
Cecil C. Rousseau

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32EEVladimir Nikiforov, Cecil C. Rousseau: A note on Ramsey numbers for books. Journal of Graph Theory 49(2): 168-176 (2005)
31EEVladimir Nikiforov, Cecil C. Rousseau: Book Ramsey numbers. I. Random Struct. Algorithms 27(3): 379-400 (2005)
30EEYusheng Li, Cecil C. Rousseau, Wenan Zang: An upper bound for ramsey numbers. Appl. Math. Lett. 17(6): 663-665 (2004)
29EEVladimir Nikiforov, Cecil C. Rousseau: Large generalized books are p-good. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 92(1): 85-97 (2004)
28 Cecil C. Rousseau, S. E. Speed: Mixed Ramsey Numbers Revisited. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 12(5-6): 653-660 (2003)
27EEBéla Bollobás, Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp: Random induced graphs. Discrete Mathematics 248(1-3): 249-254 (2002)
26EEPaul Balister, Yair Caro, Cecil C. Rousseau, Raphael Yuster: Zero-sum Square Matrices. Eur. J. Comb. 23(5): 489-497 (2002)
25EEYair Caro, Cecil C. Rousseau: Asymptotic Bounds for Bipartite Ramsey Numbers. Electr. J. Comb. 8(1): (2001)
24EEYusheng Li, Cecil C. Rousseau, Wenan Zang: Asymptotic Upper Bounds for Ramsey Functions. Graphs and Combinatorics 17(1): 123-128 (2001)
23 Chula J. Jayawardene, Cecil C. Rousseau: Ramsey Numbers r(C5, G) for all Graphs G of Order Six. Ars Comb. 57: (2000)
22EEYair Caro, Yusheng Li, Cecil C. Rousseau, Yuming Zhang: Asymptotic bounds for some bipartite graph: complete graph Ramsey numbers. Discrete Mathematics 220(1-3): 51-56 (2000)
21EEPaul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp: The number of cycle lengths in graphs of given minimum degree and girth. Discrete Mathematics 200(1-3): 55-60 (1999)
20 Yusheng Li, Cecil C. Rousseau: A Ramsey Goodness Result for Graphs with Many Pendant Edges. Ars Comb. 49: (1998)
19EEYusheng Li, Cecil C. Rousseau: On the Ramsey number r(H+K_n, Kn). Discrete Mathematics 170(1-3): 265-267 (1997)
18EEYusheng Li, Cecil C. Rousseau, Lubomír Soltés: Ramsey linear families and generalized subdivided graphs. Discrete Mathematics 170(1-3): 269-275 (1997)
17EEYusheng Li, Cecil C. Rousseau: On Book-Complete Graph Ramsey Numbers. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 68(1): 36-44 (1996)
16EECecil C. Rousseau, Firasath Ali: A Note on Graphical Partitions. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 64(2): 314-318 (1995)
15EEPaul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau: Extremal problems and generalized degrees. Discrete Mathematics 127(1-3): 139-152 (1994)
14EEPaul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp: A local density condition for triangles. Discrete Mathematics 127(1-3): 153-161 (1994)
13 Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp: Ramsey Size Linear Graphs. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 2: 389-399 (1993)
12EEPaul Erdös, Cecil C. Rousseau: The size Ramsey number of a complete bipartite graph. Discrete Mathematics 113(1-3): 259-262 (1993)
11EEPaul Erdös, Guantao Chen, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp: Ramsey Problems Involving Degrees in Edge-colored Complete Graphs of Vertices Belonging to Monochromatic Subgraphs. Eur. J. Comb. 14(3): 183-189 (1993)
10EELih-Yuan Deng, Cecil C. Rousseau, Yilian Yuan: Generalized Lehmer-Tausworthe random number generators. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1992: 108-115
9EEPaul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau: Extremal problems involving vertices and edges on odd cycles. Discrete Mathematics 101(1-3): 23-31 (1992)
8EEPaul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp: Subgraphs of minimal degree k. Discrete Mathematics 85(1): 53-58 (1990)
7EEPaul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp: Extremal theory and bipartite graph-tree Ramsey numbers. Discrete Mathematics 72(1-3): 103-112 (1988)
6EERalph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp: Small order graph-tree Ramsey numbers. Discrete Mathematics 72(1-3): 119-127 (1988)
5EEPaul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp: A Ramsey problem of Harary on graphs with prescribed size. Discrete Mathematics 67(3): 227-233 (1987)
4 Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp: Multipartite graph - space graph Ramsey numbers. Combinatorica 5(4): 311-318 (1985)
3EEStefan A. Burr, Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp: Ramsey-minimal graphs for forests. Discrete Mathematics 38(1): 23-32 (1982)
2EEPaul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp: Graphs with certain families of spanning trees. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 32(2): 162-170 (1982)
1EEStefan A. Burr, Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp: Ramsey-minimal graphs for star-forests. Discrete Mathematics 33(3): 227-237 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Firasath Ali [16]
2Paul N. Balister (Paul Balister) [26]
3Béla Bollobás [27]
4Stefan A. Burr [1] [3]
5Yair Caro [22] [25] [26]
6Guantao Chen [11]
7Lih-Yuan Deng [10]
8Paul Erdös [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [21] [27]
9Ralph J. Faudree [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [13] [14] [15] [21] [27]
10Chula J. Jayawardene [23]
11Yusheng Li [17] [18] [19] [20] [22] [24] [30]
12Vladimir Nikiforov [29] [31] [32]
13Richard H. Schelp [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [11] [13] [14] [21] [27]
14Lubomír Soltés [18]
15S. E. Speed [28]
16Yilian Yuan [10]
17Raphael Yuster [26]
18Wenan Zang [24] [30]
19Yuming Zhang [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)