
Yong-San Yoon

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3EEDong-Soo Kwon, Jung-Ju Lee, Yong-San Yoon, Seong-Young Ko, Jonathan Kim, Jong-Ha Chung, Chung-Hee Won, Jong-Hwa Kim: The Mechanism and the Registration Method of a Surgical Robot for Hip Arthroplasty. ICRA 2002: 1889-1894
2 Yong-San Yoon, Jung-Ju Lee, Dong-Soo Kwon, J. H. Won, Antony J. Hodgson, Thomas Oxland: Accurate Femoral Canal Shaping in Total Hip Arthroplasty using a Mini-Robot. ICRA 2001: 3214-3219
1 Kwang-Pyo Lee, Tae-Wan Koo, Yong-San Yoon: Real-Time Dynamic Simulation of Quadruped Using Modified Velocity Transformation. ICRA 1998: 1701-1706

Coauthor Index

1Jong-Ha Chung [3]
2Antony J. Hodgson [2]
3Jonathan Kim [3]
4Jong-Hwa Kim [3]
5Seong-Young Ko [3]
6Tae-Wan Koo [1]
7Dong-Soo Kwon [2] [3]
8Jung-Ju Lee [2] [3]
9Kwang-Pyo Lee [1]
10Thomas Oxland [2]
11Chung-Hee Won [3]
12J. H. Won [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)