
Olivier Dalle

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7 Olivier Dalle, Gabriel A. Wainer, L. Felipe Perrone, Giovanni Stea: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques for Communications, Networks and Systems, SimuTools 2009, Rome, Italy, March 2-6, 2009 ICST 2009
6EEJudicael Ribault, Fabrice Peix, Julian Monteiro, Olivier Dalle: OSA: an integration platform for component-based simulation. SimuTools 2009: 43
5EEJuan Carlos Maureira Bravo, Olivier Dalle, Diego Dujovne: Generation of realistic 802.11 interferences in the Omnet++ INET framework based on real traffic measurements. SimuTools 2009: 74
4EEShafagh Jafer, Gabriel A. Wainer, Juan Carlos Maureira Bravo, Olivier Dalle: Event behavior of discrete event simulations in CD++ vs. NS-2. SpringSim 2008: 13
3EEOlivier Dalle, Bernard P. Zeigler, Gabriel A. Wainer: Extending DEVS to support multiple occurrence in component-based simulation. Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 933-941
2EEOlivier Dalle: The OSA project: an example of component based software engineering techniques applied to simulation. SCSC 2007: 1155-1162
1EEOlivier Dalle, Gabriel A. Wainer: An open issue on applying sharing modeling patterns in DEVS. SCSC 2007: 7

Coauthor Index

1Juan Carlos Maureira Bravo [4] [5]
2Diego Dujovne [5]
3Shafagh Jafer [4]
4Julian Monteiro [6]
5Fabrice Peix [6]
6L. Felipe Perrone [7]
7Judicael Ribault [6]
8Giovanni Stea [7]
9Gabriel A. Wainer [1] [3] [4] [7]
10Bernard P. Zeigler [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)