
Nirup M. Menon

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7EEBin Mai, Nirup M. Menon, Sumit Sarkar: Online Privacy at a Premium. HICSS 2006
6EEGlenn J. Browne, Nirup M. Menon: Network Effects and Social Dilemmas in Technology Industries. IEEE Software 21(5): 44-50 (2004)
5EEPrabhudev Konana, Nirup M. Menon, Sridhar Balasubramanian: The Implications of Online Investing. Commun. ACM 43(1): 34-41 (2000)
4EENirup M. Menon, Byungtae Lee: Cost control and production performance enhancement by IT investment and regulation changes: evidence from the healthcare industry. Decision Support Systems 30(2): 153-169 (2000)
3EENirup M. Menon, Prabhudev Konana, Glenn J. Browne, Sridhar Balasubramanian: Understanding trustworthiness beliefs in electronic brokerage usage. ICIS 1999: 552-555
2EEPrabhudev Konana, Nirup M. Menon, Dave Abramowitz: Electronic Brokerages for Online Investing. Electronic Markets 9(1): (1999)
1EESarma R. Nidumolu, Nirup M. Menon, Bernard P. Zeigler: Object-oriented business process modeling and simulation: A discrete event system specification framework. Simul. Pr. Theory 6(6): 533-571 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Dave Abramowitz [2]
2Sridhar Balasubramanian [3] [5]
3Glenn J. Browne [3] [6]
4Prabhudev Konana [2] [3] [5]
5Byungtae Lee [4]
6Bin Mai [7]
7Sarma R. Nidumolu [1]
8Sumit Sarkar [7]
9Bernard P. Zeigler [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)