
Kung Yao

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25EEKung Yao, Flavio Lorenzelli: Systolic Algorithms and Architectures for High-Throughput Processing Applications. Signal Processing Systems 53(1-2): 15-34 (2008)
24EEAndreas M. Ali, Kung Yao, Travis C. Collier, Charles E. Taylor, Daniel T. Blumstein, Lewis Girod: An empirical study of collaborative acoustic source localization. IPSN 2007: 41-50
23EEAndreas M. Ali, Kung Yao, Travis C. Collier, Charles E. Taylor, Daniel T. Blumstein, Lewis Girod: Acoustic source localization using the acoustic ENSBox. IPSN 2007: 555-556
22EEKung Yao, Flavio Lorenzelli: An Overview of Systolic Array Concepts and Applications for Linear Algebra and Signal Processing. ASAP 2006: 213
21EEBing Hwa Cheng, Lieven Vandenberghe, Kung Yao: Semidefinite programming bounds on the probability of error of binary communication systems with inexactly known intersymbol interference. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(8): 2951-2954 (2005)
20EETai-Lai Tung, Kung Yao: Optimum Downlink Power Control of a DS-CDMA System via Convex Programming. VLSI Signal Processing 39(1-2): 133-146 (2005)
19EEHanbiao Wang, Kung Yao, Gregory J. Pottie, Deborah Estrin: Entropy-based sensor selection heuristic for target localization. IPSN 2004: 36-45
18EEPierpaolo Bergamo, Shadnaz Asgari, Hanbiao Wang, Daniela Maniezzo, Len Yip, Ralph E. Hudson, Kung Yao, Deborah Estrin: Collaborative Sensor Networking Towards Real-Time Acoustical Beamforming in Free-Space and Limited Reverberance. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 3(3): 211-224 (2004)
17EEJibing Wang, Marvin K. Simon, Kung Yao: On the optimum design of unitary cyclic group space-time codes. IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(5): 706-710 (2004)
16EEJibing Wang, Marvin K. Simon, Michael P. Fitz, Kung Yao: On the performance of space-time codes over spatially correlated Rayleigh fading channels. IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(6): 877-881 (2004)
15EELen Yip, Katherine Comanor, Joe C. Chen, Ralph E. Hudson, Kung Yao, Lieven Vandenberghe: Array Processing for Target DOA, Localization, and Classification Based on AML and SVM Algorithms in Sensor Networks. IPSN 2003: 269-284
14EEHanbiao Wang, Kung Yao, Gregory J. Pottie, Deborah Estrin: Entropy-based sensor selection for localization. SenSys 2003: 304-305
13EEDaniela Maniezzo, Kung Yao, Gianluca Mazzini: Energetic trade-off between computing and communication resource in multimedia surveillance sensor network. MWCN 2002: 373-376
12EEChi-Chung Chen, Kung Yao: Design of spread spectrum sequences using chaotic dynamical systems with Lebesgue spectrum. ISCAS (3) 2001: 149-152
11 Chi-Chung Chen, Kung Yao: Stochastic calculus numerical evaluation of chaotic communication system performance. NSIP 1999: 144-148
10EEA. Wang, Kung Yao, Ralph E. Hudson, D. Korompis, Flavio Lorenzelli, S. Soli, S. Gao: Microphone Array for Hearing Aid and Speech Enhancement Applications. ASAP 1996: 231-239
9EEFlavio Lorenzelli, A. Wang, D. Korompis, Ralph E. Hudson, Kung Yao: Subband processing for broadband microphone arrays. VLSI Signal Processing 14(1): 43-55 (1996)
8EEKung Yao, Flavio Lorenzelli: Guest editors' introduction. VLSI Signal Processing 14(1): 5-6 (1996)
7 Jyun-Cheng Chen, Dingqing Lu, John S. Sadowsky, Kung Yao: On Importance Sampling in Digital Communications - Part I: Fundamentals. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 11(3): 289-299 (1993)
6EEC. F. T. Tang, K. J. Ray Liu, S. F. Hsieh, Kung Yao: VLSI algorithms and architectures for complex householder transformation with applications to array processing. VLSI Signal Processing 4(1): 53-68 (1992)
5EEKung Yao: Introduction. VLSI Signal Processing 4(2-3): 95-96 (1992)
4 Seth Z. Kalson, Kung Yao: A class of least-squares filtering and identification algorithms with systolic array architectures. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 37(1): 43-52 (1991)
3EES. F. Hsieh, K. J. Ray Liu, Kung Yao: Systolic implementations of up/down-dating cholesky factorization using vectorized Gram-Schmidt pseudo orthoganalization. VLSI Signal Processing 3(3): 151-161 (1991)
2 K. J. Ray Liu, Kung Yao: Multi-Phase Systolic Architectures for Spectral Decomposition. ICPP (1) 1990: 123-126
1 Chi-Yung Chang, Kung Yao: Systolic array processing of the Viterbi algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 35(1): 76-86 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Andreas M. Ali [23] [24]
2Shadnaz Asgari [18]
3Pierpaolo Bergamo [18]
4Daniel T. Blumstein [23] [24]
5Chi-Yung Chang [1]
6Chi-Chung Chen [11] [12]
7Joe C. Chen [15]
8Jyun-Cheng Chen [7]
9Bing Hwa Cheng [21]
10Travis C. Collier [23] [24]
11Katherine Comanor [15]
12Deborah Estrin [14] [18] [19]
13Michael P. Fitz [16]
14S. Gao [10]
15Lewis Girod [23] [24]
16S. F. Hsieh [3] [6]
17Ralph E. Hudson [9] [10] [15] [18]
18Seth Z. Kalson [4]
19D. Korompis [9] [10]
20K. J. Ray Liu [2] [3] [6]
21Flavio Lorenzelli [8] [9] [10] [22] [25]
22Dingqing Lu [7]
23Daniela Maniezzo [13] [18]
24Gianluca Mazzini [13]
25Gregory J. Pottie [14] [19]
26John S. Sadowsky [7]
27Marvin K. Simon [16] [17]
28S. Soli [10]
29C. F. T. Tang [6]
30Charles E. Taylor [23] [24]
31Tai-Lai Tung [20]
32Lieven Vandenberghe [15] [21]
33A. Wang [9] [10]
34Hanbiao Wang [14] [18] [19]
35Jibing Wang [16] [17]
36Len Yip [15] [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)