simulation Conference 1990: 55-64 |
26 | EE | Tag Gon Kim,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
AIDECS: An AI-based, distributed environmental control system for self-sustaining habitats.
AI in Engineering 5(1): 33-42 (1990) |
25 | | Bernard P. Zeigler,
Guoqing Zhang:
Mapping Hierarchical Discrete Event Models to Multiprocessor Systems: Concepts, Algorithm, and Simulation.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 9(3): 271-281 (1990) |
1989 |
24 | | Herbert Praehofer,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
Modelling and Simulation of Non-Homogeneous Models.
EUROCAST 1989: 200-211 |
23 | | Bernard P. Zeigler,
Herbert Praehofer:
Systems Theory Challenges in the Simulation of Variable Structure and Intelligent Systems.
EUROCAST 1989: 41-51 |
22 | EE | Tag Gon Kim,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
Hierarchical scheduling in an intelligent environmental control system.
IEA/AIE (1) 1989: 310-317 |
21 | EE | Bernard P. Zeigler,
J. H. Hu,
Jerzy W. Rozenblit:
Hierarchical, modular modelling in DEVS-scheme.
Winter Simulation Conference 1989: 84-89 |
1988 |
20 | EE | Tag Gon Kim,
G. Mignon,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
Design of an AI-Based Self-Sustaining Habitats Control System.
IEA/AIE (Vol. 2) 1988: 1059-1065 |
19 | EE | Arturo I. Concepcion,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
DEVS Formalism: A Framework for Hierarchical Model Development.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 14(2): 228-241 (1988) |
18 | EE | Süleyman Sevinc,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
Entity Structure Based Design Methodology: A LAN Protocol Example.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 14(3): 375-383 (1988) |
17 | EE | Bernard P. Zeigler,
François E. Cellier,
Jerzy W. Rozenblit:
Design of a simulation environment for laboratory management by robot organizations.
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 1(3): 299-309 (1988) |
16 | EE | Bernard P. Zeigler:
Book review.
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 1(3): 311-312 (1988) |
1987 |
15 | | Bernard P. Zeigler:
Knowledge representation from Newton to MINSKY and beyond.
Applied Artificial Intelligence 1(1): 87-107 (1987) |
1985 |
14 | | Bernard P. Zeigler,
Robert G. Reynolds:
Towards a Theory of Adaptive Computer Architectures.
ICDCS 1985: 468-475 |
1984 |
13 | | Arturo I. Concepcion,
Bernard P. Zeigler:
Distributed Simulation of Cellular Discrete Time Models.
IMACS European Simulation Meeting 1984: 25-36 |
12 | EE | Bernard P. Zeigler,
Roy Rada:
Abstraction in methodology: A framework for computer support.
Inf. Process. Manage. 20(1-2): 63-79 (1984) |
1982 |
11 | | Bernard P. Zeigler:
Comments on T. I. Ören.
International Working Conference on Model Realism 1982: 220 |
10 | | Bernard P. Zeigler:
Comments on M. S. Elzas.
International Working Conference on Model Realism 1982: 315-316 |
1977 |
9 | EE | Bernard P. Zeigler:
Canonical realization of general time systems.
Inf. Sci. 12(2): 179-186 (1977) |
1976 |
8 | | Bernard P. Zeigler:
Theory of Modeling and Simulation
John Wiley 1976 |
1975 |
7 | | Bernard P. Zeigler:
Statistical Simplification of Neural Nets.
International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 7(3): 371-393 (1975) |
6 | | Bernard P. Zeigler:
Maximally Independent Sets, Minimal Generating Sets, and Irreducibles.
Mathematical Systems Theory 8(2): 176-181 (1975) |
1973 |
5 | | Bernard P. Zeigler:
Every Discrete Input Machine is Linearly Simulatable.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 7(2): 161-167 (1973) |
1972 |
4 | | Bernard P. Zeigler:
Proof of A Conjecture by A. W. Burks and H. Want: Some Relations between Net Cycles and States Cycles
Information and Control 21(3): 185-195 (1972) |
3 | EE | Bernard P. Zeigler:
Toward a Formal Theory of Modeling and Simulation: Structure Preserving Morphisms.
J. ACM 19(4): 742-764 (1972) |
1971 |
2 | | Bernard P. Zeigler:
A Note on Series Parallel Irreducibility.
Mathematical Systems Theory 5(1): 1-3 (1971) |
1970 |
1 | | Bernard P. Zeigler:
Series-Parallel Irreducibility: Machine Oriented Definitions and Proofs
FOCS 1970: 236-239 |