
Travis C. Collier

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10EEAndreas M. Ali, Kung Yao, Travis C. Collier, Charles E. Taylor, Daniel T. Blumstein, Lewis Girod: An empirical study of collaborative acoustic source localization. IPSN 2007: 41-50
9EEAndreas M. Ali, Kung Yao, Travis C. Collier, Charles E. Taylor, Daniel T. Blumstein, Lewis Girod: Acoustic source localization using the acoustic ENSBox. IPSN 2007: 555-556
8EEYoosook Lee, Travis C. Collier, Gregory M. Kobele, Edward P. Stabler, Charles E. Taylor: Grammar Structure and the Dynamics of Language Evolution. ECAL 2005: 624-633
7EETravis C. Collier, Charles E. Taylor: Self-organization in sensor networks. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 64(7): 866-873 (2004)
6EEEdward P. Stabler, Travis C. Collier, Gregory M. Kobele, Yoosook Lee, Ying Lin, Jason Riggle, Yuan Yao, Charles E. Taylor: The Learning and Emergence of Mildly Context Sensitive Languages. ECAL 2003: 525-534
5EECharles Ofria, Christoph Adami, Travis C. Collier: Selective pressures on genomes in molecular evolution CoRR quant-ph/0301075: (2003)
4 Charles Ofria, Christoph Adami, Travis C. Collier: Design of evolvable computer languages. IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 6(4): 420-424 (2002)
3EECharles Ofria, Christoph Adami, Travis C. Collier, Grace K. Hsu: Evolution of differentiated expression patterns in digital organisms CoRR physics/0002054: (2000)
2EEChristoph Adami, Charles Ofria, Travis C. Collier: Evolution of Biological Complexity CoRR physics/0005074: (2000)
1 Charles Ofria, Christoph Adami, Travis C. Collier, Grace K. Hsu: Evolution of Differentiated Expression Patterns in Digital Organisms. ECAL 1999: 129-138

Coauthor Index

1Christoph Adami [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
2Andreas M. Ali [9] [10]
3Daniel T. Blumstein [9] [10]
4Lewis Girod [9] [10]
5Grace K. Hsu [1] [3]
6Gregory M. Kobele [6] [8]
7Yoosook Lee [6] [8]
8Ying Lin [6]
9Charles Ofria [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
10Jason Riggle [6]
11Edward P. Stabler (Edward P. Stabler Jr.) [6] [8]
12Charles E. Taylor [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
13Kung Yao [9] [10]
14Yuan Yao [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)