
Cun-Quan Zhang

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39EECun-Quan Zhang, Yongbin Ou: Clustering, community partition and disjoint spanning trees. ACM Transactions on Algorithms 4(3): (2008)
38EEGenghua Fan, Hong-Jian Lai, Rui Xu, Cun-Quan Zhang, Chuixiang Zhou: Nowhere-zero 3-flows in triangularly connected graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 98(6): 1325-1336 (2008)
37EERong Luo, Rui Xu, Wenan Zang, Cun-Quan Zhang: Realizing Degree Sequences with Graphs Having Nowhere-Zero 3-Flows. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 22(2): 500-519 (2008)
36EEHong-Jian Lai, Rui Xu, Cun-Quan Zhang: On Circular Flows Of Graphs. Combinatorica 27(2): 245-246 (2007)
35EEKen-ichi Kawarabayashi, Jianbing Niu, Cun-Quan Zhang: Chords of longest circuits in locally planar graphs. Eur. J. Comb. 28(1): 315-321 (2007)
34EERui Xu, Cun-Quan Zhang: On flows in bidirected graphs. Discrete Mathematics 299(1-3): 335-343 (2005)
33EEJinlong Shu, Cun-Quan Zhang: A note about shortest cycle covers. Discrete Mathematics 301(2-3): 232-238 (2005)
32EEKen-ichi Kawarabayashi, Rong Luo, Jianbing Niu, Cun-Quan Zhang: On the structure of k-connected graphs without Kk-minor. Eur. J. Comb. 26(3-4): 293-308 (2005)
31EERong Luo, Cun-Quan Zhang: Edge-face chromatic number and edge chromatic number of simple plane graphs. Journal of Graph Theory 49(3): 234-256 (2005)
30EEJinlong Shu, Cun-Quan Zhang: Nowhere-zero 3-flows in products of graphs. Journal of Graph Theory 50(1): 79-89 (2005)
29EERong Luo, Wenan Zang, Cun-Quan Zhang: Nowhere-Zero 4-Flows, Simultaneous Edge-Colorings, And Critical Partial Latin Squares. Combinatorica 24(4): 641-657 (2004)
28EERong Luo, Cun-Quan Zhang: Edge coloring of graphs with small average degrees. Discrete Mathematics 275(1-3): 207-218 (2004)
27EECun-Quan Zhang, Yunkai Liu, Elaine M. Eschen, Keqiang Wu: Identifying Regulatory Signals in DNA-Sequences with a Non-statistical Approximation Approach. CSB 2003: 593-597
26 Jinquan Dong, Yanpei Liu, Cun-Quan Zhang: Determination of the star valency of a graph. Discrete Applied Mathematics 126(2-3): 291-296 (2003)
25EEXuechao Li, Cun-Quan Zhang: Chords of longest circuits in 3-connected graphs. Discrete Mathematics 268(1-3): 199-206 (2003)
24EERui Xu, Cun-Quan Zhang: Nowhere-Zero 3-Flows in Squares of Graphs. Electr. J. Comb. 10: (2003)
23EERong Luo, Cun-Quan Zhang: Total chromatic number of graphs with small genus. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 11: 468-477 (2002)
22EEWilliam Klostermeyer, Cun-Quan Zhang: n-Tuple Coloring of Planar Graphs with Large Odd Girth. Graphs and Combinatorics 18(1): 119-132 (2002)
21EECun-Quan Zhang: On strong 1-factors and Hamilton weights of cubic graphs. Discrete Mathematics 230(1-3): 143-148 (2001)
20EEGenghua Fan, Cun-Quan Zhang: Circuit Decompositions of Eulerian Graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 78(1): 1-23 (2000)
19 John L. Goldwasser, Cun-Quan Zhang: Permutation graphs and Petersen graph. Ars Comb. 51: (1999)
18EECarla D. Savage, Cun-Quan Zhang: The connectivity of acyclic orientation graphs. Discrete Mathematics 184(1-3): 281-287 (1998)
17EEKatherine Heinrich, Jiping Liu, Cun-Quan Zhang: Triangle-Free Circuit Decompositions and Petersen Minor. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 72(2): 197-207 (1998)
16EEMarjorie Darrah, Yi-Ping Liu, Cun-Quan Zhang: Cycles of all lengths in arc-3-cyclic semicomplete digraphs. Discrete Mathematics 173(1-3): 23-33 (1997)
15EECun-Quan Zhang: Nowhere-zero 4-flows and cycle double covers. Discrete Mathematics 154(1-3): 245-253 (1996)
14EEBrian Alspach, Yi-Ping Liu, Cun-Quan Zhang: Nowhere-Zero 4-Flows and Cayley Graphs on Solvable Groups. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 9(1): 151-154 (1996)
13EEHong-Jian Lai, Xingxing Yu, Cun-Quan Zhang: Small Circuit Double Covers of Cubic Multigraphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 60(2): 177-194 (1994)
12EEBrian Alspach, Cun-Quan Zhang: Cycle covers of cubic multigraphs. Discrete Mathematics 111(1-3): 11-17 (1993)
11 Cun-Quan Zhang: Parity Subgraph, Shortest Cycle Cover and Postman Tour. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 6(3): 428-431 (1993)
10EEHong-Jian Lai, Cun-Quan Zhang: Nowhere-zero 3-flows of highly connected graphs. Discrete Mathematics 110(1-3): 179-183 (1992)
9EECun-Quan Zhang, Yongjin Zhu: Factorizations of regular graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 56(1): 74-89 (1992)
8 Cun-Quan Zhang: Cycle cover theorems and their applications. Graph Structure Theory 1991: 405-418
7EECun-Quan Zhang, Yongjin Zhu: Long path connectivity of regular graphs. Discrete Mathematics 96(2): 151-160 (1991)
6 Cun-Quan Zhang: Finding Critical Independent Sets and Critical Vertex Subsets are Polynomial Problems. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 3(3): 431-438 (1990)
5EECun-Quan Zhang: Bridges of longest cycles. Discrete Mathematics 78(1-2): 195-211 (1989)
4EECun-Quan Zhang: Cycles of given length in some K1, 3-free graphs. Discrete Mathematics 78(3): 307-313 (1989)
3EECun-Quan Zhang, Li Weixuan: A class of hypergraphs satisfying an inequality of Lovász. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 34(2): 224-228 (1983)
2EECun-Quan Zhang: Arc-disjoint circuits in digraphs. Discrete Mathematics 41(1): 79-96 (1982)
1EETian Feng, Zheng-Sheng Wu, Cun-Quan Zhang: Cycles of each length in tournaments. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 33(3): 245-255 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1Brian Alspach [12] [14]
2Marjorie Darrah [16]
3Jinquan Dong [26]
4Elaine M. Eschen [27]
5Genghua Fan [20] [38]
6Tian Feng [1]
7John L. Goldwasser [19]
8Katherine Heinrich [17]
9Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi [32] [35]
10William Klostermeyer [22]
11Hong-Jian Lai [10] [13] [36] [38]
12Xuechao Li [25]
13Jiping Liu [17]
14Yanpei Liu [26]
15Yi-Ping Liu [14] [16]
16Yunkai Liu [27]
17Rong Luo [23] [28] [29] [31] [32] [37]
18Jianbing Niu [32] [35]
19Yongbin Ou [39]
20Carla D. Savage [18]
21Jinlong Shu [30] [33]
22Li Weixuan [3]
23Keqiang Wu [27]
24Zheng-Sheng Wu [1]
25Rui Xu [24] [34] [36] [37] [38]
26Xingxing Yu [13]
27Wenan Zang [29] [37]
28Chuixiang Zhou [38]
29Yongjin Zhu [7] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)